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Everything posted by Sigtryggr

  1. Hello, Princess. Welcome to the Forest! I'm glad you're enjoying Fates, do you have plans to play any of the other games?
  2. I'm bad at strategy games too. But rather than do the intelligent thing and abuse DLC, I tend to just keep ramming my head into the wall over and over until I get lucky or pass out.
  3. Welcome to the boards, Ignia! I'm having a hard enough time beating CQ on hard.
  4. Kaden is such a likable character. How does Night Beauty Sound? Maybe NiBe for short? I don't want to pick a name for my Pokemon and have them hate it!
  5. Welcome to the forest my friend. Please enjoy your stay!
  6. No one said we wanted IS to do it badly, but besides that a fog filled battlefield is very different from an open one. You don't achieve the same things by using one or the other, they aren't comparable.
  7. fog of war is important for the ambiance of the game. Any kind of uncomfortable vibe any of the recent fire emblems tries to incorporate doesn't feel scary because I can already see everything on the map and prepare for it. And let me tell you, I STRONGLY prefer Fog of War to random enemy reinforcements.
  8. Sigtryggr


    You'll do great =) everyone here is pretty laid back. Welcome to the Forest!
  9. Welcome to the Forest! I feel like just about every other Country is getting more and more familiar with the English Language, and here I am toting around with barely a handful of Spanish phrases. Still, I'm glad you happened upon our "little" community, and hope you find the resources you need to continue your project!
  10. Welcome Elementar! Have you managed to sink your teeth into Fates yet? If so, how far into the game are you?
  11. Hello Serenes!

  12. I will say this for Donnel; while he may not be worth it in terms of usability, he's definitely one of the most charming models I've ever seen when promo'd to Warrior and wielding a Ladle
  13. I haven't played FE's 1-5, but out of 7-14 (excluding PoR because I never owned a GC) Conquest has proven to be the most challenging to me. I struggle more than I should with the existence of so many skills.
  14. Am I the only MTG nut? Welcome to the forest, Koko!
  15. You're already an awesome person in my book, Steven Universe is one of my favorite things. I'm as stubborn as a mule, I've been wrestling with Hard Conquest on Classic for weeks now. Ophelia's paralogue has been giving me the most trouble just because I keep trying to visit all of the villages.
  16. Sigtryggr


    Hello Cyana! Welcome to the Forest.
  17. Oooooo! Why didn't I think of putting My Castle address in my signature. Thank you for the idea. Also thank you for choosing the side of justice and goodness.
  18. ReBoot was so good. Glad to see you joining the forest! I'm also working on a book, although I still have a long way to go.
  19. My you do seem to be quite self deprecating. I for one am glad to see that serenes is still growing after it's been around for so long. I'm glad to meet you and hope you enjoy your stay here! If you don't mind me asking I have a few questions for you. What is your native language? Who is your favorite fire emblem character? And finally, nohr or hoshido?
  20. My mother also suffers from MS. She's been dealing with it since she was in her twenties, but like your mother it didn't really manifest until she hit her 50s. I worry about her every day. That being said, I know what's it's like to want to give up. My life feels like it's so far out of my hands, and that I'm utterly powerless to help the people I really care about. I don't have a lot of words of encouragement, because I haven't stopped feeling this way in over three years. But I can say it does help to talk about it. Letting someone know, even if they're a thousand miles away, that you're in pain and you don't know how to deal with it can help.
  21. Don't force yourself to read them. The idea of wanting to do something bff and actually wanting to do it can be pretty different. It's like knowing you want to have a clean house but not actually wanting to clean the house. Although you should probably clean your house anyway. But if you really do want to get to reading, tis yourself of other distractions. Leave your phone upstairs or well away from wherever you're reading, being a warm drink and make sure it's a comfortable spot.
  22. Depression isn't always about feeling down on yourself. Having a complete disinterest in everything is very much a sign of depression. That being said, it's not really a big deal to feel depressed once in a while. It's when you feel that way all the time that it becomes an issue. One of yhe other posters talked about your mind needing some stimulation, and that's some pretty good advice to help you get out of a rut. Do something you haven't done in a while, or haven't done before at all. It can be as simple as going for a walk or riding a bike. Look for things that will help expand the way you look at the world. Oh, it typically helps if it's something that is different from what you normally do. If you sit down at a computer most of the time, playing a video game or reading a book won't really push out of the wheelhouse. Or if you spend a lot of time hiking or running you may want to try sitting down with a book.
  23. Hello fellow Newbie! I wish I was brave enough to try Lunatic. I tried it briefly in Awakening and couldn't get past chapter 3. Hector Hardmode was the last max difficulty challenge I've tried and conquered, but if memory serves, it wasn't anywhere near as hard as Conquest lunatic (I'm struggling with some levels on hard.)
  24. Hello fellow Newbie! Are you enjoying Fates?
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