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Excellen Browning

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Posts posted by Excellen Browning

  1. In response to the last 2 music videos someonewhodied posted: That violinist needs more skill. And better recording.

    And now onto the actual rating. I can't count the number of times I've heard Greensleeves on the piano, and as a result of that I've come to hate it. And again, youtube's crappy music quality brings it down. The woman performing is definitely good, though. And I do enjoy the harp. It's a wonderful instrument. Such a shame there's so little harp music to be found.

    Really hard to rate this, but I'll give it a 8/10 for now.

  2. Also.

    Like I said when you first accused me: You mean like your gut feeling about Haze and Bal?

    Exactly the kind of behaviour that made you look scummy.

  3. Hi, I have been working on an idea for a mafia game and I have been running into issues regarding balance, roles and whether or not the idea is any good. Does anyone care to help me?

  4. Janitor. Lovely.

    Bizz was one of my masons, FYI.

    ##Vote: Excellen Browning

    Figured you two were in the same faction. Just didn't know if you were masons or mafia. Glad this business has now been cleared up.

  5. How much do you chat on the first no-kill day/night?

    First game(disgaea) I chatted with several people. Second game(DN) I subbed someone on day 2 or something so it doesn't really apply but I talked to no one and last game(FE10) I didn't either.

    So I have to talk to people in order to survive -_-

  6. Actually, this factsheet is propaganda disguised as a factsheet and even fails to provide the most basic understanding of what a "dropout" is, and the accuracy of this 71% graduation thing is called into question.

    Use this article as reference instead

    (actual dropout rates seem to be 15-20% for whites and 35% for minorities)

    Also of interest, back when I was 18 and had to choose what kind of career I wanted to pursue/degree I wanted to get I really didn't know what I wanted to do and most people my age have the same problem. I only really knew what I wanted to do by the time I was 20 and many people I know still don't know what they want. Choosing early or earlier isn't a smart thing to do, either.

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