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Everything posted by Scott1337

  1. Appreciate the feedback on the Sawyer route characters. I'll address them below. 1. This character was not initially going to be a part of the team this early in the Arc. I actually didn't know the change had been made for a while, as I was distracted by school. I'll be sure to add some actually substantial dialogue for her. 2. A fair criticism. She sort of got overshadowed by the pirate boys in the end. I'll make sure to explain her motivations more. 3. He is going to be expanded on a lot in supports. A lot of it is already planned out, so keep your eye on him when the support update comes. 4. I don't actually remember that he claims to be from Ezpatha. If that's true (which I assume it is, because you said so), I'll make sure it gets addressed. 5. 2-4 received a lot of rewrites, and his relationship with the map's boss must've fallen through the cracks. Good catch. Again, appreciate the feedback, all very fair critiques. Thank you!
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