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Azure Symphony

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Everything posted by Azure Symphony

  1. Just had a look at your castle but Charlotte isn't in your defence setup so I can't grab the skill from her.
  2. I'm looking for the following skills to pass down if anyone happens to have them, I rarely find these characters in people's castles: Charlotte - Certain Blow Peri - Lifetaker or anything she can't easily get Keaton - Death Blow or anything else that is useful
  3. Thanks, those two along with Astra and Vantage are exactly what I was looking for. I've just grabbed those skills from you now.
  4. I'm looking for a Hayato with Life and Death or Tomefaire, or failing that anything useful that I can pass onto Rhajat. I can never find any castles with Hayato so I'd take anything remotely useful from him.
  5. I'm available for the next 7 hours, I just need to quickly finish Selkie's paralogue first though (hadn't done it yet in case I needed to pass Death Blow down from the parents).
  6. Does anyone happen to have Death Blow on Selkie at all? Failing that either Death Blow on Hinoka, or Death Blow on Kaden and Lifetaker on Selkie/Hinoka would work as well. I'm trying to pass both skills on to Selkie, but only have access to Lifetaker on Kaden.
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