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Everything posted by ___

  1. later thread, enjoy the rest of Valentines;
  2. there's markets for everything, but I personally struggle to think about that going well. If anything, a quick check online, like ebay, might give you an idea of how valued any of those items in general...ultimately, there greatest worth are to the fans who initially get them, I think. No, Serenes, I'm not a bot...really, I thought we had something special here, what a way to ruin it, specially in V-day.... well, your ability to do so is pretty neat, though me saying so may not hold any value. ...oh, um...well, much appreciated...thanks... (but you're do always a helping hand, so that's appreciated)
  3. there is that sort of situation, yes... curiously, some people change their un's online all the time... glad for you!
  4. Knows every person is a puzzle of sorts.
  5. Doesn't that feel more natural??? well, whatever seems most appropriate to you, that's part of the fun c; underscores, 3us, blank, nameless, it, them...there's a saying that a person has two names, one given and one earned...what name do you think I should have? just something for you play around with when you've got nothing else going on, really. How much value, as a fan, does it hold for you? Personally, I only did that once, at which point it didn't really seem to me to be that great a deal, so I never preorder for that reason again. I would if it was a really nice pin, just haven't seen anything too exciting.
  6. Disclosed a bit about her we didn't previously know...but it only makes the mystery more intricate...
  7. True, not just Chloey, but the SILENT Choey...implies there's a loud one?...probably an alter ego???
  8. that being said, I've always thought your un is pretty nice, HoshiHearts. c; I... would be weird to see you with another one, tbh
  9. i regard names as being some what superficial...but I guess that's pretty strange considering how much goes with one... but, does my un cause any weirdness, or is it just an oddity???
  10. play, then play some more, than have breakfast together. haha, I just ninja'd in this thread, of all places... well, I'll still do the same.
  11. will know the visual value is worth it.
  12. Hey there, nice to make your acquaintance. > will you be breaking the 5 question limit restriction?
  13. Knows it takes longer to make a post with colored font, although just a bit
  14. some times I can't tell who is who around here...
  15. ask her what her favorite type of pvp game is, and ask her if she's willing to go a round of it.
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