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Everything posted by TheGameingArtist

  1. Maybe it's showing why you can't normally do both without a dancer, the armor knight throws up apon doing so!
  2. ... Welp time to get off my lazy bum and train my Julia.... *sighs*
  3. So you know how people do things like playing Desert Bus for charity? What if you live streamed an entire normal play though of FE10 for charity? That's the idea I just had, and I'm not sure if it's a great idea, or a horrible one because no one would watch someone play RD in one sitting if it's not a speed run.
  4. Yeah... this was kinda of an update that I exist, since I've been here and haven't posted anything. The point I joined was the point I started my quest to beat every fire emblem game on the hardest difficulty, and now that quest is completed I'm part of the forums now....
  5. Both interesting, and eye opening, I'd like to try doing that
  6. Yeah, the whole of the time lines don't really matter that much/ Most of them don't link unless to a follow up game, though yes it's important to understand how the games connect
  7. Why can't I pick father of Sothe's Children, it's a good quote
  8. I'd love to see this happen, but I gotta feeling it's low on Nintendo's list for things that deserve the echos treatment. Still would be great to see thou!
  9. Snice it's nice to say hello, even though I don't talk much I can at least say one word, Hello!
  10. You found me! congrats?

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