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About Juissi

  • Birthday 04/13/1997


  • Member Title
    An S-rank plebian

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  • Interests
    Video games, anime, melodic death metal
  • Location
    Vantaa, Finland

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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    Robin (M) (Cipher)


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks guys, I kinda had the feeling the AI's function was mostly RNG...
  2. Much to the RNG nature of FE, I'm kinda left wondering about the AI's priority on targets - more specifically, if there is consistency on how the AI priorities on either the MU or the other units. This came to my mind after playing Birthright a fair bit, having remembered that such a thing wasn't mentioned ever with the FE's AI. So, does the AI prioritize their targets at all, or is it just purely crossing fingers and hoping for the best of luck?
  3. I indeed did refer to Morgan - that cheeky, adorable cub...
  4. While my interest in FE peaked after playing FE: Awakening's demo (thanks to SSB4), I'd have to give my hats to Sacred Stones - my sister got herself a 3DS prior to the price drop in 2011, and via the Ambassador Program we snagged what was - in my eyes - a great FE GBA game. Just a shame it took me FOUR GOD FORSAKEN years to give it notice...
  5. No, sorry for causing confusing regarding this OVA - I was referring to the two-episode anime adaptation that mainly focuses on FE1's beginning, made in 1996. It did receive mixed to crap reception, at least in MyAnimeList (to which you'll find the entry here: http://myanimelist.net/anime/2782/Fire_Emblem). Of course, I would like to have an OVA for Fates. Somehow, part of me tells making it will be quite expensive :P Kek, can't lie though, having an adorable daughter and a chuunibyou son - perfect family! Well, thanks guys!
  6. Ladies and gentlemen - and people with sons of aching blood and prankster daughters... The name's Juissi - I hail from Finland, and I have a problem: the Fire Emblem OVA was good in my eyes, much to the chagrin of those who disliked it. My introduction to the Fire Emblem series began through Super Smash Bros. 4, thanks to the FE cast in that game - I played The Sacred Stones and FE: Awakening's demo on my sister's 3DS, and played them both a fair bit before buying the retail copy of Awakening for myself. Before long, I've endulged in that game for over 60 hours, which is a lot for a handheld game in my eyes. After Fates' release, I bought myself a very own 3DS, and with it FE Fates: Birthright. I feel like I've joined late in the party, considering I still have much more to learn about the FE lore - sure, I enjoyed Awakening a lot, despite its flaws, but my interest seem to peek more at the older FE games and their stories. The only excuse as to why I haven't done so yet seem to stem from the fact that I'm a high school student, and - like with most high school students - time sure seems like a luxury when school's in... Well, let us hope we won't get on rough terms, now - I do hope I can get along with y'all! : ]
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