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Posts posted by SimpleTactician

  1. Alen vs Lance vs Marcus vs Zealots vs Trec vs Noah vs Percival

    When it comes to design, Percival wins it for me. He looks the most interesting, although Lance's bright green hair makes for a close second.

    Alance is frankly your best batch of cavaliers in the game, while Percival can be a strong substitute.

    Personality...eh. I haven't really seen these guys' supports, so I don't think I can have a saying here.

    Wolt vs Dorothy vs Klein vs Igrene

    Let's see... I like Wolt's design the most, but only because I've played FE7 prior to FE6. He looks just like Wil, but also has a tad from Rebecca's green hair.

    Archers? Who uses them when you got nomads. :P HM Klein and Dorothy, I guess.

    In terms of personality, I favour Wolt. At times he can be such a doofus, but he's got ambition. Too bad he's outshined by pretty much every other bow user in the game.

    Sue vs Sin vs Dayan

    Sue has the best design here. Her green hair just screams Sacae, and it also reminds me of Lyn a bit. I don't find Mr. Glare and Dayan's yellow robes to be appealing to me.

    In game play, it depends. In normal mode, Sue is better, but in hard mode, Shin is your better choice.

    Sue has a little more grace with nature than the others do so...yeah.

    Bors vs Wendy vs Barth vs Douglass

    ...Um, ok. Douglas for best design, General Barth in HM before Axe Land (replaced by Douglas after chapter 16), Douglas for best character. I've nothing else to say, really.

    Niime vs Sophia vs Raigh

    Raigh wins both design and gameplay usage. The dark robes contradict his family's recurring green hair, which is associated with anima magic.

    Niime has the most interesting personality. A hermit that studied arcane magic for a long time. A curiosity about dragons arises to make her more sinister. But her conversations with Hugh are what sells it for me. xD

    Lugh vs Lilina vs Hugh

    Hnrgh. It's tough deciding on design. Lilina and Hugh tie for me. Lilina just looks adorable, while Hugh's purple hair and anima magic contradict his father's nature.

    Really, all of them can be useful. As long as Lugh doesn't get magic screwed, he'll have the most availability. He values speed over offense, which is nice. Hugh doesn't get screwed as easily, and is the most balanced of the three if you decide to pay him 10k. Lilina can either be a devastating magic offense, or a disappointment, depending on what the RNG wants to do with her. They're all good in my eyes.

    Ellen vs Saul vs Clarine vs Cecillia vs Jodel

    Clarine and Cecilia tie for me. The others look too religious for my liking.

    Saul and Clarine can be great units. The former for how balanced he is, and the latter for her exceptional speed and luck, which make her avoidance godly. Elen could also be a good unit, so long as you keep her away from the front lines. Her magic packs a punch and her resistance is through the roof.

    Saul ain't no Sain, but he's your typical womaniser. Nothing wrong with that. B)

    Chad vs Astore vs Cath

    Astore has the best design for a thief. I dunno, there's something mysterious about him that just gives him a good design. He's also the best thief IMO. Thieves are just utility units, and Astore has good survivability.

    Chad is overall a nice guy for a thief, while Cath wants to steal from other units to show how 'good' she is as a unit. I respect nice guys, but Cath is just so entertaining. They tie for me regarding personality.

    Lol, 'Hey, Geeeeeese' xD

    Rutger vs Fir vs Karel

    They all look great. I don't really have a preference when it comes to their design.

    Rutger is a god in HM. He's still great in NM, but Fir can match him. Karel, Karel, Karel...those growths are just trolling me.

    I haven't really looked into their supports. At the time being, they're all on the same level for me.

    Bartre vs Geese vs Gonzales vs Lot vs Wade vs Garret



    Bartre and Geese stick out to me the most. Bartre has that rugged look to him and a rough moustache to top it off. That headband looks awesome on him. Geese was a trader before the war started, and as such he has fancy captain robes on. In the artwork, I mean. His portrait looks spot on for a seafarer. They both look kickass.

    As much as I fanboy over Geese, I'll admit that Gonzales is a better unit. If you can somehow fix his accuracy issues, he'll be an awesome unit. His strength growth is pretty darn high, and Berserkers have a strength cap of 30, so he'll make the most of it. He also has goos speed; couple that with a Brave axe and watch him go. I assume the community would only like Geese as a unit because Berserkers are OP. ;-;

    Personality? Geese again. His supports speak volumes regarding his character IMO. He's pretty much the only unit that ends up trolling Cath in the end. :P He's a nice guy, and he'd rather not do piracy (if you couldn't tell from my signature). Overall, I'm biased towards him. Nuff said.

    Deke vs Ogier vs Ekhidna

    Deke has a cool design to him. Why, he DOES look like a former arena battler. Thanks, description. I don't think I needed you to this time to tell me more about him.

    OJ (as I call him) will beat Deke in stats eventually, as he has better growths. If you decide to train him up (which isn't difficult to do, considering the fact that you get him before Axe Land), he can become pretty good. Deke is a good option as well, if you don't feel like training OJ up. But who doesn't like having 2 heroes? I guess Echidna's got that axe rank, in case you don't end up having any good axe fighters...

    Zeiss vs Milady

    Zeiss has that fiery look about him. DETERMINATION FLOWS THROUGH HIS VEINSSSSS (If Gale were recruitable, he'd look the most badass of the 3)

    Milady will be IMMENSELY useful. She's pretty much the best flier in the game. If you want to have another good wyvern rider, use Zeiss too. He'll be harder to train, but he'll essentially be another Milady if you put time and effort into him.

    Milady has the courage to betray Bern and serve Guinivere. Now that'z loyalty. She's quite caring towards her brother, not to mention that she's Gale's love interest. She has the most depth of the 3, in my eyes.

    Shanna vs Thite vs Juno

    Eh. Juno's hair sticks out the most.

    From what I've heard, Thite is the best pegasus knight out of the three, but I usually don't bother with them, as the wyvern riders are that much better.

    SHANNA WATCH OUT FOR ARROWS! Well, I could say that she's the most lively out of the three.

    Lalum vs Elphin

    Elphin wins all three. Lalum's too annoying.

    Thoughts on Merlinus?

    Seeing Merlinus this wise sure surprised me since FE7. Woe is me, I can't decide which Merlinus is best, FE6's or FE7's.

    Thoughts on Fae?

    Isn't she adowable? I don't care that she's a manakete, I just wanna pinch her cheeks. She so naive and innocent...

    Thoughts on Roy?


    If it weren't for his late promotion, he'd be a good lord. Some call his personality bland, and others over exaggerate his suckiness. If you were a 15 year old responsible for any deaths in an army, going against the most powerful militia of the world, I doubt you'd keep your head level throughout the whole journey. He keeps calm throughout the game so he doesn't lose it, thus spreading the panic in his army. He's getting too much flack, IMO.

    Sorry for writing an essay, I just had to get my thoughts out of the way.

  2. Wendy, Sophia, almost all FE1 characters when it comes to personality...

    I've only noticed recently, but I'm surprised at how many crappy units you get in FE6, especially compared to the other GBA games. Heck, I think that there are way fewer poopy characters in the first generation of FE4.

    I'm so sorry to people that are offended by this opinion but dangit, the world needs to know.

  3. Thanks to ya all! BTW, I'm SURE we've all burned a bridge in our lives, whether it was a bridge of sanity, or a bridge of freedom...


  4. Ayyyy, welcome to the forums. You like Ace Attorney? Then you, my sir, deserve exactly 3 good Internet connections and a cookie. Of course, no one likes Superman 64.

    Heh. Friends? Who needs them? Hahaha haha!



  5. Is a beauteous, prestigious scholar at the richest of universities, where everyone admires....ITS wonderful nature. IT is an inspiring role model to every person on Earth, and is the most beautiful, caring, generous and kind-hearted soul the world was gifted with. ITS presence was comparable to that of God Himself, and was always remembered by everyone, even in the most dire of times. He was also noticed by Senpai.

    Wow, what a cold bastard I am xD

  6. Smart people would devote their lives to saving up money for a calculator with an immense amount of digit storage, as if they find the end of pi, they will become extremely famous and renown across mathematician history. Additionally, this sort of optimism can be used to encourage other mathematicians to strive for fame researching the 5th perfect number out of the infinity available, despite the fact that some infinities are larger than others.

    Can I have a cookie now?

  7. Um...hi.

    Anti social matters aside, I fell in love with SRPGs, especially Fire Emblem. Unfortunately not many people in my school really hear about it, so I needed SOMEWHERE TO STORE MY INNER THOUGHTS ABOUT THE FRANCHISE.

    I know, I'm weird.

    Anyway, Serenes Forest is the most popular FE forum on the Internet, so yeah. Also, I actually like math...so there you go, that's the obligatory information you'll get out of me.

    Well, there's one more thing. Geese is my favourite character in the franchise :3

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