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Posts posted by Van-Fanel

  1. Hello.


    Is it normal that using a friendship seal on Subaki wich has a A+ relation with Hinata let me only chose the master of arms class ?? I thought because Hinata first base class is the same as Subaki's second base class, Subaki would gain the oni savage base class (so Oni chieftain or blacksmith for promoted units) ! As explain here.

    Is it a difference for the European version I play ?

  2. Strange I had a notification that you mentionned me in a post Pikappa93 and the forum tells me there is another answer to this topic, but after multiple try to refresh the page, I do not see this new post .... I suppose you set up Shiro for me in youe castle because I just get the skills. but it's only a guess ... If it's that thank you !


    EDIT : now I just post a new message, magic happened ! and I see your post Pkiappa93 ... strange.

  3. 6 hours ago, aurisxd said:

    Looking for:
    MU: Lancebreaker;
    Niles: Trample, Bowbreaker;
    Peri: Lancefaire, Lifetaker, Darting Blow;
    Ophelia: Tomefaire, Death Blow, Certain Blow;
    Selena: Draconic Hex, Grisly Wound, Savage Blow, Lethality;
    Benny: Aptitude, Aegis, Armored Blow, Luna, Renewal;
    Charlotte: Aptitude, Certain Blow, Death Blow, Vengeance, Countermagic;

    Thanks in advance!

    These aptitude are up in my castle

    32 minutes ago, PSaricas said:

    Does anyone have aptitude on Saizo?  I can't find a castle with saizo let alone saizo with Aptitude!  Thanks for the help xp

    It's for EU btw

    I hav it and he should be set up in my castle by now.

  4. Hi everyone

    I try to understand the formula that gives tha contributions from the parents to child stat when we recruit them but some things are still unclear for me.

    In this formula on the website :

    Child’s Level 10 + N stats = Class base stats + [Child’s absolute base stats + (N x Child’s full growth rates); define the value inside these square bracket as “C”] + {[(Father’s personal stats – C; 0 if negative) + (Mother’s personal stats – C; 0 if negative)] / 4; cannot be higher than (C/10) +2 rounded down}

    The parents personnal stat correspond to the displayed stat ? or the displayed stat minus some class depending-stat ? or something else ?

    And because the children stat depends on the cheld full growth rate :

    The childrens’ full growth rates = (Variable parent’s growth rates + Child’s growth rates) / 2 + Class growth rates

    The variable parents growth rates is the one from the father or the mother ? or the average of the 2 ? or something else ?

    Thank you in advance for answering these questions.

  5. to revisit I read it's 30 battle or 24h.

    Normally, this castle is a 1 turn no lilith (even if the title is "Easy win !") : 05362 02940 90262 05844

    This castle too normally (but I did not visit it since a few weeks) : 00927 05260 38369 58579

  6. Are you looking for everyone with Tomefaire lol? Since Scarlet is rare she's about the only Gen1 unit I gave Aptitude to. She's up in my Birthright castle.

    Thanks, I got the skills ! I searched for Tomefair only for units I turned into a magic-class and that have a poor magic ...

    @ tyrannusumbra > Can't help you, sorry

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