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Everything posted by Luna

  1. So I gathered by the statement above that... That one. ^^^ You mean C17. C16 is when they take back Castle Renais... or whatever they call the castle...
  2. Actually, that is one of the chapters that comes to mind where Seth was actually absurdly useful back when I still used him a ton. I was tired of just flat out defending for all those turns, so I had him and Myrrh go find Riev, and they slaughtered him. It made the chapter SO much easier. Come to think of it, I have NO idea how I'll manage that this time around because I'm on chapter 15 with Seth at level 5... Also, I've played plenty of times when I was just playing to beat the game where I was just goin a fast as possible... I just find that I prefer not to do it so uber fast that I for one cannot savor it. I hate being patient, but when I have to be I can be really patient, much to my mother's dismay, who will tell me to do something, then come back less than a minute later and yell at me for not IMMEDIATELY getting up and doing what she said. Well, yeah, but it was in Chapter 8, on easy mode, against Tirado, wielding a Silver Lance, and back when I used Seth more than practically any other character... and don't chew me out for being stupid, I was like 8 back then... >_<
  3. Chances of it happening twice are even worse. But the possibility is still there. Maybe I'm the only person in the world to manage something THAT spectacularly failurely. Except when it comes down to it, it's personal experience that determines how the character actually turns out for you. What does it matter how he's supposed to turn out if he turns out crap? There is truth in this statement, but when they consistently turn out well for you, especially when you don't necessarily play statistically speaking (mind you, I picked up this game when I was, i think, 8 okay? Gimme a break. I had no idea that there were even statistics for growths until recently, and then I payed no attention to them because by then I had beaten the game at least 4 or 5 times with a more files that had only made it to the early chapters (earliest was like chapter 2 before I erased it) to latter chapters (latest was the last chapter before the demon king) and had worked out what does and does not work for me.) I can recognize and concede that the logic behind this post makes sense and offer no argument in return. Thanks for putting that at least in perspective for me. Possibly the most sense any of this has made to me yet... sorry I'm being difficult, but i've been playing how I've been playing for such a long time, that I'm probably gonna need time to adjust to the general ruling of the forum...
  4. That's epic to be honest. But I have horrible luck on these games so that would never work for me. Somehow, Seth always manages to get stat screwed when I use him, so I stopped using him... I have seriously had him level up twice and get no growths at all in a playthrough before. >_< I think I just have crap luck with the characters that are supposed to turn out great and good luck with the ones that are apparently crap or something.
  5. Yeah. Exactly the kind of reaction I would expect... well, I apologize for regarding Personal Experience as important, because I have never had anyone to compare characters with to a great extent until now... and I doubt much of that is going to change because I'm still gonna like characters I like and regard them as good characters even if they aren't because they have yet to actually let me down. Also, if your average Seth did that well, my Seths must have been screwed or something... o_O Seriously. My Level 20 Seth couldn't stand up to the demon king...even with Audhulma... (I specifically remember giving it to him) I had to kill him with Ephraim and Myrrh... and that's personal experience so I guess it means nothing huh? T.T'
  6. Sorry if I misunderstood, but I'm basing my counter argument on the argument joe presented, which was all about: efficiency, and proving to me that the units I listed were horrible. T_T Also, I'm unfamiliar with the term PEMN, could you please clarify that for me? Also, to Luminescent Blade, I clarified that I admit he is a great character, and that he simply turned out good to mediocre for me consistently, and I have also reached the conclusion that the majority of you care little for personal experience so... I didn't think that point would hold much weight for you... >_< sorry.
  7. Can I just clear up that Joe only showed you 2 quotes from an argument we had that spanned, perhaps, 2 hours? I have used Seth many, many times, and only recently stopped using him because I feel he detracts from my team. Yes, he can beat the whole game, but for me, he has consistently turned out mediocre by that point, even when I get him to level 20. I concede that he is a great character, especially in the beginning, but I also maintain that as the game progresses, his value steadily decreases. I would also like to submit that I have played through the game without using the tower of valni to level grind, and using seth as much as possible, and I have remained able to consistently make characters that are regarded as useless apparently, such as Lute, Natasha, Marisa, and Neimi the best characters on my team. I apologize that we can't meet eye to eye, but this is how I see it, and you may think I'm a mediocre player of fire emblem for saying so, but I don't even get the point of playing the game "efficiently". Why rush? Why not slow down and enjoy the game a while? If I want to slow down and cultivate characters to the extent that they outclass Seth to the nth degree, I can do that, and I don't deserve arguments and crap about what I think is right or wrong and what all of you think is right or wrong. Maybe personal experience doesn't matter to you, but it does to me. Why shouldn't it matter? Just because statistics say seth should turn out such and such a way doesn't mean he will. Personally, he's turned out good to mediocre. For you he could turn out excellent or worse than crap. To be honest, I can't see why personal experience isn't worth anything either. Of course, all of you completely understand all of this, so I can predict a million different responses to this in favor of efficiency and against personal experience... >_<
  8. Luna


    Yeah... Hi. I'm Luna, and I actually joined this forum to settle an argument that I had with a friend of mine, who, of course, had to bring it into here to get a second opinion, and prove he's right even though I still think the argument is opinion based and therefore nobody's right... but I actually do like Fire Emblem quite a bit, so I'll probably be around for a good while. |D And apologies in advance if I get on anyones nerves... >_<
  9. Wonderful. I just love to be referred to as "the person in question". God I feel like a criminal or something... :( So yeh, I apologize, but I don't like using seth that much. I admit he is useful in the first bunch of chapters, but I've actually managed to get him killed before, and when he doesn't get killed, he soaks up all the experience that I want to invest in units I plan to USE later. Units that, for me, have consistently turned out well, whether I use the tower of valni or not, like Lute and Neimi. You can argue all you want, but they always work out for me... so I'd rather they get exp, not seth, who only gets like 3 exp per kill anyway. Plus, there's Eirika to think about in the REALLY early levels. However, just because I don't get how you people think and enjoy the game doesn't mean we have to continue arguing about it. There is no "right way to play" nor is there a "right way to judge characters". Everyone has a right to their own opinions and judgements, and in this case I have to say that I do not like to use Seth much.
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