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Posts posted by NoMommaGarchomp

  1. Late post, but I found this in Vykan's RNG abuse tutorial, a post by toothache


    Also, an important thing to note is that in FE6 only, there is a slight rounding error present, meaning that RN results of 100 are possible - this means that even attacks with 100 hit can miss, although this is very rare. You should also point out the same RNs are used for level ups, and about the order in which they occur after the combat results

    So, you can make literally EVERYTHING miss... 

  2. 42 minutes ago, Rapha666br said:

    Wait, I already need help XD

    How the Hell you save Aideen from that huge army that leave the Castlev right next to her in chapter 1? My army is too Far to do anything. And the third barely damage them. Her move is only 5 


    Assuming Adean walks her max range every turn, she won't be caught.


    Leave Dew the Thief on a Forest tile to make big money. Fighters can't even hit and each bandit nets about 1k gold IIRC.

  3. Vanilla Gaiden: Normal

    Experience is gained at quite a slow rate, and characters have very low growths. Some characters don't come with any items. Grinding is encouraged. 

    Vanilla Gaiden: Easy

    Same as Normal, with less grinding and more experience. 

    Very Easy Patch 

    Higher experience gains, higher overall growth rates, every character joins with an item including rare stuff like the Moon Lance. 

    Just looking for what mode to do my 1st PT... And I am leaning towards VE because it severely reduces grinding. 

  4. Part 2 is upon you! Hahaha!

    This time I'm holding my phone horizlntally and I wanna see if the image ia better. Anyways, this covers everything from us licking our starter to traversing a little bit of Viridian Forest. That being said, letsa go!


    And since the poll says Seadra, we choose Seadra! I made her Seahose... Because when she is using Hydro Pump, Water Gun etc... She is spraying water... Like a hose... I'm not exactly brilliant. Anyways, Green gets Squirtle... Or so he thinks...



    Sode note: I love how he is crying like a child to dear grandpa for a Pokemon yet he apparently ignores the Pokemon dear grandpa gives and he uses A FREAKING. BARBOACH. It's blasphemy I tell ya. Huh, not cool, dude.


    Doesn't it seem a bit silly that the obligatory first battle with a rival right after getting a Pokemon ALWAYS ends up as "Spam X move" due to level 5 Pokemon's limited movepool. I mean, look at poor Barboach after two Water Guns. ..


    Green had a revelation... Too little too late. No wonder he lost the battle when he ignored Hitmonlee and used Barboach. At least Whiscash is a pretty cool guy. Chill and relaxed.


    Taken out of context, this quote actually sounds like a spartan talking about his son... We walk a liiiiittttle bit and we encounter our first Pokemon... Can you guess what it is?


    HNNNNNGGGGGG, Chansey dammit. Like, it was a nightmare getting it in the Safari in Yellow yet here it is right before me, first Pokemon I see. Seahose's Water Gun is somewhat useless due to the high HP and Sp. Def of it. At least it yielded almost two full level ups. And it made Seahose a beautiful monster. Just APPRECIATE THE BEAUTY.



    Voilà, the daughter of Sigurd and Seth's brokeness. Doesn't help that it is even carrying SHOCK WAVE. Too bad no one is here to learn it. We'll find someone on the road to greatness, I guess. But now, let's go to Viridian City!




    Now, this handsome PokeMart clerk gave us a parcel to deliver to our dear Prof, Oak. He is lucky Red doesn't tall tbh. Why does EVERYONE abuse Red's patience? Pretty sure this was made him go nuts in Gen 2 and the subsequent Gen 4 remakes of them. He trained horribly overleveled Pokemon, climbed the highest and coldest mountain in Kanto and lived there. This is what happens when you are too smart to live with your region's population.



    The bullying goes on. Oak made him his slave and Green deems hom unnecessary. More evidence to support my theory. Oh, and douchebag Green is SO proud that his sister won't give us a map. This is not Dora the Explorer. We don't need a map, scrub.



    Red was trying to silently flirt best friend's sis... He just got friendzoned SO hard that she gave him a map. And obligatory "why am I cursed" inside of Red's mind. Ya know, this theory will make me a billionaire.


    Meanwhile, Red is using Blue's pocket money to go hunting. I wonder how Red and Pink would feel with Pokemon Go's "free" pokeballs.



    Pains my heart when 2 different Metagross suicide while trying to be caught. BUT NO MATTER HOW MANY BALLS I THROW THEY WON'T GET IN!



    I like these 2 but... Meh. I like 90% of the Gen 1-3 Pokes but I can't use them all. And I am still traumatized by losing 2 Metagross that suicided... When I see this though, I forget all about Metagross...





    Yeeeesssssss! First try catch! Not a shabby Poke either. I LOVE EXEGGUTORS. The nickname is weird but... Exeggutor somewhat reminds me of a college nerd...


    Can't leave Viridian just yet! What about obligatory "Ya donut know how ta catch deez stuffs nah?" session where Red is underestimated... Even though, you know. He just caught the most magnificent Pokemon ever.

    So, we leave Viridian. To VIRIDIAN FOREST!


    Meh. Pory 2. One of the most original designs in the first gens but not particularly interested in it currently. Turn around and...





    Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of beauty... And as a Greek I must pay homage to my great great ancestors!... Wait, no, I just had no ideas. Yeah, that's more like me. So, we fight our first non-Turquoise trainer! Who has a Makuhita and a Ditto! post-25932-0-89752400-1484157080_thumb.png

    Exeggutor OHKOs Makuhita with Confusion while Milotic beats Ditto with 1 HP... And she learns Wrap! Current moves are Wrap and Water Gun! And like all posts this must end... So, until next time, I wanna see what you guys gotta say for the style of this playthrough. I know about the pics and I am curious to see if holding the phone horizontally helped any. Bye!

  5. To delete posts, just report them to a mod, asking to have them deleted, because of accidental double. It will get fixed soon after.

    I think the way you are posting is good. It was a bit short, but understandable since you couldn't make much of a choice due to the tie. I would say, maybe upload the pictures to imgur, so that they are bigger, and then post them in a spoiler tag. This way the thead does not become too big to scroll through.

    Thanks for the tip. Reported my post.

    Could I put the entire part of the post with the screenshots and commentary behind a spoiler tag instead? Because I don't quite know how to use Imgur. If the Imgur way is just much more preferred, then I guess I can try.

  6. Just so you know, your third poll does not allow multiple choice, so that needs to be fixed.

    I deleted the 3rd poll because I am actually gonna restart the playthrough.

    Anyways, after a LONG time of me trying to sign in (I had to put my ORIGINAL name?) I am finally here for the playthrough! Now, letsa go! Starting with FR because it is a newer game to me as I have only played Yellow... Yet I've beaten Emerald a dozen times.

    Also, before we start I am just SO jealous of Oak. Goddamn it, he's got a Rapidash! Mine!


    And so, after Oak's introduction, so begins our Pokemon Journey! With our mother's encouraging... Ignorance towards our existence, we leave the house like a boss. Now, I did what any other logical person would, visit Oak's place... But no, that's not good enough for this game.



    Today, two careers begin, ours as a Pokemaster and Oak's as a creepy child stalker! So, Oak takes us to his place where we meet Gar-, I mean Green and we are presented with three wonderful Pokémon, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander... Or so does Oak call them. I think old age is affecting him.




    So, I won't be selecting anything until the tie breaks. Personally, I ADORE Seadra and it will evolve in this playthrough without needing to trade, so don't worry.

    *Notes and comments*

    This playthrough enables, IMPOSSIBLE EVOLUTIONS (Aka no need to trade to evolve, or use the time system to evolve Eevee) so any Pokemon can evolve into its final stage.

    Evolutions follow the normal chain. Every Pokemon is randomized so you'll rarely be seeing Pokemon in places they should normally be. Items and held items are also randomized. Same goes for Static Pokemon (However a Legendary will always be turned into a Legendary and a normal Poke will always turn into a normal poke). National Dex is enabled from the start so I can evolve Non-Kanto Pokemon and Pokemon names are not all-caps anymore because I am weird...

    Ask any other question on the settings in this thread. Unfortunately, I didn't think of saving the random seed and links to ROMs are 100% Prohibited in most forums. So you can't play the same version as me, sadly.

    And a question to you all: Do you enjoy this type of screenshot+commentary playthroughs? Anything you'd like improved?

    FOR THE NEXT TIME: We will be picking a starter! All 3 are cool picks, with my fave being Seadra, but hey, I'd rather have ypu guys pick for me. Also, please choose a name for your selected starter. My favourite becomes its nickname! Bye! If you want to tell me anything, send a PM or a comment in the thread.

    Also, I want the permission of a mod for something. If I have a major update, may I double post? And what is the opinion on "bumping" topics on this forum?

  7. Heya. I have got two randomizers going on (Emerald, right before Roxanne, FR, choosing starter) and there are some hard choices to make... So why not ask here? Anyways, ı've included the questions on a poll and I will follow what the majority says. I could possibly do a playlog though I might either have to cut the pictures or make small updates if something goes wrong IRL though.

  8. And by "Balanced" I mean fix characters that are borderline unusable, like the Knights or give me a reason to use unit X when unit Y is 10 times better. Also, imma try make more weapons...you know... NOT HORRIBLE. So, I want some suggestions on fixes. It does make the game somewhat easier. Major changes I'm thinking of (Anything not specified has been left the same)



    40->55% Str (+15)
    40->55% Spd (+15)
    25->35% Def (+10)


    Level 1

    22 HP (+4)
    7 Str (+2)
    7 Skl (+2)

    6 Def (+1)
    3 Res (+3)

    Starts with Iron Sword too

    I buffed him somewhat much because he will be useless for a while and he WILL cap his level without being able to promote. I also felt like it was unreasonable that he had less Def than Res AND buffed both HP and Res bases so that he won't be Bolting and Purge material in castle chapters. The Iron Sword is just so that he won't have to strip a Cavalier to save his Rapier uses.


    Knight movement is now 5. General is 6.

    30 -> 45% Str and Skill (+15)
    10 -> 15% Res (+5)

    8 Str (+1)
    6 Skl (+2)
    5 Spd (+2)
    6 Lck (+2)

    I tried making Bors the jack-of-all-trades Knight of the trio whose best feature is his superior availability and being well-rounded. Soon will be Barth the Knightliest Knight to have ever Knighted and Wendy, the FE6 incarnation of Effie.



    110% HP (+10, so it is 10% chance to gain 2 HP and you are guaranteed to get 1)

    70% Str (+10)
    40% Skl (+15)
    50 Def (+10)

    10 level (+1, Insta-promotion)
    12 Str (+2)
    8 Skl (+2)

    6 Lck (+4, though it's not growing...)
    3 Res (+1 because lol 2% growth)

    Extreme much? His Knightly stats rise like there's no tomorrow. Lck, Spd and Res are for sissies so no serious Knightly Knight cares.

    [spoiler=Best unit in the game]

    Wendy's new growths:
    50% Str (+10)
    45% Skl (+5)
    55% Spd (+15)

    Wendy's actually functional bases:

    Level 6 Knight:
    23 HP (+4)
    7 Str (+3)
    7 Skl (+4)
    7 Spd (+4)
    10 Def (+2)
    C Lances (+1)

    Now Wendy has above average Str, Skl and Spd with respectable Lck, Def and bad Res. Her Def base is now high but she is less bulky than her comrades. She is the child of a Myrmidon and a Knight. I am thinking of lowering her Def to make her have less of an advantage than the other Knights, but I'm not sure.

    Anyways, I've got more ideas but I got tired of writing. So, any suggestions?

  9. I am just doing my second playthrough, just cheesed Chap 14 while getting a good amount of items and the Gaiden. This would have normally been on Hard, but I am playing on another platform this time so I can't access it. I am using a new team this time, but I just realized how easy-to-break FE6 can be after knowing more about it. And I wonder if HM is more of an enjoyable experience, and how harder it is than NM. I am just FASCINATED with HM bonuses (My favourite Peggy, Sniper, Nomad, Myrm, Wyvern, Brigand and more enjoy them) and I've heard quite a few things about the mean reinforcements. And I want to see if it is indeed preferred to the majority of people.

  10. By recruitment swap, I mean CQ characters will be recruited instead of BR characters. Characters will be replaced with their counterparts from CQ, and their counterparts get the same base stats and starting items as their CQ incarnations, with the same supports as CQ. For Neutrals, they have the same recruitment time as normal. With Rev supports.

    E.g Ryoma -> Xander

    Takumi -> Leo

    Sakura -> Elise

    Hinoka -> Camilla (LOL)
    Retainers of BR royal -> Retainer of counterpart CQ Royal
    Yukimura -> Flora

    Scarlet -> Gunter (Mid game pre-promote...)

    Hayato -> Nyx

    Also, because these have no apparent counterpart:
    Orochi -> Charlotte

    Rinkah -> Benny

    Edit: Thanks to Alastor15243 for pointing out an error of mine.

  11. 8.5 (9-0.5)


    Yes, I know she is extremely amazing when she takes 4 amazing units and gives them an extra turn. And I do know that she is frail and sucks at combat, but I didn't remove any points for that.
    My reason is that she requires a ring that costs 20k to buy (10k with a Bargain Band acquired shortly after her recruitment... But Raquesis may also want it for Paragon, Ethlin and Adean want it for staves due to their meh combat in arena.) just to KEEP UP with the units that are going to mess stuff up. Her performance in the arena is somewhat horrible, and she has to rely on her lover or on Dew for the money. AND another item that people believe she deserves is the Knight Ring...which costs a whopping 40k. She IS NOT getting that on her own.
    Also, -0.5 bias because she loves falling in love with Lewyn and for not dying in Ch.5 to let me get the subs. I though the Velthomer Mages would be kept as enemies, and before I could use his squad to kill her, Reptor literally suicided against Lewyn. I wanted to wait till the end of the last chapter to kill her to at least use her as a utility unit.

    Edit: This is the first time I use "It won't die" as a negative for a unit...

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