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Posts posted by Pandan

  1. @(s)ad touch very helpful, thanks for the feedback.

    On 1-1, I tried widening the corridors or removing houses to open it up, and found that it made the map a bit more difficult than I wanted for an opener, since none of your units are particularly bulky from the get go. Good feedback on the reinforcements, I can make that clearer.

    Ha, get your point on the exposition. It becomes more important as the story goes on - the goal is to highlight that these people are poor, they're being taxed oppressively, and they're turning to banditry to protect themselves and their families. It tees up the initial conflict of the game, so I apologize if that is unclear.

    On 1-2, yeah this one I had issues with too. I redid it from the previous version. There's the one archer that Natsuko has to worry about with the longbow, but other than that she is good in this chapter. You can thank circleseverywhere and his team for the skill, I didn't make it. 

    Could make the brigands a bit tougher, but felt the difficulty drop from chapter 1 was justified since you go from fighting town guards that are trained soldiers to a group of opportunistic bandits. Will look into this more, I played around with this chapter a lot and found it difficult to balance as well as I'd like to, but I'm satisfied with the overall flow. It's chapter 2 so I'm not trying to do anything too crazy just yet. 

    Keep this coming, super helpful for me.

  2. 1 minute ago, (s)ad touch said:

    dropbox doesn't like me very much, it just says "the folder 'vision quest...' does not exist"

    have you uploaded it properly or am i just screwed? 

    It looked fine on my end, could be an access issue? Try this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wusjn8kgi024cey/Vision Quest v03 FEE3 Demo.ups?dl=0

    Or this: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vzoxf17kfhhizp1/AAADOT6NxaqRvUMNmGh5vkIYa?dl=0

  3. Hey all - FEE3 Demo v.03 is now live! There are a few additional changes, but the major issues with gameplay (Natsuko's level 10 cap) are resolved.

    Download Vision Quest v.03 here!

    This will be showcased at FEE3, stay tuned!

    Additionally, I am looking for artists to help out with mug sprites - we have some great concepts now and are looking for someone to take it to the next level and help with talking/blinking frames. Message me here or on the Discord channel if you're interested in helping us out. Thanks again.

  4. On 8/7/2018 at 7:15 PM, dannyquil said:

    I liked the start, I would like Storch to have maybe an Iron Sword as well. Esfir's battle animation is slightly glitched at the end (black spot). I've only been playing 15 mins, but it seems like a good idea. Portraits are a little confusing but I'll live, Storch still has the female looking Eirika sprite and battle animation (those are hard to do, maybe a mercenary instead). The Gaiden Alm theme sounds good but wierd with the pulsing noise in the background, the modified FE7 attack was OK, the Verdane Army theme starts off as just horns, no melody, and the defense FE4 theme sounds a little off. Other than that, excited to keep playing this!


    Thanks for the feedback! Helpful to know - the art issues should be partially resolved in the latest release, need to spend more time to spruce up the music a bit.

  5. 9 hours ago, Baldrick said:

    I see, there are enemies in the forest. I went straight up towards the caravans, so they didn't affect me. They should be a bit closer, or the forest thinner so they will be more able to harass you if you ignore them like I did.

    I'd put the eastern reinforcements in the boss area (have the second wave be bandits who will go for the eastern villages if you're not controlling the eastern stairs), and the southwestern reinforcements come in from the north so that they're kind of out of the way, but will back up/join up with the northwestern reinforcements more easily.

    Hmm let me play around with this - thanks for sharing.

  6. Hey man - there's no need to caps lock when sharing feedback. I hear you.

    Some good points, I'll tweak the hand axe, but both Marlen and Larisa have enough bulk to survive a few turns. There's another way to save the top right village, but it may not be as obvious of a first move to do so. 

    You can recruit Marlen with both Lera and Storch, so you have flexibility in who you send up. 

    EDIT: Oh realized that the talk screen doesn't show this, but Larisa can also be recruited by Storch. You can recruit her with Marlen too, but that's just a talk conversation.

  7. Got it - I'll experiment a bit more with the map. Currently moving around some enemies to mix up the flow and seeing how that plays out.

    Yeah I'll get rid of the hatchet then, thanks.

    I see what you mean, Arckady is def a standout unit, but you also don't really get a proper Jeigan and his defense is lackluster so you can't overextend him (At least in theory and from the playtesting I've done). 

    It's funny you say that, I felt the first chapter was way better, but I suppose difference in style/opinion.

    Will look into replacing Natsuko's skill, wasn't sure what to give her. Haven't learned how to do custom skills yet.

  8. Thanks for sharing the feedback. Will try to address your points as best I can.

    - I'll look into changing the enemy AI a bit. I wanted to avoid enemies charging too much and clogging you up at specific chokes. Part of the reason for the one-tile chokes are to make it so your squishier units don't have to face as much EP combat.

    - The boss is set up as such because I view dealing with him to be optional, I think making him move could be interesting. will experiment.

    - Have to figure out how to change seize -> escape, so bear with me on that.

    - I wanted to design the class to be like sword mercs with axes (so FE5 fighter), you get a more traditional axe user in a subsequent chapter. 

    - You get a lance unit in Chapter 3, didn't want to give the player the full suite of options up front.

    - Turn 1 is important since it's where you decide who goes where... can understand what you mean, will play around.

    - I'll look into terrain options.

    - Yeah, I want to make the music work but I can understand not everyone likes pan flutes as much as I do. I'll look into fixing this or removing it.

  9. (FEU Thread: http://feuniverse.us/t/fe8-fire-emblem-vision-quest-6-2-18-v-02-beta-release-is-live/3815) - see here for more details!

    Hi all, 

    Proud to announce a new hack I've created, titled **Fire Emblem: Vision Quest** . This is an FE8 hack built with FEBuilder. 

    Patch Download

    About me:
    Want to include this section to provide more insight into my design choices. I've been an FE fan since FE7 hit the west. I knew of Fire Emblem through melee and immediately went to purchase the game after my friend showed me the game where "Marth uses an axe and Roy was mistranslated". (For the record, the first chapter he showed me was New Resolve, and the first animation I remember is watching Guy crit-kill a monk. I was immediately intrigued). 

    Since then, I've played every mainline FE game. While I've enjoyed all of them to varying degrees, my favorites are FE3 (feels the most Fire Emblem-y of all the games, I'd say), FE5 (neat mechanics, Dalsin's my favorite character in the series, and Leif is my favorite lord.), and FE9 (best cast, worldbuilding and writing). I got into emulation when I wanted to play FE6 in English, and then learned about rom-hacking through Tactics Universe (better known now as The Last Promise). I wanted to make my own hack since I learned you could do it, and used to mess around in Nightmare to change classes around. Once I learned of all the new things available to hackers in FE8 (which was untouched back in the day), I decided to dive in after writing up a script.

    When it came to making a hack, I wanted to create a game that would be challenging and fun, while offering enough variance to (potentially) make each playthrough unique. I dislike the newer entries emphasis on skills, so I wanted to implement a more pared down skill system that added unit flavor without making anyone gamebreaking (ie there are no proc skills in this hack, while all foot units get shove). I also wanted to make effective weapons useful and enemies threatening, so I think (From my initial testing) that this game is more player phase focused on the whole, but I'll leave that judgment up to you. I made common throwing weapons weaker and heavier so they're less desirable to use, and gave swords more of a niche by creating a diverse array of effective swords.

    From a story perspective, I wanted to make a story that deviated from the norm and focused on small scale events, similar to Thracia. I also wanted the central character to not be of noble birth (and not find out he's a noble later on in the story, I promise). Additionally, while the story does touch on more serious topics, I tried to pepper in some humor and lighten things up. I hope that the story isn't cringey and that you find it serviceable. (I promise the endgame boss is not controlled by a dragon)

    The continent of Yaska is home to six nations, but the largest and most powerful is Nevan, an Empire composed of states that swear allegiance to the Emperor. In the rural state of Belaro, Lord Gradin, head of state, imposes cruel taxes on the people and jails those that cannot pay. 

    A young farmer, Storch, along with his hometown friends, fear the worst. Seeking to protect themselves and their families, they look to procure funds through less than savory means. Conflicted, the group begins their plunge into banditry in hopes for a better tomorrow. 

    **Hack Features**
    - Story set on a new continent.
    -  43 chapters
    - 62 playable characters
    - Concept I'm temporarily calling 'inverse branched promotions' (ie There's an unpromoted Axe Fighter and Bow Fighter class, then they promote into Warrior and gain the weapon they couldn't use unpromoted.)
    - Custom weapons (and rehashes of Kaga-era weapons)
    - Early game Warp & Rescue.
    - Generic female enemies.
    - Armor knights with 5 move. (because I want you to use them)
    - Pared down skills to give units a niche without making anything wonky
    - Skills are learned at level 15 unpromoted / 1 promoted
    - Universal promotion items
    - Stronger bows (and no 1 range BS).
    - Fog of War (but not Thracia FOW, I promise.)
    - FE5 style trading (SNES is SNEBEST)
    - New (and old) tracks
    - Escape maps with spooky bosses.
    - Tellius style supports.

    **Patch Download and Instructions:**

    - You'll need to use a UPS patching tool, such as NUPS.
    - You can download the file here on Dropbox

  10. Replayed the latest release, have to say that I think the drop in difficulty compared to the earlier version I played was welcome. Really nice job, everything seems pretty well polished and thought out, kudos to the dev team for putting together some fun and tough maps. I never felt the maps were unfair. I like that you aren't afraid to arm the enemy with strong weapons either. I've seen some critical feedback about the overall difficulty of the hack, and I didn't think it was too overwhelming. I definitely had to play slower than I normally would, but I never felt like the challenge was insurmountable or that the only way forward would be to sack units.

    The writing has definitely gotten better too, think the Federica stuff makes way more sense in this version than it did in the older version. Of the characters that get loads of screentime, Owen is probably my favorite and plays the 'straight man' really well with the cast of more extreme personalities like Sawyer and Belle.

    If I have any constructive feedback on units, it's that I found Eagle hard to use - generally in mainline FE games, cavs are sturdy and hard hitting enough to fill a number of roles, in addition to their utility with mounts, however, between a force-deployed Belle, and Lily (and her gargantuan strength), I found Eagle a little too mediocre to really fit in anywhere, because he was inferior to the other mounted units I had without the perk of being able to fly. Perhaps I was unlucky or didn't give him enough of a chance, but even early on he was the least impressive unit. I'm curious if buffing his growths or bases slightly (I think skill was the only stat I had above 10 by level 7 besides HP), would help make him more viable. He was a pretty easy choice to bench. Again, I may have simply gotten poor level ups with him and great level ups with others, but in both runs of the game I've done, Eagle has been fairly disappointing.

    Harold also doesn't really stand out, considering there isn't a ton of differentiation between magic (not your fault), and Sawyer and Owen are both story-relevant so you are encouraged to use them. Federica has a ton of advantages over Harold and they join at the same time.  Perhaps if Harold joined a little earlier, that may allow him to shine a bit more so that the player can see his growths a bit. His skills are nifty, but he still doesn't offer anything advantageous over the other magic users. I'm sure if I tried to use him, he would be fine, but considering the difficulty of the hack peaks during the time he's around, it's hard to justify using a unit without any clear benefits over others who fill a niche much more clearly (Stark as your bow user, Darius as the armor, etc.) I get it if he is a backup character should someone get screwed, but it would be nice if there was more incentive to use him up front. 

    None of the characters felt overwhelmingly powerful either, no one was able to consistently one shot without an effective weapon, but I'd say Stark, Charles, and Darius were by far the most useful characters in my army, but I still needed to be somewhat careful with them. I like that no one could juggernaut, and also liked that there were no master seals in Part 1 - I capped Darius and Stark during the final chapter, and most of my army was around level 13-18. On the flip side, I think I just got unlucky with Belle (9 strength at level 13?), but she grew progressively more irrelevant as my other units snowballed and she stagnated. I definitely had a bad Owen (many 1 or 2 point level ups), but he was still a perfectly serviceable mage, even if he was mostly doing chip damage.

    Additionally, I think more incentive to use Marques on the Kate map would've been nice. The following chapter there were a few stealables on opposite sides of the map, which I liked a lot. I'm a big fan of this and look forward to having to make more difficult choices about what I want without knowing what comes later. Similarly, I liked that the Restore staff was available in the shop and the game threw a ton of status staves at you in the final act, rewarding the player for making the investment, taking only the hint that you can buy this as a reason to purchase it.

    Looking forward to v1.8! Watched the Mangs stream and am looking forward to trying the Owen route first. 

  11. Hi Prime! Thoroughly enjoying the hack thus far, just got to Chapter 11. I can tell this was lovingly crafted over the years, and it's cool to see the progression since I first heard of the hack on Ghast's channel.

    Glitches I've noticed - Kristoph's weapon rank shows he has a B in dark magic. His lance rank increases accordingly and he can use lances no problem, but I cannot see the rank itself. Also, Lucile cannot move items from her inventory if she has purchased from the store. I went and bought a few vulneraries with her after promotion, and not only is she unable to merch them herself, she cannot trade with anyone, so my items are stuck in limbo. Pretty sure vanilla Merlinus can trade, not sure if that was an intentional change or if it's an error.

  12. Just played the entirety of the new patch - really enjoyed it. It's easy to tell the care put into creating this game and the world. It was a pretty immersive experience overall. I've shared my thoughts on individual characters below. Since I cannot access their stats from the final chapter since the patch ends, what I'll show is up to 2-5.

    Kudos to Ghast and team, this was a unique and exciting hack to play.

    SPOILERS BELOW: Beware of seeing endgame stat screens and character thoughts.



    Bram was solid throughout the entire game. Usually a go-to unit in most situations where someone else didn't have a clear advantage. I used the Ashyx sparingly and had a few uses left towards the end. Can't ask for much more from a lord character. Good enough to be useful without being so beefy that he can solo the game. As a character, I found Bram hard to relate to. He's certainly a bit tragic, and I like playing a game with a lord that wasn't likable for a change. 


    I had a hard time figuring out how to use Dewey properly. I fielded him every map expecting him to be used to solve more puzzles or find hidden items, but by and large he was a liability. He would come in and clean up others' leftovers, and wasn't strong enough to deal with most cavaliers despite his super effective. Frenzy Howl was cool, but I found that I would end up getting attacked anyway. If I was to replay, I would Frenzy Howl stationary units vs. those that move exclusively. I think he nees a buff to HP if anything, just so that the player feels like they actually can use him. Curious to see what's in store for later in the game.


    Agalli had a slow start for me levels wise, and then started getting a few gems. With the super effective tomes for the Merfolk chapters, he was one of my best ranged attackers, and had enough HP to survive hits when needed. He is a solid mage that's fun to use. Cool mug too.


    Malcolm was my favorite unit and character to use in this hack. Flight + Bows is a lot of fun to use, and he was powerful enough to handle melee - look at that HP and defense! I'm assuming this is an above average Malcolm, but I really enjoyed using him. As a character, he's a great foil to Bram and very much is the Samwise to Bram's Frodo towards the end of Part 2.


    Sadaati was pretty fantastic as a healer, solid stats with great bulk. She promoted in the last chapter. Like her character and design too.


    Nilou was great - used her like an armor knight against magic and she took hardly any damage throughout the game. Really liked using her and enjoyed her scene with Tyren on the boat. I can understand that some may not like her as much as Gillian/Redahli, but despite both using dark magic, they play completely differently. There are so few light magic users that it hardly mattered having two dark tome users in my main party. 


    Kael hit the bench pretty quickly, I love fighters, but his lackluster stats made using him more of a chore. He peaked at the bee chapter and I benched him after the Marco chapter. Fine character in the story, just not fun to use. I like the idea of a speedy axe fighter, but I think Kael's design isn't suited for it aesthetically, nor do I think any of his stats are exceptional enough to warrant using him - he wasn't notably faster than Narbid and had 10 less defense. Maybe I got screwed, but there's very little reason to consider using him longterm.


    Tyren was another character I struggled to use - his prf weapon is really nice, but by that point, he was far behind in levels. I benched him occasionally since I seldom found any of the stealables worth fielding him over someone else who can fight.


    Lemonie's a little tragic - a great unit that is in a game where she can't shine. She's the best lance user you get, although lances don't seem to be that great in this game in general, so I struggled to use her effectively (or at least it felt like it). I benched her maybe one chapter, but overall she was fun to use, but had trouble keeping up in the later part of the game. Great to have a 2nd physical wall. Her design is nice as well. 


    Nobia reminded me a lot of how Yeti built Marcus in FE7x. Good at nothing in particular, bad at nothing in particular is a stat spread that sounds helpful in theory, but the reality is, I found myself seldom finding reasons to use her, and I got a few bad level ups with her too. I much preferred using Lemonie for lances and thought JR outclassed her as a mount.


    Deceptively good, Rallel is a character that I realized is a fighter than can heal, not a healer that can fight - if you follow me. He is super frail to start, but his crazy EXP gains and high speed made him super usable in combat towards the end of the game. Fun and useful character.


    Narbid bodies Kael in everything except HP (where they're nearly equal) and Speed (where he was slightly worse). I think Narbid is a great defensive role play unit for choking points against physical units, with low enough speed and poor enough resistance to make throwing him at magic users a bad idea almost always. I liked using him, liked his character, and his battle animation is really neat.


    I subconsciously thought of Redahli as something of this game's spiritual Jeigan, but she was highly useful. Found myself almost always attacking with dark and then switching to the spring blade on defense if I needed her to hold down a square. Very rarely ran into any issues using her, useful throughout the entire game without being absurdly OP. She was a few good lines, but the scene with Bram where she cries felt extremely out of character. The scene where she tries to help Bram get his memory back was really well done though. 


    Kylah looks good on paper, but I couldn't be bothered to try her out at all. My team felt really squishy in general with all the mages I was using, so I opted to try and fill gaps with bulkier units, like Lemonie.


    JR was solid from the get-go. He was one of the few units I had that could consistently one round enemies. Like the edgelord satire too.


    Llyra is cool, like her sprite and her clear viability in the underwater chapters. She need to be fed kills and there isn't much payoff yet since she was so far behind my other units when I got her. She was tough to recruit as well, died 2 turns after appearing. Even with her better strength, I never once used lances. Maybe at higher levels she'll be better suited for them, but with her low con, the ranged magic attacks made much more sense, especially for giving her kills. Curious to see how solid her growths are and if she becomes super strong at endgame.


    Love this guy - just couldn't justify using him. As I write this, I realize he's basically essential for unlocking the gaiden chapter since the villagers are under siege almost immediately. Will definitely use him in my next playthough.



  13. Had some time today, so I drew up just about all the other playable characters for the first part. These are still concepts, but I like where most of them are heading.

    First, I re-did Cello, Malcolm, and Viktor per Avril's suggestions. The Viktor in the above post I may recolor and save for another character.




    (Makana, Cleric)

    Makana is the sister of the King that you're fighting. She disagrees with his methods and joins your side alongside Gregory. She's calm and travels around her country helping the poor.


    (Gregory, Mage)

    Gregory is a minor noble of Freyung and distant cousin of Makana. He accompanies her as she travels around helping the poor people in the country. He's often lost in his own head.


    (Holden, Paladin)

    Holden is the Jeigan of the game. He's a stickler for the rules.


    (Helen, Sword Knight)

    Helen is a Mostyn Knight stationed at a border town. She is captured prisoner. She is quiet, and with a bias for action.



    (Donalbain, Lance Cavalier)

    Donalbain is a Mostyn Knight stationed at a border town. He's captured prisoner with Helen. He's a town gossip and cowardly.


    (Jakarta, Sword Scout)

    Jakarta guards the princess of Kuching, Jayapura. He's dutiful, but distrusting of foreigners.


    (Jayapura, Bow Scout)

    Not crazy about this mug yet, but she is the Princess of Kuching. She seeks to prove to her family that she does not need to be doted on. She and Jakarta seek Daniel's help when her country goes to war.


    (Cassius, Druid)

    Cassius is a mysterious druid who fights alongside Daniel in the penultimate battle. Not much else on him yet.

    Here's a world map with some info:


    Mostyn: Kingdom lead by King Hammond, home of the Crown Prince Daniel (lord of first path). They're valorous and their knights look like they could be a late 80's hockey line. They're prosperous and many here live a generally well-to-do life. 

    Freyung: Kingdom lead by King Anakoni. He's the child of the previous King and a woman from Mahala. He's not seen as totally legitimate because of his heritage. Freyung's populace is generally poor. At the start of the game's events, Anakoni, who generally has positive relations with Mostyn, begins age old border disputes.

    Mahala: Desert kingdom lead by the Queen Akari. Her country is more secluded, and at the start of the game's events, a rebellion rises and power struggle for the throne.

    Kuching: Nomadic plainsland lead by King Batam. They're horse, sword and bow experts. 

    Nevan: Kingdom lead by [name TBD]. They're a militaristic and powerful nation. Prideful and historically aggressive as despite their large land mass, lack natural resources.

    Orebro: Holy Kingdom lead by the Grand Bishop, it's cold and not fun. They tend to keep to themselves and focus more on religion than geopolitics.

  14. Thanks for the feedback. These are meant to just be the concept art - eventually I'll take the time to touch them up, but I want something rough to work with as I write.

    I do totally get it - they're straight splices and I'm not that great at shading across the board. I did a re-imagining of Viktor because I decided my game needed a big chin knight.


  15. Playing through this now - great hack, lots of fun. Always struggle to decide who to bring to each chapter and which units to invest in. The game does a good job of checking you with all of the effective weaponry. Looking forward to future updates, thanks again for all the hard work.

    Some call outs - Lily is the not only the best artwork in the game, but some of the nicest custom spriting I've seen. She's a fun character to use as well. Darius is another character I've found exceptionally useful.

  16. Made a few edits and inserted proper images in the post, also have a few new characters to show off. Again, this is all concept art. I'd love to go back and make these better. I also want to get the player cast for the first half of the game done. Helps me figure out the dialogue and other plot points that are reflected on the map.


    (Jade, Archer)

    Jade is a taciturn archer girl who works as a mercenary with Malcolm and Viktor. She's all business and doesn't put up with BS.


    (Viktor, Lance Knight)

    Viktor is a lance knight and Malcolm's best friend. He was a knight in service of one of the game's countries (Orebro), until he was exiled and branded a traitor for his alleged involvement in a murder. He carries a heavy burden.


    (Malcolm, Sword Mercenary)

    Malcolm is your Ogma. He leads a mercenary group out of Mostyn. He is employed by Daniel as they head out to investigate the goings-ons of a neighboring nation. He's a bit of an edgelord, but respects hard work. He was separated from half his force in a battle prior to the start of the game's events, and is searching for them.


    (Leinani, Pegasus Knight)

    Leinani is a traveler from a distant land - she's searching for her older sister, who is the guard of the other quest's main lord. She is happy-go-lucky and doesn't have a sense of danger. 

    Speaking of Pegs, how do people feel about splitting them into Sword Pegs and Lance Pegs, promoting into Falcoknights with both? Similarly, I'd want to do Axe Wyverns and Lance Wyverns. Curious how folks feel about this,

  17. I don't take it personally at all, I am not married to any of these ideas. 

    Given that the 5 units would be a paladin, 2 cavs, a lance lord, and a thief, I would make the map design as such to encourage a smaller unit (the two cavs) to go through on the lighter left side. Yes, it probably won't be symmetrical, but that isn't the point. The savvy player would be able to divide and conquer, but the map is doable if you invest heavily and go up only on the right side. While one play may be more optimal than another, I want to encourage diversity in playstyle as much as possible.

    Realistically I'll redo everything once I have the general idea down in a format that's easy to transfer over - makes for better references points. I'll see if I can get some more done soon.

  18. Thanks for the feedback! I'll use imgur, thanks for the suggestion.


    1. That's fair - still building my eye for map design. I'll vary up the tiles now that the core concept is nailed down.

    2. I like this idea - I'm thinking of making a separate path up the left hand side. This will justify the wall and the village being in that location, so that you can at least justify (and would be encouraged) to send units that way and split up the team. What do you think?

    3. I get this, although given that it's a prologue, don't want to go too crazy. The village up top is the only one I would expect that could be a challenge to reach in time. The others are meant to be freebies, more or less.

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