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Everything posted by ReyVGM

  1. In case someone is interested, I found this dead Japanese website with the complete scripts for Fire Emblem 1 through 7 (and Tear Ring Saga too). Maybe it can be helpful to someone. http://web.archive.org/web/20040413115725/http://homepage1.nifty.com/miruka/index.html
  2. Alrighty, thanks for the answers. Didn't know it was already covered :P
  3. I was fiddling with character modifier codes to get all the character epilogues in the ending, and in one of the codes (6C25:34, which is supposed to be Gato/Gotoh) I came across this: It's using the Michalis boss sprite, but take a look at the name: セイバー. That's Savor/Saber/Sevr from FE Gaiden. Does that character even appear in the first game in any way?
  4. Hello guys. Since Quirino said he had to shorten the character epilogues in the FE1 translation due to space, I was wondering if someone had the full translation for such epilogues? I tried looking at this site's FE1 page, but there are epilogue translations/transcripts for pretty much every Fire Emblem, except the first one (which is odd, considering). Anyway, hopefully someone is able to assist.
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