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Posts posted by Yedknowsall

  1. My good comrade, I welcome you to this lush Forest! To most I am Seth, to others Yed. Choose your preference, choose it wisely.

    ...Though it seems like you've been here for a while, making a "Welcome" quite unnecessary.

    Awakening was a fun game, definitely not a bad place to start. No need to be ashamed of that. And let's be honest, probably 90% of people on this forum first saw Fire Emblem in Smash Bros..

    So you like the mangas? Got a favorite? What about the animus?

  2. My good comrade, I welcome you to this lush Forest! I am known to most as Seth, and to some as Yed. Choose your preference, and choose it wisely.

    I want to get the latest Fire Emblem titles, but money isn't allowing that (not being even able to afford a 3DS)

    That's a shame. There's still hope though! It is possible to play many of the Japanese games through emulators. You could play those to quench your "Fire Emblem thirst" until you get a 3DS. Translations are somewhere on this site, they shouldn't be too hard to find.

    If I can tell you about it, I got an extremely ambitious dream on creating a remake of both Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals (through the parent-child system) as a two-in-one game from scratch (from art concept to game engine selection preferring 3D like Unity or UE4) but I still have a long way to go (probably shouldn't think about this so far, with studying engineering informatics as an excuse)

    This is a really good idea! If it were an actual game, it would be a great opportunity to introduce newer fans to the older Fire Emblem games! Do you know anything about coding and such? I'd support this being a fan-project. But it might be a better idea to stick with GBA graphics, for the time being. Oh, and if you like that concept, you should also try FE4 for the Super Famicom (as stated before, translations are somewhere on this site). It does something similar.

    Well, apart of games and such I enjoy anime

    Got a favorite?

    DoB: -No idea what this is-

    Date of Birth, as in your birthday.

  3. Sothe in PoR is pretty much universally agreed to be bad, but in fairness, he's decent in RD as your Jeigan in part 1.

    Tormod is a bit underleveled in PoR when you get him, but can be decent if you pump him full of Bonus EXP when you get him. In RD, he just suffers from some of the worst availability in the game.

    It was meant to be a joke, poking fun of the concept of children characters in PoR.

  4. I literally don't see the difference between this and Fates :P

    The difference is the kids in Fates were actually born as 11 year olds rather than 20.

    And let's be honest here, the children characters are OP. I mean, we already have Sothe and Tormod, two of the best characters in the game, so why not throw in more children units! Ashnard won't even know what to do.......

  5. I would say I'd probably just make a hack based on what I like playing.

    Great answer! It wouldn't be any fun if you ended up dissatisfied with the game.

    One idea I had for a long time is a map where you start off just resting somewhere, and then at night (meaning a fog of war map), the enemy happens to pass right by you without actually noticing you. So, it'd be a survival map where there's infinite reinforcements that just move in a set path from one side of the map to another, except if you move into range and they notice you.

    I'd recommend researching some of the coding used in FE9 and FE14 (Path of Radiance and Fates: Revelations, respectively). They have one chapter each that has a similar stealth mechanic. Although they are on different systems, if you can find some information on how they were coded, it may help you.

  6. Missed a... 100% chance of crit with Charlotte then get crited by a 2% chance and got her death. I didn't even know that you can miss a 100% crit, but yeah you can. At least I have missed quite a few 100% crits.

    Hit Rate is applied before Crit chance. If the RNG decides the move would be a miss, that will take effect first. So it'd be possible to miss with anything less than 99%Hit/100% crit.

  7. Howdy and welcome, my good comrade!

    It's cool to see people who have an interest in coding and hacking and such, I really admire those who can do it. I've tried it, but it was a little too much for me. Have you thought about what you'd like to make in your hack? I'm very interested in fan ideas.

  8. this is from the last time i played my copy of FE7. this is also the reason i don't use sain anymore.

    i think my worst case of hit rng i can remember was missing two 95+% hits in a row and having a character die to a 20% or below chance of being hit

    Wow. That certainly is... something.

    A friend of mine actually had a similar thing happen to his Micaiah where he missed with a 96% only to die to a very small counter-attack.

  9. Can't seem to find something like this on the forums. Thought it would be interesting.

    What's some of the worst or unusual RNG you've had in a Fire Emblem game? Basically, anything involving unlucky or unusual hit percentages, level up bonuses, critical hits, skills, etc..

    Currently I'm re-playing FE8, and my Lute has been getting some weird level up bonuses (13 Spd, 14 Def, and 13 Res), and my Hector in my last FE7 playthrough rarely got Strength, ending up with around 18 Str without energy drops by endgame.

  10. Some people don't understand personal reasons for liking a character or game. I fell in love with one of my favorite video game characters, Ganondorf, because of Smash. Uh... Bro-love, not...

    Anyway, welcome to the Forest. I'm fairly new as well, but it's been a pretty good experience.

    It's pretty cool to see that you've played every Fire Emblem game before deciding to come here. I would have probably ignored the JP games before looking at some forums, but now I'm more than excited to play them. What got you into the series?

  11. It's hard to say how well these would sell. They did sell poorly when they were released, but now that Fire Emblem is one of Nintendo's most popular IPs and Ike's popularity has skyrocketed from his appearance in Smash Bros., maybe they would sell higher than their original numbers. anyway, what I'd like to see:


    • Speed up some of the animations, and maybe make them on par with Radiant Dawn in terms of how fluid they were. Some of the attack animations looked fairly awkward.
    • Increase the difficulty. I didn't have any trouble until the chapter Astrid was recruited, and that was the only time I really had to restart over a lost character/treasure.
    • Maybe increase the damage of some effective weapons. Armorslayers for example were pretty much useless, I burst out laughing when I saw how much one did to Gatrie.


    • Balance adjustments. Some characters were completely useless because of their availability. If they refused to change their availability, then at least change their base stats and/or growth rates.


    • Keep the art styles the same, just refine and HD-ify them.
    • Improve the voice acting in the cutscenes.
    • Remove those freaking pitfalls from that freaking bridge.
  12. 1. Robin and Corrin are pretty much defined characters. We had very minimal input on Robin outside of his appearance and name, and we only had the one choice with Corrin. Customizing a character like Ike would also take away some of their character. Many characters were meant to look like they fit their personality, and in some cases, their appearance is their personality. I personally don't think there should be any customizable characters at all in the main story. Maybe for online battles, though.

    2. That's interesting, and I wouldn't be completely opposed to it.

    3. I like permadeath, but this should be casual hard or lunatic mode. It would introduce "casuals" to something more similar to what was intended for the series. Though it might be too much of a debuff if they were permanently debuffed, so maybe it would only be for a few chapters, or until a special staff exclusive to the gamemode was aquired (like the Bifröst).

    4. Maybe special staffs? I'm not too big of a fan of Dragon Veins, but I could see the concept returning. Direct nerfs to everyone was annoying in FE7, but if some classes got a buff, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

    5. This actually makes sense. It'd be pretty difficult to hit through the armor with a throwing weapon. But not full damage reduction, it seems like too much. Maybe half damage? If they wanna buff Generals though, they should just add more defense chapters...

    6. Yes. I have been wanting to attempt a ranking run for a while now in FE7. It seems fun, and it doesn't harm the normal game in my opinion. They could also have maybe special unlockables for getting certain ranks, like maybe extra trial maps if they brought back something like the Creature Campaign (FE8) or actual Trial Maps (FE9)

    7. Yes. I don't like Constitution that much since it can greatly limit a lot of characters, especially Lance and Axe users. Strength was too much in Radiant Dawn though, since every character capped all of their stats anyway. Maybe some sort of combination of Strength and Skill to determine what a unit can carry? That way it can level up at a reasonable pace for most classes, with the only ones who would be able to wield stronger weapons early in the game are classes like Wyvern Knights and Generals, since they tend to have higher Strength and Skill (and Con in the GBA games), and Swordmasters/Pegasus Knights wouldn't be permanently screwed by their low Con.

    8. If they can balance the bonuses more. Fire Emblem has always had marriage post-game with A ranks, so that shouldn't be a problem. I'd love more conversations between characters, as long as they're not cringy confessions of love. But even the 5 supports from pre-3DS were strong, so if they give bonuses with this system, they'd have to balance it more. Maybe less bonuses? They really shouldn't keep it at 5 supports with this system, it would be boring having two characters only talk with each other in a playthrough.

  13. I assume we are not counting post-game characters like the ones in FE8's Creature Campaign and FE9's trial maps?

    I would have to say Greil, definitely. It would have been awesome to have him as a playable unit, even if it was only for a couple chapters early in the game. (FE9)

    Fargus and Dheginsea would have been cool too. (FE7/10)

    Oh, and can't forget Amy. We all know she was there for a reason. (FE10)

  14. I feel as though incorporating real-world mythology, history, and other cultural figures into a Fire Emblem game would not blend well with the fictional fantasy-medieval type setting the series has built up. The unique worlds of Fire Emblem is one of it's greatest aspects, how it's able to establish its own lore and make it both believable within the game and interesting. Adding real-world figures would take away that uniqueness and connect the FE world to Earth, and would make either the fantasy theme or the real-world cultural reference less believable.

    Basing a unique character's personality or role in the story off of say Sinbad or Gandhi is something entirely different, and probably would not have any harm on the story unless they were horribly done as characters. They've already done similar things with the names of some weapons and characters (there's a list of references on the Forest). Doing something like this would help to give a sort of background to what kind of status or role the possessor of the name has without depriving it of its fantasy-type setting.

    I suppose the inclusion of historical figures could work in a Fire Emblem game if it was actually set on Earth, but personally, I do not like that idea for this type of game.

  15. Welcome. I recently joined as well, and I've enjoyed exploring the forums. I'm sure you will too.

    The story and characters are what made me into the Fire Emblem fan I am today as well. I was captivated with the lore of the series from the start.

    What games have you played so far?

  16. How the heck do you have so much free time? 8 FE games in 6 months? I envy you.

    Then again, I did beat PoR and replayed FE7 and FE10 this summer, so maybe it's not so bad. But I did skip FE7/10's stories.

    Anyway, welcome to the Forest. I'm fairly new here as well, but I'm enjoying it so far. I'm sure you will too.

    And if you want to learn more about Roy, I'd recommend playing FE6, Binding Blade. It's his game, and you can find a translation somewhere on these forums if you can't speak Japanese. FE7 is the prequel to his game, only it follows his father and sort of sets up some of the events to his story. This one was released in English.

  17. Welcome! I'm fairly new to the Forest as well. It's a pretty interesting place.

    May I make a recommendation for what Fire Emblem games to play? Sacred Stones is a fantastic place to begin, especially if you're used to Awakening and Fates: Rev/BR. And it's on the Wii U eShop. However, if you want Ike's game, Path of Radiance would be another good place to start, but it is very different from the 3DS games. From here, you can probably find what other Fire Emblem games interest you.

    And what a coincidence, Smash and Pokémon are my other two favorite series as well.

    I wish you luck here!

  18. Welcome! I recently joined too, I wish you luck!

    The Tellius games are very different from Awakening and Fates, but are very good games. Good luck finding copies of them though, both are rather rare.

  19. I'm not too sure on what new concepts should be added. Many ideas may sound great on paper but may be horrible in-game.

    As for what should be brought back, I'm currently playing FE4 and I'm really liking the large maps with multiple seize points design, so I think it'd be cool to see some more of that.

    I also prefer weapon durability over what Fates did with the buffs and debuffs to each weapon.

    More variety of objectives as well, especially defend chapters.

    Supports should also be changed back to what they were before Awakening.

    Info conversations were a great addition to the Tellius series since we got more character development and other bonuses for reading them.

    Third-tier promotions would be cool to see again.

    And let's not forget some of the forgotten classes, like Summoner, Bishop, and Nephenee.

    The Avatar should be removed.

    They didn't do a good job with the system in Awakening and Fates, and I prefer not having a "representation of the player" being a part in Fire Emblem stories. FE7 wasn't bad, but it was still weird to see the characters talk to me in a battle.

    Same with the kids, I didn't even bother to get any of them and their presence was horribly justified (in Fates, Awakening was fine).

    Pair-up isn't bad, I wouldn't care either way if it was cut or brought back, but I do find rescuing to be more useful.

    I think a handheld works best. RPG's on handhelds are much easier to play IMO.

    And of course, good plot, characters, map design, and writing need to be in the next FE game.

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