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Status Updates posted by voltimer

  1. "Come on, smile for me!"

  2. Things may seem as if they can't get any better, but we must stay strong; together, not divided.

  3. Things may seem as if they can't get any better, but we must stay strong; together, not divided.

  4. Things may seem as if they can't get any better, but we must stay strong; together, not divided.

  5. Trying to max out Gunter is bringing out my inner masochist.

  6. I don't care what your view is on Fates, but there's no way you can call its OST bad.

    1. Blitzrick3


      It's not bad, the only problem is that LITAA is played in almost every track... and ya have to pay DLC to hear the main FE theme. Other than that, it's good

  7. 200 hours into Fates and I'm still not done with the whole story.

    1. Blitzrick3


      How long did Conquest take to beat?

  8. Nintendo Switch me up, baby.

  9. I've seen a few similarities between Kirito and Corrin. I don't like Corrin as much now.

    1. Blitzrick3


      Big Daddy Kirito is best waifu.

  10. **Comment about my horrific luck**

  11. I can't believe how lonely I have been recently without even realising.

  12. Is it cold, or is it just me?

  13. If my bad luck could be inverted...

  14. I always feel like I'm the reason for the IP chat's dead periods.

  15. If you think you're unlucky, you haven't met me yet.

  16. Couldn't be more bored.

  17. Water might just be my favourite thing.

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