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Status Updates posted by sunshineYON

  1. I don't know why I'm here.

  2. I eat cereal for breakfast.

  3. Smash made me come back.

  4. You should get on Yahoo :D

  5. Watching a pegasus knight dual guard an archer is unsettling.

  6. On my 2.5 playthrough of Awakening, finally getting bored of it though.

  7. 3DS's back. I don't remember shit about my save file in Awakening...

  8. Oh... so finishing Grima means carrying over Renown... I'm not going to swear, but I am GOING TO KICK THIS DOG HOUSE DOWN!!!1

  9. ...wow. How many hours have you clocked in? I thought for sure you'd at least beat it once. Remind me not to spoil you, :P.

  10. I went to an Anime-con and every single map is invaded by a streetpass team :\, I dismiss one, immediately another takes its place. I can't go into any of the shops :( Also, how many times have you cleared Awakening?

  11. What about Streetpass Avatars? Do you use those >:)? One of these days, I'll clear the game with 15 Tacticians.

  12. I love most of the DLC like the next guy, but the lack of support conversation/boosts make me steer away from them... for now. It would be cool if DLC characters can support with other DLC characters, haha. Elincia x Ike, ;)

  13. I can't bring myself to use any DLC character or Spotpass character when there are so man ingame characters I haven't used yet. Kellam, Lon'qu, Say'ri, Cherche... Also, I currently don't even have my 3DS T_T, going through withdrawal, haha.

  14. Sooo... yeah, 3DS sent to the Big N for repairs. Meanwhile, I have Awakening withdrawal.

  15. Woooooo 3rd playthrough of Awakening back-toback! Shut up, I don't need to kill Grima in the last chap to warrant the next playthrough!

  16. Hey, I'll be on MSN tonight. If you're not busy, we should chat again.

  17. omg your sig reminded me such things exist in this game!

  18. ...when I'm just some dude playing a video game :P

  19. Yeah, I forgot instead of handling it like SS, the game never reaches a "Creature Campaign". Also, is there anyway to expand comments on your profile? Your reply was cut off and it shows an ellipsis. Also, I don't know about you, but it felt kind of cheesy that everyone was crying, cheering for "me" during the last chapter as if I'm a champion of good or something.

  20. Hmmm... so much for the epicness of the avatar's sacrifice if he just pops back like that. It kind of undermines his/her decision in the end. Have you beaten it twice yet to know what would happen if you chose Chrom for the final blow? Don't spoil it :P, just tell me if it's different or not.

  21. Ah yes, the final decision, I also killed myself :( I felt it was the heroic thing to do (poor Anna, lol) And sorry, couldn't remember if it was tearing up or getting emotional haha. Also the last cut scene, I didn't pay too much attention to it. I thought it was just a flashback... or did it mean that the avatar came back? Which would be kinda bs.

  22. So I finished Awakening. Curious, which part made you tear up? Also playing Lunatic right now and I want to shoot myself in the face. Can't wait for Lunatic+ <_<

  23. Or we can at least chat, haha. Long time no talk. I forgot what we used to talk, was it msn? I have terrible memory.

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