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Posts posted by valieruswanderer

  1. 19 minutes ago, FoliFF said:

    Decided to dump loads of money so I could get my hands of Elise. I feel conflicted since I'm happy that I finally got her and a dedicated 5* healer now but at the same time not so much considering how much money I had to dump and the RNG just didn't want to give me enough colorless orbs. Although I'm now sitting with 65 orbs I decided now save them for focus banner where Azura will be in or wait for a banner that has green unit to appear.

    Here are all my 5* units I have managed to pull. 15 of them and now I'm saving up feathers to make Anna 5* since I need more 5* green units unless like I said before a good banner comes before then.


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    Well, colour me jealous. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Gima said:

    Thanks to a bit of luck, I got a 5* Azura in addition to a 4* Cherche and Jakob. Now the grindfest begins.


    Or, you know, I could just buy some crystals off of My Nintendo. That too. :D:

    You are one lucky devil. I've been seeking Azura for 16 hours now.

  3. 5 minutes ago, OishiiSushi said:

    I actually didn't even know she was here. Wut. LOL.

    So, to answer. Unfortunately, no. >.<

    Dang. That sucks.


    3 minutes ago, Pimalai said:

    Three pulls for the moment and not I single 5 star, but I'm OK with that.

    Which do you think that should be my main team guys?

    Now using: 4⋆ Peri, 4⋆Felicia, 3⋆ Arthur and 4⋆ Lilina.

    I also have 4⋆ Oboro, 4⋆ Now (just pulled her), 4⋆ Gaius, 4⋆ Maria, 4⋆ Serra, 4⋆ Lissa... and a bunch of 3⋆...Lon'zu, Selena, Subaki, Daraen, Gunter, Cecilia, Virion, Setsuna, Niles...

    I think that long term I should drop Arthur (artwork makes my eyes bleed, btw). Are 3⋆s intrinsically less useful on the long run?


    Three stars start to drop off in usefulness once you reach the world of awakening. Four stars do as well.

  4. 10 minutes ago, OishiiSushi said:

    Since release mate. Been running several instances of Nox Emulator and have a few accs for ninid incase I get anything promising. I bind and offer to people who may want it.


    You got any Azura?

  5. 2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    That's not bad at all, given that I have no healer whatsoever.  I suggest saving 20 orbs, then doing your next pull, so you get all five characters.  Good luck!

    Thanks, both for the advice and the vote of confidence. I owe you one.

  6. 1 minute ago, eclipse said:

    Dude, stop double-posting.  Joshua's not in here yet.

    And I'm dead-serious about NOT looking for a specific character.  I have the best luck at pulling when I'm in "anything goes" mode.

    Kay and sorry about that.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    For someone with Joshua as your userpic, you sure aren't that sold on gambling.

    ......... Well. Now I'm embarassed. Great.


    2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    The best way to pull a unit is not to look for one.  She'll come sooner or later.

    Wonderful advice except at this point I'm a teensy bit dedicated to my search having given up multiple 5 stars including Marth, as well as a Cordelia and Sophia I had invested a lot of time in. There is no going back now I'm afraid.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Jayvee94 said:

    Don't aim for a 5 star Azura at this point until she's the focus. You're gonna have to settle for a 4 star one.

    Honestly man, I would settle for a four star. But I can't even get that! I am extremely salty about this.

  9. 2 minutes ago, I like Pi said:

    I know that feel man. I rerolled for a while until I got 4 star Robin and just accepted it. Worked out in the end I guess.

    NO! Everyone gets like twenty five star everything the least this game can do is give me Azura! She's LITERALLY all I want in life at this point.

  10. 11 minutes ago, G1Radiobot said:

    It's getting more and more tempting Everytime I see someone whining about getting three 5 star camillas. Or Ghast getting 5 Roy and 5 Marth in his first few roles.

    I seek a five star Azura So needless to say I've been rerolling for a while now.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

    Omygod. Why do these things only happen for the others :sob: My last roll was only 3*. The first one is disgusting


    2 minutes ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

    I think I'm gonna sit and cry in my corner.

    You guys are defining my life for this game. Well time to reroll

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