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Posts posted by valieruswanderer

  1. FE Map Creator is a fantastic tool for creating maps. The only thing you'll need to supply is your creativity. Study existing maps in the GBA games, maps you find here on SF, basically anywhere. Post what you make for feedback. Afterwards, there are numerous tutorials for inserting maps.

    Here are some resources you might like:

    (FE Map Creator) http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50953

    (Map insertion tutorial using old methods) http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26486

    (circleseverywhere's buildfile demo, which demonstrates a new way to do things) http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=66906

    Thanks, I'll definitely take a look at that.

  2. ...

    How can a single mercenary form his own, independent nation, let alone surviving long enough?

    He'll align with other nations and people who wish to bring down the empire

    If this is using the GBA games as a base, that could be quite hard as units cannot have both a Strength, and a Magic Stat. Personally I'd just pick one, such as having Valierus use a sword, but have a Dark affinity, or having Valierus as a tough magic user.

    I'll have to toy with it, but I think it can be done. If nothing else he might just end up being a swordsman that also can use magic weakly.


    Also, for your plot, it seems more like establishment or backstory. You need to also focus on what happens during the active story, or the parts that you play and experience. What starts it, what do the characters do, where are they going, what is their goal?

    Thanks for the mugs, its definitely going to help. Are there any tutorials on map creation? You know the tiles and map layout? I'm still hammering out the kinks and stuff with the plot.

  3. At a glance, I thought you were talking about Akaneia. Oh well. Thinking of a plot is easy. Execution isn't easy. The Ultimate Tutorial should be read before you do anything, and familiarise yourself with Nightmare and Feditor-uh,EA before doing a full romhack. Just start with reskins, your plot sounds very FE8-able. Can't really say much more, but good luck!

    I've already started reading, and toying with Nightmare, so I'm glad to know I'm already doing something right.

    if you guys can send me character Ideas i can start sorting through them, and building classes. As it is I don't know how to do the mugshots, or sprites for that matter. :sweatdrop:

  4. So I want to start a FE hack. I'm rather new to this so advice and comments from experienced Hackers, or Creators (which ever you prefer) would be greatly appreciated.

    General Plot: The story is built around a mercenary named Valierus . Early on he's hired by the princess of Imperia as a body guard as she investigates Demonic activity in a nearby forest. Eventually he rbels against Imperia and forms his own nation after learning of the atrocities committed by Imperia's ruler.

    So far thats all i've thought out plot wise, but i start working on it today. Any advice is welcome, and suggestions will be considered. Thank you for taking the time to take notice.

  5. Im just glad to the votes have evened out. I think i posted this earlier but Xander just seems to be a better character. He has more... Depth to him, and focuses on something other than how amazing Corrin is, and actually seems to be working to better Nohr and save lives. That of course is merely my humble opinion. Feel free to call me an idiot and prove me wrong. :Joshua:

  6. I have an idea (well, more like fleshed-out concept!) for a new FE game. Also, WARNING: this idea is quite specific, so this is going to be loooong! The important part is in chapter 5.

    And that's my idea of a good fire emblem. Have a nice day and thanks for reading my insanely long-winded idea!

    Definitely an idea with some merit, although do you think for the fourth path your army that the protagonists should be repeatedly dragged into the conflict? But anyways i definitely like the idea of two enemy armies, like a red army and a black. Its something i feel like they should have done a long time ago. Kudos to you for the great idea though.

    *edit: Reduced quote length.*

  7. I would probably be a myrmidon, since my play style consists of quick powerful hits, plus i really like Myrmidons.

    My death quote would be: Maybe now i can find peace.

    My Crit quote would be: Get. Out. Of. My. WAY!!

    and my kill quote would be: I give you the greatest gift of all. Peace.

    *edit: added death and kill quote, and changed crit quote.

  8. I think I didn't convey my idea very well. Let's take that list as an example: In an hypothetic case, the characters who are "loyal only to you" would stay by your side, while the other with "no stakes in the war" would either desert (either join the opposite army or become NPCs) or continue if their Support levels is high enough. The ones who are more loyal to the other side / not very loyal toward you would desert and be re-recruitable later through specific methods.

    To fill the empty spots on the team, similar characters could be placed on their stead, and then the player decides between continuing with the re-recruited characters (if they do re-recruit them) or keeping the new characters... or even using both, if there is enough space left. Imagine Nephenee joins after Mozu leaves, Tormod joins after Izana leaves and Shinon joins after Shura leaves. Or we could have brand new recruits.

    The problem you could run into there is that you'd could end up with too many characters. Plus if they keep supports with everyone you'll have filler supports or supports that you don't have enough time to build. I do like the overall idea of the civil war though as long as leaders from other nations don't get involved, so no izana showing up halfway through the story for no apparent reason.

    One would hope, unfortunately...

    The recent games tend to err towards pantsless even some males had none cough*Han*cough.

    *edit: replaced it with none.

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