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Everything posted by Lycheee

  1. Hey all, I wanted opinions about Boyd, Oscar, and Rolf. I personally have had, in the past, an amazing time with both Oscar and Rolf (Most memorable playthrough I have is when I used Rolf to kill almost everything after promotion.) Boyd has never really been good, until this most recent playthrough where he has been leveling skill almost consistently. What are all of your experiences with the brothers?
  2. Those are both great games. My personal favorite was Twilight's Princess, if only because it was on the gamecube...Lol
  3. Welcome to the Forest! I am Lyko, or Lycheee, or Zev. Any of these names shall work, pick your poison! Awakening definitely had a great story and plot to it, if it wasn't for the fact I loved FE7 (Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword) and FE8 (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones) so much from the GBA series, I'd say it is the best handheld Fire Emblem/ I highly recommend playing the Tellius series. (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) They are both so good. Fellow Harvest Moon and Legend of Zelda fan! Woohoo! What's your favorite Legend of Zelda game?
  4. Welcome! I am Lyko. Currently Lycheee because of shenanagains that happened in chat, lol. I agree with Yed. Tellius series is really gripping and indepth, my personal favorite games of all Fire Emblem. I also recommend FE7 (Otherwise known as Fire Emblem Blazing Sword) due to the fact that it is also in depth story with great gameplay. Also: Permadeath is a normal thing in all games pre-Awakening, so just be careful when playing through the previous games. Enjoy your stay and once again, Welcome!
  5. Lycheee

    Hi ~

    Welcome! I am glad you're here. (Btw, Guy x Priscilla is best pairing ever in FE7) A fellow Computer Science nerd! Yay! Have you learned about C++ coding yet? It gets fun. Please enjoy your stay!
  6. Welcome, friend! I am called Lyko. (Yes I know my name is Lychee, just roll with it lol) Awakening was fun, don't feel bad about being introduced into the series that way. I personally started with FE7 and FE8 (Gameboy FTW) 16 as a Senior? Dude props to you, way to go and get that bs done. But anyways, Welcome and Enjoy your stay!
  7. Started off at the young age of 6 (I think) when the original Fire Emblem came to the states. Then I learned it wasn't the original, and continued to play every game since (Though admittedly, most of the playthroughs have been in recent years.) Hmmm, nowhere online. Actually, I kinda am self teaching myself to an extent. Of course some schooling was involved, but I just find myself googling for certain terms and whatnot to help myself. Besides the first two Fire Emblem Games, I have played all of them, thanks mainly to forums like this. I personally feel the best written is a toss up between 7 and the Tellius Series. They both hit me in the feels, especially after the Dread Isle on 7. If I were to go based off of my bias, 7 wins.
  8. The name, obviously, is Lyko. I'm kind of a writer (been working on my story-telling for quite some time now) and am interested in hacking and making my own game. I am also up to helping anyone with writing if they need it. Have any questions feel free to ask, kind of an open book.
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