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Posts posted by Maymeimai



    I just finished it, deathless run

    I gave alfonse brave sword + drag back, really useful in some situations, specially for killing a Rebecca in the lava map

    Also I love his defense

    Caeda is my Hector-killer buff bot, Azura can check any red, and Julia is my anti-green mages anti-reinhardt

  2. 6 minutes ago, Magnux7 said:

    Duh.. Imagine the feeling if your fav character loses something they actually should have won because of some unfair multiplier. This is basically a popularity contest and it doesn't feel right when IS manipulates the results :/

    Then I guess we should stop with the term "popularity contest" and adress it as a proper gauntlet lol

  3. Just now, Roflolxp54 said:

    Hmm... I wonder how many flags those in Team Robin still have left. Team Tharja people do have a lot of flags ready since they don't get many 3x chances.

    I have no idea, but agaisnt Leo, Robin didnt need to waste that many flags I think...

    Well, at least I have 3000+

  4. Just now, Vaximillian said:

    To the contrary, I got two Sorens. Also I've got a 5⋆ Eirika who's been invaluable while training people.

    But Julia I lack.

    Caeda is my bootleg Eirika lol She already comes with rally speed, so I gave her fortify atk

    But I love Caeda, and shes been really useful, at the end of the day, it all depends of playstyle (a lot of people just cant seem to work with her, sadly)

  5. Just now, Vaximillian said:

    I just need to actually pull a Julia so that I can make exact same thing of her as I've been planning for a long time.
    I was (and still am) loyal to you, Your Majesty, why do you continue to ignore my summons? :(
    Your brother has been waiting for you too!

    Mine came to me when I was trying really really hard to pull Soren lol 

    As for the ones I want, I am still trying to pull my favorite lords (Ephraim and Eirika)

    Not even a 4* Eirika I got yet. Now I am basically just saving orbs for them, L'arachel and exclusive banners (like the spring one)

  6. Just now, Vaximillian said:

    I just need to actually pull a Julia so that I can make exact same thing of her as I've been planning for a long time.
    I was (and still am) loyal to you, Your Majesty, why do you continue to ignore my summons? :(
    Your brother has been waiting for you too!

    Mine came to me when I was trying really really hard to pull Soren lol 

    As for the ones I want, I am still trying to pull my favorite lords (Ephraim and Eirika)

    Not even a 4* Eirika I got yet. Now I am basically just saving orbs for them, L'arachel and exclusive banners (like the spring one)

  7. 3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    You essentially turned her into a NIno killer! Génial!

    Ever think about making a tome team?


    And yep! I have a +res Sanaki, and I will be giving her Red tomebreaker

    And a Bunny Lucina, but I will probably give her desperation, I will take advantage of her +spd nature (and her res and def are not that great anyways)

  8. 1 minute ago, Rezzy said:


    Boey is pretty boy enough to carry this Banner.

    I had to make him - Atk for trying to hurt my Leo.

    Your curse didn't affect Sanaki, but affected Henry, well played.

    I will train him, though, I'll probably never use him on arena, but he might be useful in GHBs and defense maps

    Or in case I need a raven tome p:

    (I am tempted to just give Julia G tomebreaker already lol but he learns this skill at 4*, his tome is more valuable)

  9. 4 hours ago, Clogon said:

    I spy a Caeda. What are her IV's and the skills you gave her??? I am having trouble finding a use fore mine. :(

    Sorry the late reply

    I love Caeda/Shiida, she is one of my favorite fliers in the franchise, along with Catria

    Well, my Caeda always kills hectors and green mages without problems. I decided to keep her darting blow so she can always double

    And for the B slot i gave her drag back, it is pretty useful, in case she doesnt kill a unit (specially ranged unit) she drags them back and then someone else can kill them

    Basically, I didnt change anything, i just added the B skill

    Rally speed is also useful, but you can change depending on your team

    And mine is +def -res, I am planning on giving her something like iceberg (i havent decided yet)

  10. I actually like the fact that we have natures, so we have more variety in builds, imo it makes the character more unique.

    My friend got 2 Effies, the first was a -atk that he made a 5 star, the second one was a 5 star from the start, and he still merged the "better" Effie into the first one. He said "well, the first one is special because she is the first"

    Not only him but I see many people attached to their "bad" natures characters, and I think thats cool.

    I got a Spring Camilla -atk +def, but instead of keep complaining, i just gave her Attack +3 and voilà, she has neutral attack now, and with my flier emblem, she get so many boosts. And the more I kept playing with her, the more I saw that her +def was super useful. If I would trade my +def for a +atk? Nope.

    Basically, I think its fun making a character work, and its how some people said, if you cant spend lots of money in this game, and still expect to have several 5* with perfect natures, you are probably only gonna meet frustration.

  11. 41 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    I'm really starting to like my blitz team of Reinhard, Nino, Klein and Olivia.

    I was kind of worried at first, since Nino couldn't kill the lance dude because of the speed boost the healer gave him. I had her damage him anyway and quickly retreated with dance-draw back. The next turn was a bit messy, as my positioning was wrong thanks to the lance survivving. Nino finished her job of killing the lancer, Rein killed Xander and Klein killed the green mage. If I positioned better, I might have managed to let Rein kill the sword dude as well, but I needed my dance to fix positions this time around. Luckely, Rein could tank the sword dude and the healer, and the last turn Klein killed the healer while Rein dealt with the sword.

    The map didn't feel to hard, but it might just be that my team is pretty strong. I'll try it with some less OP units at a later time.

    Similar to mine.

    Mine was Julia (with drag back), Bunncina, Klein and Olivia

    Klein tanking the sword dude and the healer was too good!

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