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Posts posted by PersonWithTime

  1. Maiden and Chrom is the only way to pair every single first-gen non-Robinsexual unit. :P:

    FE4 is a completely different beast when compared to Awakening. Inheritance can really mess with growth rates, and inventory management is insane. I have lots of issues with FE4, but the marriage system isn't one of them. If FE4 had Awakening's more fleshed-out supports, I think it would be a lot more amusing. . .or maybe not, because I can't stand Sylvia as a character. Or maybe those supports will make her more tolerable in my eyes. Who knows?

    Oh really? I actually had no idea about that one. But you know, I'm also cool with Vaike being forever alone so...

    Yeah... before I start FE4 I'm probably going to start a new topic about how the hell I should play that game... With time, I will tackle Genealogy, and sink my teeth in Jugdral, before waiting an undetermined amount of years for a good Thracia translation. Ah, to be a Fire Emblem fan, with all the amazing fan translations out at the moment it's a good time to be one.

    Tbh Henry's probably an option so you get a last chance shot at Cynthia. If everyone else in her pool is paired and Chrom accidentally marries someone else, you wouldn't be able to get her paired without Henry as an option.

    Legit, Henry was the last option for Sumia in my cousin's save file, so I told her to marry them to get Cynthia but she just could NOT see them together and just didn't even get Cynthia. Poor Cynthia. I think she would have looked okay-ish with white hair. I love white hair. I'm just jealous of Micaiah, but that's my own issues.

  2. Genealogy is a strange one in my opinion. It's more like it wants you to see documented history than it is a game. It's a very strange feeling when playing it for me. I like it.

    Though for Fire Emblem, I m curious for supports of how many people that like shipping actually do the same gender supports. Not necessarily for shipping purposes, but simply to see the character interactions like before. I know I actually enjoyed supports like Chrom and Gaius or Maribelle and Olivia.

    Yeah, that does sound really cool. I'm excited to play it, but I also know it's a huge ass game, and I need to find the time for it. Which should be soon! I've just heard that the game is long and hard (get your mind outta the gutter!)

    And yes, I always go for same sex supports when I can. I loved Robin and Tharja's supports because they were freak'en hilarious. I also HAD to support Anna and Tiki, for nostalgic reasons. The way I see it, give me all the character development that I can get! I also sorta just want my Robin to have A supports with everyone she isn't too so... there's also that.

    Unfortunately, I feel the writers made female Robin a bit meaner/more cocky in general, which on one hand distinguishes her from male Robin, but also kind of makes her look like an actual bitch. I feel this way about male and female Morgan too - does IntSys think male tacticians are nicer for some reason?

    I don't think of female Robin as being bitchy, I just kinda see her as being a little more neurotic is all. But from what I've seen I think female Morgan is kinda bitchy, she just seems really mean to everyone and not even in a fun neurotic way, more like, she aware that she's being mean to other people and she's happy about that. Granted I haven't read her supports in a long long time, but that's what I remember.

    Plus, I feel like female characters can get away with being a little bit meaner and cockier. Both Kris's practically have the same dialogue but male Kris came across as douchey and arrogant, while I have little to no problem with female Kris. Weird right?

  3. ^ Yeah, Milady has turned out to be amazing for me, she just kind of sucked when she first came.

    Also, yes, Roy is a good unit. The only problem is that it's easy to level him up to 20/20, till like, chapter 11 or something. And it's also easy to just move him around while everyone else slaughter the enemies. So, it's kind of hard to actually give him an exact role in the party, as a fighter or needed backup.

    And as many have said, I'll be going for the Ilia route. Sue is at level 1 promoted by the way, while the two promoted pegasus knights are higher that level 3. So it's pretty obvious I'll be going for the Ilia route.

    Milday's sucked at first because it's impossible to level her up in her recruitment chapter without her dying, and then the chapter right after is a fog of war with a lot of mages so... it's tough... I actually arena abused in her first chapter to get her to level 20... I promote her at the start of the next chapter....

    I usually try to use Roy as much as I can as soon as he promotes, I want him to be as strong as can be. So I got him from level 1 to level 11 just in Chapter 22.

    Also were we suppose to talk about the route that we chose too? Oopse... I like to go with Barte because he's in Blazing Sword, and the Sacae route because... well Blazing Sword. Yes, I am so original.

  4. Why can't everyone get along, eh?

    EDIT: On-topic, Awakening's pairings didn't really wow me, to the point where I chose Maiden for Chrom. FE7, on the other hand. . .

    But MaidenxChrom is also absolutely hilarious to me so...

    But anyway, I think part of the of fun the of Awakening is playing matchmaker. It's fun to look at all the characters and try to find what you consider the best possible coupling. It's why I consider Awakening's pairings and children features different from Genealogy's, even though I actually haven't played that game yet, but the way I'm seeing it and it's coming across is that Awakening is more like, "oh look at these cute couples that I'm putting together! Oh and now look! They have a kid with their father's hair!" And Genealogy is more like, "..." actually I don't even have a made up quote example for that. Genealogy just seems more serious and intense. What I guess I'm saying is that Awakening seems to be coming across as a little more shallow in it's marriage options, but I kinda like that.

    Honestly, Genealogy is like this big scary mountain that I haven't tackled yet....

    Eh, even in FE4 eugenics isn't that important, despite Mekkkah writing a FE4 pairing guide and a thesis on Forsetti Arthur insisting it's. Even if a player insists on bad pairings or doing none at all, the game still hands you Seliph, Leif, and the kid no one ever talks about because his dad is bad Camus, Ares and Mystletainn and you still have replacement staffbots & dancer. The canon children themselves aren't that special, save for Ced and Arthur and only notable things are that they can inherit lol-weapons like 50-kill Brave Sword or useful staves, maybe a nice skill here or there like Paragon Larcei and Luna Patty, or rings, especially Leg/Knight Ring for Leen. Only pairing that matter is making sure Forsetti is passed to Arthur or Ced and the remaining children inherit some nice inventory if possible, that's literally FE4 eugenics in a nutshell.

    I still feel like I'm going to have to do some hardcore research before I tackle that game... Everyone time someone talks about the mechanics of the game I get real confused. The jealously feature doesn't help me understand matters either.... It's real confusing for me.

    Henry/Miriel: They do science and don't afraid of anything. It's good for Miriel to have a spouse who supports her research and isn't ten years younger than she is.

    Virion/Cherche: The lord and his lady knight is a long standing Fire Emblem tradition (Lewyn/Fury, Innes/Vanessa, etc.) and this is a good example of it.

    Oh wow, I never thought of Henry and Mirel in that way. Miriel is sort of my favourite Awakening unit that I never used. But I just like her and Kellam a lot and their supports, plus they were my first Awakening couple I got together. I also love Lissa and Henry, so that's who I pair Henry with.... I just find Vaike gross....

  5. Milady is awesome, Roy is not that good.

    Milady is amazing! And you may not believe it, but she can get even better, give her the Delphi shield and oh my god!

    Also Roy is fantastic! He just... promotes really late. But even before he promotes he dodges like, everything, and once he's leveled up a bit he's got a great hit too!

    Plus, if you get the true ending then there's more chances to level him up post-promote. And if you give him enough love and care you can get him to be a level 20 promote no problem!

    ... In case you haven't noticed I love Roy.

    But no in all seriousness, he is good... he just... takes forever to promote...

  6. Oh thank you! I will happily check that out!

    And yeah... I'm really sorry about that friend, but on the plus side now you'll have an easier time with Starlight in your next playthrough. Yay! Looking at the positives!

    But yeah, I really thought that I was gonna have an annoyed time with constantly killing characters off, but I found it surprisingly fun... that sounds really weird, but you know what I mean. The only time it was kinda annoying was the 2nd chapter, I believe it was when you get like 10 new characters at once, three of them being axe people, that was a little much. But I dunno, I guess I found some fun in sticking with my tight little group and trying to keep the character quota down to make the gaiden chapters. It didn't really hurt to send them off to their doom because I knew I was gonna spam that Aum staff and get them all back in the end. But it still felt like I was playing a real Fire Emblem because I didn't want the units I worked hard on to get killed, because I wouldn't get them back until the 2nd last chapter. So if my mains did die then I restarted the chapter. It felt really good to play the game this way, and it didn't really feel like I was cheating.

    I mean, the first time I played the game I spammed warp to level Elice up, so this time was more interesting. Also it feels so good to see the ending character scroll with everyone alive and still have the Gaiden characters at the end.

    SO GOD DAMN EASY! But, still really fun.

  7. Jugdral probably takes the cake, though, with all FE4 pairings being either "Pair these two and you get tons of character development, an extra awesome weapon for your inventory, and the best kids in 2nd gen" or "Pair these two and you get jack squat and mediocre children".

    Well then :P

    So I didn't know we were suppose to put why we chose the pairings since I was in a rush and was about to go to sleep lol.

    I literally just thought you only gave explanations if your ideal pairing wasn't on the list.

    I mostly went for character's endings and picked the ones that I liked best

    Yeah, I do that to! Like, I wanted Lucina and Brady together, because I find the thought of Lucina bringing someone like Brady home to Chrom, as if Lucina was a normal teenage girl to be very amusing. But also voice actor reasons. But in the end I liked Lucina's solo ending too much.

  8. Oh my god-no-you have no idea how easy this god damn game was when I played like that.

    Seriously, when I didn't want my main units to die and it was risky I put an unofficial decoy next to them so the enemy units would go after them instead. It was more challenging when I tried to keep everyone alive and not go for the Gaiden chapters.

    And Starlight isn't female only is it? I mean... I just beat Shadow Dragon and I had Merric use Starlight.... I don't think I glitched up my game that badly...?

    Also feel free to tell me about this patch! I'd love to hear about it. I feel like I have some pretty noobish questions that everyone already got the answer for years back, so they don't talk about it anymore. I still don't know how to get the DLC chapters for New Mystery of the Emblem on my R4, I've almost given up now.

    But yeah, the 99 Aum Staff glitch was really just to keep all the characters and still get to the Gaiden chapters, as amusing as it is to see almost every character on the battlefield at once, it's not necessary. Plus I timed the photo right, because Midia kept glitching out.

  9. This was a hard one for me, but I went with Gen 4. While I love Gen 3, and the Hoenn games are my favourite (WHY NO BATTLE FRONTIER IN THE REMAKES THOUGH! You where so close to being perfect!) Overall I feel like Gen 4 was the best. Platinum I think is the best Pokemon game, and Sinnoh in general I feel was made for more experienced players, and the Johto remakes are the best Pokemon remakes yet, hell the Johto remakes may even be the best remake in general I've ever played yet. Plus I feel filling out the National Dex is much easier then it was in Gen 3 because you have easy access to every region at that point.

    Though I do think the first 5 generations were fantastic, Gen 6-still amazing but damn there are some noticeable issues. Like, not making the Hoenn remakes perfect when they added so many great features for it, it's like 95% perfect for me though. Not updating X and Y to include the new Mega Evolution was stupid, Game Freak why are you dating your games a year after they come out? And I personally would have liked a Z versions, but those are my only real complaints about Gen 6.

    I would have loved Trainer customization in the Hoenn remakes, where there's special options like May and Brenden hair and maybe even their outfits from R/S as well as Emerald, but that's just being super nitpick. Delta Episode is a dream come true!

    I don't have Sun and Moon yet but they look really promising to me. They kept Mega Evolution which is good because I thought Game Freak was going to get rid of them for a while there. I'm excited to get them!

  10. Well speaking for myself, I'm not gonna set the game on fire because it's pushing a particular pairing. When the game does something like that's it's incredibly annoying, but I'm not gonna drop the game because of it. I'm just gonna firmly say, "No!" and make sure those characters are as far away from each other as they can get. It's just that this topic is about parings... so... I'm uh... I'm gonna talk about pairings a little bit, eh?

    What actually would bother me though is someone telling me I'm playing the game wrong because I'm not doing the "canon" pairing. Because I've played Binding Blade and no one mentions that Roy's mother was an Ice Dragon, or a Pegasus Knight or even from Sacae for that matter, so I'm just going to play it how I want to and make my own canon for it. I mean they give you all of these different options to have fun with it, so why not have fun with it?

    Like, this might sound weird but I don't even feel obligated to get any of the kids in Fates, I just not interested and I tried to pair people up but I just didn't like the majority of them all so... I just didn't do it, and I finished 2 out of the 3 versions without any kids. That's just how I wanted to play the game.

    Hell, I married Niles and it bothers me when people say that that was a stupid choice for technical gameplay reasons, it's like, "dude, let me play my game man."

    I just want everyone to be happy doing whatever they want to do.

  11. So I decided to replay Shadow Dragon, but this time do the Gaiden chapters, because I didn't do them in my first play through.

    But I can't stand having characters die so.... I did some... light hacking and... I did this!


    My overall opinion on this replay is, as someone who has always appreciated Shadow Dragon, I thought it was really fun and I sort of feel like this is the way the game was intended to be played. Not the 99 Aum Staff of course, but sending off your defenseless units as distractions so you can go ahead to the Gaiden chapters. It brought me back to the whole decoy thing and being told that you'll have to kill someone off to get head. I'm not saying this was a good intention or not, just stating how I feel.

    The only Gaiden chapter I didn't do was the Nagi one, because I did it last time and I wanted Gotoh this time. Plus Marth doesn't even recognize Nagi in New Mystery so... whatever.

    The only cheat codes I used was to turn the Aum Staff's uses to 99, and get myself some Elysian Whips. Just to clarify.

  12. I'm guessing you don't realize who you're talking to.

    I personally think that while everyone has their own preferences... getting worked up over pairings in Fire Emblem and complaining about hints or the lack thereof shows a lack of maturity with it. I mean, goodness, people get offended at the notion of two characters kissing/having sex or not kissing/having sex.

    It gets even worse when people have a potential self-insert. As their own likes get brought to a whole new level when it's "Me x Character". Possessiveness and fantasy in that the character they like that will never betray them. A lie that comforts and you can delude yourself in as long as you're willing to.

    I say the last part as a person who was from the other side of Waifuism and Husbando culture.

    I don't actually really know who you are... I'm sorry... was I suppose to? :(

    There aren't many Fire Emblem characters I actually hate, the only two I can think of are Ninan and Shinon. And for Ninan the only time I have actually ever liked her was at the end when she doesn't marry Eliwood and instead takes some responsibility instead of causing everyone problems and making people feel sorry for her while never doing anything to solve said problems. So I was pretty horrified when I found out that when she A-supports Eliwood she pretty much ditches her wonderful brother instead of being the responsible older sister and setting things right. That's my analysis of Ninan, if you like them together then I'm not gonna beat you in the streets or something, if that's the what the shipping wars is like.

    I'm not that kinda person.

    I'm just going to blissfully play through the Fire Emblem games how I like to, and IS gave me the option to erase Eliwood and Ninan from my canon, so I will happily do that.

    I hate that IS hints at pairs sometimes when the games actually give multiple options. It feels like a slap in the face to people who prefer the pairs that aren't hinted and if IS wants to go for a certain pairing more, why not just make it the ONLY pair possible, like with Pent and Louise or Bartre and Karla? What's the point in other options if you want couple X to be the canon one?

    I always assumed that those FE7 novels were unofficial things though, and not the definitive canon.

    Yes, I agree with this completely. I mean, I love Marth and Caeda as a couple because it's absolutely fine for IS to have a strictly "no one else" kinda thing every now and then. Like, if they really want to push a certain couple, make them a, "these two or nothing" sorta thing.

    All I'm gonna say is that when I finished Blazing Sword, Eliwood did not marry Ninan, and I'm happy that that's what happened. If they got together in your playthrough and you wanted that then good for you, but it's just not for me.

  13. On the flipside, being one of the major FE Youtubers of Awakening... When I don't agree with that, I get a lot of flak.

    The self-insert shippers of that pairing are most notorious for being insecure of people's preferences. What I mean is that most people that I've met in real life or this forum are pretty chill about it even making jokes via Matt Mercer judging someone asking to sign their Chrom body pillow... it doesn't change that out of all the waifu/husbando culture pairings... I've had the most crap flung at me for what arguably is the least important aspect of a Fire Emblem game.

    The extreme ones (heck there's even one in this forum) either hate Sumia and/or attempt to justify gameplay laughably for that pair.

    Oh well personally, every time I play Awakening I play as "Robin", I make her look like how she does in Smash Bros and I treat her like every other character and not an avatar. She's sorta one of my favourite FE characters and it's an odd concept for me to think about the fact that she's not even in a lot of people's playthroughs of Awakening. I really like male Robin and all, but there's so many things I love about female Robin, her personally and the fact that she's a badass mother who would do anything for her family. That's how I see her and I love her for it!

    So yeah... in short I don't own a Chrom body pillow.... I like Chrom and all, but not in that way.

    And personally I do hate Chrom and Sumia together, I generally hate it when Fire Emblem has a bunch of different marriage options but then they push one and people go with it because they say it's "canon" (I'm looking at you Eliwood and Ninan! You two are sure as hell NEVER canon in my playthroughs or my mind!).

    But a big difference between Eliwood and Ninan vs Chrom and Sumia, beside the fact that I fucking hate Ninan and still really like Sumia, is that I don't mind Chrom and Sumia as much when someone is playing as male Robin, because Lucina has to have a mother and if female Robin isn't around then it'll have to be someone!? Though due to my preferences and the fact that I hate forced pairings when there's other options out there, I encourage people to explore the non-Sumia options for Chrom, but I won't fight you.

    Oh and random, but for male Robin I think I like him and Anna together, I haven't checked out their supports yet, but I like the idea of them together.

  14. I did heavy research in my pairings before I played Awakening so I am very happy to do this survey.

    I try not to be too vocal about my pairings the majority of the time, because I don't want to tell people how to play the game (unless their my friend that I see in person all the time). But I admit I will always be moderately vocal for Robin and Chrom, because Awakening has a flimsy ass story, and Robin and Chrom as a couple really help give some structure to its already weak story.

  15. This happened to me once. All save data was wiped, but the cartridge could make new saves just fine. I don't remember what had caused it. IIRC I'd turned it off without saving, letting the autosave feature do its work, after arriving somewhere by bus and needing to depart. When I turned it back on, everything had been cleared out. I think it's just something that has a rare chance of occurring on old cartridges.

    That sucks. I hope it's a rare chance because I don't want it happening again. I may try and buy another used copy of Blazing Sword and see if that one's okay. I mostly bought this copy for the box and the inserts.

    Happened to me several times… Never knew what caused it, and strangely never had this problem on my other GBA cartridges…

    I hope it's just an isolated case to this GBA game.

    This is normally a trend for GBA games and it doesn't last very long. A lot of my GBA games no matter how many times you save them they all get their data erased the minute its turned off. The only few games that still have their data are my Pokemon Emerald and Sapphire because even if the battery is dead, surprisingly the save file is there... Then I have DK King of Swing which still has the data along with Super Star Saga.

    Funny because I just bought a used copy of Blazing Sword and while it did have some saves as soon as I checked, I deleted them all and I've yet to test whether it actually works or not. If it doesn't, I'll most likely emulate it since...well, I own the game copy legally.

    But thank god this issue is fixed in the DS line onwards with them having flash memory carts...granted its not exactly as strong as an SD card and all but the amount of times you save is in 1000 which is a lot!

    Yeah, it doesn't really help that I barley have any GBA games that aren't Pokemon.

    And I really only have Sonic Advance 2, which I haven't played yet because I need to play 1. I have WarioWare and WW:Twisted, both of which still have save files, as well as Minish Cap, which I haven't played in years but my save file from years back is still there. I really need to replay Minish Cap someday soon.

    But yeah, I have a copy on the Wii U virtual console, but I prefer to play games on the consoles they were made for, it's a quirk of mine. Plus I want the damn silver card on normal mode. I didn't buy Mario Kart: Double Dash with the bonus disc for nothing!

  16. IIRC the game autosaves when a unit dies, but I've restarted several times when someone dies and I've never experienced a lost of data. Then again, it's possible.

    I know! I personally do that all the time and it didn't happen to me. I also have a legit Binding Blade copy and holy damn people love dying in that game, but nothing has gotten deleted there.

    But here's some more weirdness!

    I checked the sound room and only 10% of it has been completed, also there's only pictures from Lyn's story. Why is this so weird? Because the mode selection screen is still active! I can play Hector's story on hard if I wanted too, but there's no pictures of anyone's story besides Lyn's in the sound room.

  17. Another reason could be removing the cart or turning off the power WHILE it was saving. I did that on my Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga cart and I lost all the data. Was at Joke's End, the second to last area of the game...

    (It was also a bootleg, so you might want to check the legitimacy of your cart as well.)

    My friend turned it off when Canas died, I wasn't there so maybe he did that while it was saving?

    I'm not too sure... but I'm like 99% percent sure it's legit. I um... I do have Binding Blade and Mother 3 reproduction cartridges... as well as a bootleg Leafgreen and I know it doesn't feel the same way those cartidges feel. Plus I bought my Rekka no Ken with the original box, and it came with the instruction booklet and an advertisement for the gameboy player. I'd have to be one elaborate fake.

    Before starting a new file though, I would try removing the game card and putting it back in/turning the GBA on and off a few times to see if they are back. If not though then I think hey may be lost for good.

    Yeah, I tried doing that a few times. The weirdest part was that the first time I saw the that the save files were gone so was the extras menu. But the 2nd time I started it up the extras menu was back and it's stayed since then.

    I've had this happen to me with both Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones when my battery dies during the auto-save after a unit action.

    Oh boy, all I know personally is that my friend turned it off when Canas died, because he refused to let Canas die. Could the timing in that situation have deleted the files?

  18. Hey y'all! So, I believe the topic title says it all, but I'll elaborate here.

    So I bought an actual GBA cartridge of Blazing Sword and I lent it to my friend months ago and he's been playing it regularly and he'd come over and I'd watch him play it, and all that jazz. But everything was fine until a few days ago, he came over and all of the save files were deleted. He played the game that same day with the files intact but just in the span of a few hours all three save files were gone.

    Thankfully I didn't have any personal save files on it, and he was three chapters away from the final chapter, and I still had my save of the final chapter on the Wii U virtual console, so I showed him some cutscenes online had him play the final chapter, THANK GOD! Cause that way was better then things being anti-climactic.

    But I was really wondering what could have done that and if anyone else had any experiences like that in any of their FE GBA games?

    I looked a little online and I think the obvious answer would be the battery, but I thought Nintendo fixed that problem with the GBA. My Pokemon Sapphire and Emerald both had their batteries run dry and they can still save (they can't tell time but that's... that's another topic). Also the support log in my Blazing Sword is still intact. It even kept the supports that my friend got on his play through.

    So that's everything I got to say! Looking forward to what people have to say... that is... if people see this... THANKS!

  19. Blazing Sword (my first FE game)

    I didn't know Gaiden chapters were a thing

    I also didn't know how much damage my units were doing and how much they could take.

    I saw Anna when I wanted to suspend my game and thought, "Who's this random ass bitch?"

    Luckily I played it on the Wii U, so I just saved any time before I made a risky move, or else I would have never beaten that game!

    For Binding Blade

    I maxed out Roy's levels in Chapter 7... but in my defense I was just so excited to use him!

  20. Kent was O.k in m ees,but his relationship with Sain is hilarious,but Sain was awesome,which character has all support conversations related to pck-up lines?? Not counting the one with Louise,these were another level.

    Was I the only one who preferred Kent?

    I mean, I love Sain and everything, but Kent was so sweet.

  21. Speaking of which, some Wii U games if I'm right about that rely on the touch screen and the dual gaming seen on the DS. So how will those be backwards compatible?

    I'm assuming that the Switch will be able to have dual screen functions. I mean, there are already 2 screens, the actual console pad thing and the TV. So I'm guessing that if they have a DS virtual console or something like that it should be able to do something like that.

    OH! Maybe, it will be split screen on the console's screen, but when you're at home you can choose to put a screen on your TV.

    Did I make that sound confusing? I actually have no idea what they're going to do! But there's is gonna be two screens (console & TV) so I think it'd be weird if they didn't do anything with that. Especially because dual screens have been Nintendo's thing for a while now.

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