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Posts posted by Armadillo8

    • Eliwood is the best FE7 lord
    • Ike is a outstandigly boring character
    • Tharja is just bullshit
    • Legault > Matthew
    • Conquest is the overall worst Fates-route
    • Knoll and Conrad are amazing
    • Kilma is the hardest boss in the entire series
    • Kris is an overall good MU
    • go play Treasure of the Rudras FE4 is one of the worst FE Games
  1. Arlen: I like his defense growth lol. He is kinda extreme regarding his rivalry with Merric, but as a player, I find it rather amusing. The main reason I like him is his performance as an unit. (Arlen > Merric)

    Conrad: I love his personality. He is kind and caring to Celica, and it feels fresh to have a new charscter added in for Echoes. Also, highest Res Growth bois (8 fucking percent)

    Faye: She gets so much shit even though she is a really nice character imo. Faye is IS's third attempt at making a "crush-on-the-protagonist" character, and this time they've done it right. I like her peronality a lot and her base and support conversation are really nice. She can be goofy as shown in her suopports with Skilque and her base convo after A&C meet at Zofia Castle, but she seems to be a nice and honest person.

    Finn: I think everyone knows why Finn is awesome.

    Lukas: He's realistic. And that's what I like about him. I didn't like him as much in the main story, though he was still one of my favorites, but after playing Rise of the Deliverance he really grew on me.

    Lowen: His design is super funny, and his relationship with Eliwood with Lowen being his cook is too.

    Python & Forsyth: They are amazing as a team. Whether it be in their supports, their base converations where they talk about each other or their comments on the others battle perfomances, they always manage to at least make me smile. Their personalities complement each other perfectly and it's presented in such a charming and funny way. I love it.

    Saleh: Like his personality, like him as a unit. I don't know why, i just like him.

  2. I'd reccomend MU (preferably Magic+) x Miriel, just because it is REALLY good (or at least give them a A-Support for the earlygame).
    And also Libra x Olivia. At that point Frederick is useless anyways and the +5 or +6 Def gives won't save a shitty Olivia. Better have a staffbot that can actually do something. And personally, I'd go Mercenary->Hero Cordelia as you have no axe users whatsoever.

  3. Seth. Eirika. Ephraim already had Orson.
    Tana: Eirika obviously.
    Ewan: Eirika. Since Saleh follows Eirikas Route no matter what you do it would make sense for his pupil to go along with him.
    Cormag: Honestly, both work fine, though personally I prefer Eirika.
    Gerik's mercs: Definitely Eirika. After all they have been hired by Innes, who, just like Saleh, follows Eirika no matter what.
    L'Arachel and friends: Plot-wise it's probably Eirika (Ch. 13!) but they seem to fit better into Ephraim's Route.

  4. I looked into it and yeah, Forde does suck... pretty hard actually. I tweaked his bases. And I buffed Marisa for the same reason.


    No, he does not have 10 base speed. Definitely not. 
    He just felt like the most fitting character to add.


  5. On ‎20‎.‎03‎.‎2017 at 4:37 AM, themistdrake said:

    On chapter 19 Eirika spawns on the same tile as Riev.
    The animation for Valhall is broken.
    I attacked Morva with Cormag weilding the Vidofnir with animations on and it froze the game.

    All of that was fixed in the last update a few days ago.

  6. I ackknowledge the Jagens, Oifeys, Gotohs and the RG Cavaliers, but all the others are just... not Archetypes. There is no other character than Est who has 70-80% grwoths in almost every stat. Nino and Ewan are nothing like Est. Instead od an "Est Archetype", I'd rather say there is a "Tiltyu/Elice Archetype": A low-level magic users (who joins later than usual) that is hard to train up but has somthing special going for him/her (outstanding growths, unique weapon, special skills...). Units would be: Elice, Tiltyu, (Canas,) Nino, Ewan, Knoll, Tormod etc.

  7. The Last Promise as it's pretty much the only finished hack that feels like FE. Midnight Sun and Staff of Ages are neat, but they're beta. FE Green Patch (also known as FE Midori) is good too, mainly because it adds skills to the GBA. It's in Japanese though.

  8. What you can do to Level them up is to spam Torch and Barrier staves until they reach Lv. 20. If you're on HHM the desert chapter is perfect for this, as Priscilla can't do anything good anyways. Another thing is to use restore staves the right way. If someone get poisoned you can essentially maximize the EXP gain by healing around three times. then using restore and then healing another time. Also use unlock staves if you can. That's pretty much everthing I can think of.

    As for promoting... I'd suggest you promote Oswin first, and then either Lowen or Kent. A tanky unit can become really useful in the late midgame, and Oswin is beefy. Especially if he has a support with Hector.

  9. 1 hour ago, Extrasolar said:

    I disagree. I think Hidden Weapons are an interesting mechanic; they were near-useless in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, unless you were using RD Volke and activating Lethality every five seconds, and I think Fates did a good job making them relevant. I think ninja was an interesting evolution of thief, personally, though I'll admit enemy ninjas could be pains with their poison strike and reposition. You had to get more tactical to take them out, despite their low defenses and attack, and it made the thief-analogues actually dangerous for once, whereas earlier in the series they've been little more than jokes for the most part.

    Hidden weapons on the GC and Wii were MUCH better. I found them actually useful as my thief wouldn't get screwed over by armor knights due to not being affected by the weapon traingle.
    The fact that they exist in fates is not the problem, but how they exist (and in which combinations they appear). The developers randomly decided to give 1-2 range weapons stat debuffs which range up to -6. And the debuffs aren't even consistent. "Take some -6 Speed here, and -5 Def here, oh and some -4 Strenght on this one. Aaaaand don't Forget the Spy Shuriken which has 3 range and grants all of your stats -2 and def and res -5." On top of that, they are Lances. That means you either have to use inaccurate Axes to beat them or rely on your 2-range locked Bows. Usually Lances are wielded by fat armor knights with 0 Speed, slow low-level soldier, flying Units who die to everything or cavaliers with average stats. But no, Ninjas are fast.  They will double you. And you will rarely have hitrates above 80% when fighting them and combined with fates RNG and the fact that they can just counterattack from afar (or directly next to you if you have an archer) you better prepare yourself. Also, Shurikens give a +2 boost to speed... even better. So along all the debuffs, the large attack range, them being Lances and the class that wields them come the skills. Poison Strike and Grisly Wound: EVERYONE. HAS. THEM. Roughly every three or four chapters you'd have a (Master)Ninja fuckfest. A big chunk of Ninjas awaits you, all with Poison Strike and Grisly Wound! You know... People are complaining about "Fugas Funhouse", but that is WAY better than "Kazes Lunge-Party", "Kotaros Fuckfest of betrayal" (where you even have to escort a green unit though a shitload of Ninjas) and "Generic Ninjas Hallway of Death". Ninjas are simply not just Fates Version of the thief that shows up once every two chapter to loot the chests. I wouldn't be half as pissed if they game wouldn't spam them so relentlessly and if Status Immunity or Kagero's Shuriken Mastery were actually obtainable skills, but no. "But you can just put shurikenbrea--". Did I mention Ninjas have high skill? And that Shuriken have good hitrates as well? And even if they should ever miss, Grisly Wound+Poison Strike will still take away 40% of your HP, double that, and then look at that generic Master of Arms finishing your unit off. (Conquest) Chapter 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 , 15, 16, 18 and even Fugas Funhouse (Ch 20) and Hinkos Chapter (Ch 24) were great because you needed to plan. I enjoyed playing them and even geting destroyed by them!
    Anways... My fingers hurt so yeah... I got quite off-topic here... and it's really biased but whatever... I feel better now.

  10. Bows being neutral worked for 13 games. I don't see a reason to change that. And Hidden Weapons should be removed entirely... I don't know who it was but his idea was terrible... Hidden Weapons are the worst thing in fates alongside Ninjas. I hope they bring back the trinity of magic. IMO it makes more sense to combine the magic types with the physical weapon types (eg: Light/Swords>Dark/Axes>Anima/Lances) than stuffing all Magic into one category. That would mean some classed would have a permanant advantage over mages which feels wrong (eg: Generals, who are already physically beefy, have an advantage over magic -> stupid). The traingle in Fates was awful while the GBA games triangles were perfect. They should bring them back.
    Or just take Heroes WT, which is the best IMO.

  11. 2 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

    I think "social knight" is a mistranslation. The English in the Japanese FE games isn't exactly stellar in general...

    I think they meant to call the class "mounted knight" (as opposed to "armored knight", which was the other knight class back in FE1).

    It's not a mistranslation. It's the direct romanization of the Japanese Name (ソシアル ナイト) that is literally Social Knight.

    My guess is that they just picked "Social Knight" over "Cavalier" because they misuderstood the meaning of the English word "Social", as ソシアル (social) is Katakana. They could have just used カバリエ (lit. Kabarie = Cavalier), and if they wanted to point out the social aspect they would have probably written "Social" in Kanji/Hiragana. Because, honstely, "Social Knigh" sounds stupid and makes no sense at all. Or they got confused with the word cavalier and thought that a cavalier(knight on a horse) is automatically a cavalier(personality) and then mixed that into one -> "Social - Knight"

  12. I really like him but the game usually sends me to Linus's Version of that Chaper, as I don't like leveling up my Lords before they get their Promotion Item.
    But whenever I get the chance to use him I do so. He's not even that bad and his characters is quite interesting.

  13. 8 hours ago, jl260 said:

    Sorry for the double post. My rogue (Colm) seems to completely ignore terrain movement penalties (i.e. he can freely move through forts, forest and peaks)

    That's how it should be (if it's just normal Terrain like Forests, Water, Peaks etc.).

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