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Posts posted by onvars

  1. I don't think anyone's mentioned this, but I feel Radiant Dawn's story would be a lot better if Sephiran, who's supposed to be the main villain, actually showed up sometime before the second-to-last chapter. I guess the reveal that Sephiran had been your enemy the whole time was supposed to be a big betrayal thing, but it's hard to feel betrayed by someone I barely remembered from the last game. If he had spent the rest of the plot pretending to help you only to reveal he was behind all your problems, not only would he be more interesting, but the plot would feel much more cohesive, rather than three stories that have little to do with each other.

    Admittedly, I've only played RD once a few months ago, so my knowledge of the plot might be a bit flimsy.

  2. I'm also not a huge fan of proc skills, as I prefer skills that can be relied on, so I was pretty happy in Fates where they seemed to be less common (although I might be wrong on that). That said, I can understand how some people appreciate them because of the character build opportunities. One final note is that I actually can appreciate the design of Vengence - sure, it's a proc skill, but it only works when a certain criteria has been met (low HP), and it's high proc rate means that it can be relied on in some circumstances, which is why I was somewhat disappointed when Fates overnerfed the skill.

  3. I don't think Revelations is that bad, Karnage. Anyway, it depends on how confident you're feeling. Starting from Birthright to Conquest to Revelations, I would go either Normal/Classic to Normal/Classic to Hard/Classic or Hard/Classic to Hard/Classic to Lunatic/Classic. Remember both that Conquest is about one difficulty harder than the other paths (i.e., Conquest Hard is about as hard as Birthright/Revelation Lunatic) and that you can lower the difficulty whenever you want.

  4. If you don't want to risk dying, why go into battle at all? You risk dying in every battle, regardless of who is leading.

    Risking death is one thing, but I'd rather risk death as little as possible. If I had to choose between a leader where I have a 1% chance of death and one where I have a 5% chance of death, the second guy better have cookies or something.

  5. Negotiating is different from politics, I thought? Politics is government and negotiating is just that, talking it out.

    I guess I am getting my concepts a bit confused there. Still, I feel like Roy is probably one of the stronger negotiators, while Ike (especially RD Ike) is more of a fight first, ask questions later kind of guy.


    I take it all back Refa's answer is obviously the best.

  6. I agree with Chibi (although Ike makes a strong runner-up). Roy's intelligent and level-headed, and while his personal combat feats aren't too noteworthy, his feats of leadership might be the most impressive of the franchise. The fact is, he took the fantasy equivalent of France from WWII and actually managed to win despite all odds.


    Ike's not a noble or prince though, he's just a commander in the army. Why does he need politics for that? The other lords, sure, they probably do need it since they ARE nobles/royals.

    The problem with this is something I'm pretty sure Mordecai and Ike discussed in PoR: sometimes, words can prevent unnecessary battles. Take the fight against Muarim in the desert of PoR. I don't want to fight and die in a battle that could have been prevented if my leader had just had better negotiating skills and had talked to someone he had reason to believe was on his side.

  7. I like this thread, I won't let it die before we've at least discussed the recruitment themes.

    Day #23- Guest of Shade

    The recruitment theme for Conquest. In my opinion, it's better than Awakening's recruitment theme, though I'm not sure that it lives up to Together We Ride, With Us, etc. Then again, the comparison may be somewhat unfair, as this seems to be going for a different feel: while FE1-12 recruitment themes were high-energy, blood-pumping affairs, this theme seems just a bit more subdued. That said, it's still a pretty enjoyable song, and much more memorable than whatever Awakening's song was.

  8. Well Hoshidan Noble can heal aswell.

    Oh yeah lol

    Of course, your staff rank is probably a lot lower than Jakob's.

    I haven't messed about much with DLC classes or reclassing in general. I've heard that Paladin!Jakob is good, but I think this is generally in reference to the earlygame. At this point, it might not be worth reclassing Jakob as he is your only shuriken user and best staff user, not to mention that he would be stuck with E-rank swords and lances.

    Edit: For future reference, you should probably put topics like this in the Fates subforum rather than general FE.

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