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Posts posted by ghost_walrus

  1. Avatar: Male

    Class: Dark Falcon (Dark Mage Talent)

    The avatar will marry Setsuna so Kana can be a kinshi Knight naturally

    Setsuna will be a Dark Knight (from partner seal)

    Not sure if I have access to Dark Falcon? I don't have Revelations so don't get the Ebon Wing from 3-path bonus.

  2. I'm on the last two chapters of my Conquest run and after that I'd like to jump back into Birthright to do it on Lunatic. I'd like to do it as a PMU if those are allowed. Here are my restrictions:

    • For Avatar, please choose Sex/Class/Bane/Boon
    • I would like to use Kagero (pls no Onmyoji). Everything else is open season.
    • No Ryoma.
    • I have access to two Dread Fighters (path bonus), one Lodestar and Great Lord (awakening), and either a Witch or Ballistician (gift). I own no other DLC.
    • Kids are fine.
    • 16 slots:

    1. Sakura: Priestess

    2. Kana: Kinshi Knight

    3. Oboro: Basara

    4. Kagero: Blacksmith

    5. Mitama: Onmyoji

    6. Orochi: Great Lord

    7. Kiragi: Lodestar

    8. Takumi: Ballistician

    9. Azama: Onmyoji

    10. Kaze: Mechanist

    11. Hana: Dread Fighter

    12. Setsuna: Dark Knight

    13. Felicia: Master Ninja

    14. Hinoka: Falcon Knight

    15. Sophie: Bow Knight

    16. Avatar: Dark Falcon? (Male, Marries Setsuna. +Spd/-Def)

    Please pick my units! Thanks.

  3. To echo what everyone else has been saying, it isn't recommended to jump into Lunatic!Conquest blind... The Lunatic Club does exist for a reason. Normal!Conquest is a good deal harder than Hard!Birthright, so I strongly recommend you start there. Compared to the FE's you have played, Conquest's Maps have a ton more going on in them and I can see people outright hating them if they don't know what to expect. Heck, I've seen people say Chapter 25 on Hard is terribly designed: That Map on Lunatic gives the boss an extra Proc and the Ninja's can literally stack their debuffs infinitely.

    As for a Hidden Weapon user, the two that I see recommended most often are Kaze and a reclassed Laslow (his child could also work if they have the right mother). I've heard good things about Master Ninja!Xander and Silas (both through an A+ with Kaze), though I've never tried them personally. Also, since you likely have 2 Paths, you can get the Dread Scroll from the Path Bonus. Dread Fighter is basically just Ninja+, with base stats equivalent to a Promoted class and 3 Weapon Types to choose from as early as Chapter 7. Most any physical fighter can work in it, so it does give you some leeway.

    If I get the item to do so, then reclassing one of my units into a Dread Fighter suits me (Maybe Odin?) Aggressor seems worth it.

    I mean, Aptitude isn't bad per se. but for a Lvl 10 Base unit to Lvl 20 Promoted, that's only gonna get you 3 stats each on average. less they were recruited at higher lvls (unless inherited though not 100% sure if Aptitude is taken into consideration). it just looks really off when you're doing these crazy skill sets and when you're only giving it to 3 people. while they're technically hacked, there are 1st Gen units with Aptitude to buy from though if you feel taking advantage of someone else hacking while you personally aren't technically hacking is still no good, that's fine

    I'd rather not use hacked skills if possible. I know when buying skills you can't ever know, but I mean I would rather only buy skills that the character could get naturally given time and effort.

    Well I for one recommend Hard/Classic. That's what I did for my first blind playthrough, I thought it was rather decent. Hard but not ridiculously hard. And like I said I'm not even that good really. Although Chapters 19 and 20 were annoying.

    Is probably what I will do. If it really is too hard I can always turn it down.

  4. Thanks so much for all the detailed responses.

    Selena || Silas [Paired | Guard]

    Selena has some dmg issues while Silas has some Spd issues but I guess that's helped by Life or Death. though I question whether that's viable in Lunatic Conquest unless you plan on using her for only Player Phase and also one shotting. consider different skillset possibly. am I right to assume Silas is mostly if not reserved as Support? I might suggest Great Knight Silas for the extra Str and Def and Mov

    I was kind of running with a mentality that I wanted to split the roles of characters, having some units that were tailored more towards defense and others that were tailored more towards offense, but most of the feedback says Life and Death is not viable, so I'll have to rethink that.

    Effie || Niles Replicate [Paired | Guard]

    very odd pairing to say the very least. especially as General Wary Fighter, Effie has absolutely no use for +Spd and +2 Res isn't worth. unless you're going for +1 Mov then no comment. but I still feel Effie would be slightly under max potential, considering she's one of the more useful units in Conquest. and at least in Conquest, in general, Effie can tank everything even without Armored Blow. plus it's only Player phase so even less utility

    Another beginner mistake I guess was thinking that if a unit could be paired up, then they probably should be paired up, but I think this was more relevant in Awakening and less so in Fates. Effie was marrying Arthur to create Percy, but then I was planning on ditching Arthur ASAP after.


    why does he have Quixotic?

    I don't know!

    Camilla || Percy [Paired | Guard]

    why's Percy with Camilla? no support so you're just getting vanilla Berserker boost. also Vengeance simply isn't that good in Fates with HP being so low. either you don't get much output or you're gonna die. Lol Aptitude

    Again, just that mentality of trying to pair people up where I guess it's not necessary. Probably better to have Percy as an extra attacker anyway.

    Is Aptitude bad? I would have thought that if you could get it, you should?

    there's also a lack of any Hidden weapon user at all, but not sure how much of an issue that really is

    Yeah, I don't know. Do you have any suggestions on who to replace/switch/reclass for that role if I were to use it?

    I mean I'm not the best at the game (and I'm still on Ch26 Lunatic) but I really would not recommend Life and Death. Also since you'll be buying skils get some Shuriken Breaker up in here, them ninja are annoying as hell.

    Can do!

    Okay the first suggestion I have is to NOT do a Lunatic run-- yet, at least.

    Needless to say you're free to do what you want, but I highly, HIGHLY recommend doing a more casual playthrough of Conquest first-- Normal/Classic is what I would suggest, as Conquest is quite hard if you're not used to FE titles not named Awakening or Birthright. Go through it, ship people the way you want by supports or whatever, play the game and experience it on a normal level first-- THEN come back to this plan and do the Lunatic playthrough. That's my advice.

    Ahahahaha, somehow you knew that Awakening and Birthright were the only two I had played...

    Considering your planning, sorry, but I see a lot of mistakes everywhere. Pair-Up bots are usually useless in Lunatic. Why? Because there are several Ninjas chapters, and they usually have Inevitable End which means that all the debuffs will stack once you're hit. There are three tips to avoid getting debuffed: to attack from outside of their range (impossible due to the lack of 3 ranged weapons in Conquest), to avoid getting hit (Shurinkenbreaker is good on fast units like Selena, that can have Weapon Triangle advantage by using Axes), and OHKO them, and it's especially here that Pair-ups are extremely bad. Basically, your pair-ups will reduce your actions/turn and prevent your units from Dual Striking to kill the Ninjas before they even hit.

    Thanks for this explanation. In my mind I had convinced myself that a unit should always be paired up if possible. I second guessed this when switching from Awakening to Fates because paired units don't dual strike, but still never really shook the idea that units should be paired if possible.

    your skills are not adapted

    Sure, that's fair. Obviously there was some logic in my mind when picking these skills, but they were picked outside of any kind of tested environment. I am a little worried about how much skill buying I would need to do. I'll go through and try and cut down the proc skills overall and make more use of Blow/Breaker skills.

    Do NOT go into Conquest Lunatic blind, especially if you're struggling as much as you are in Birthright.

    I'm not struggling in Birthright. I said I made some mistakes in terms of classes/skills/etc. But I'm actually finding the game too easy on Hard Classic. It was the same in Awakening, I played Hard Classic and found it so easy towards the end that it became boring. I would just put it on Auto and then skip all combat phases just for the sake of completing the game. I don't want that. I want a challenge.

    You're not going to earn any extra brownie points with the community or anything like that by doing so. First and foremost, learn the mechanics of Fates, because you'll need to abuse some of them in Conquest.

    It has nothing to do with gaining brownie points, whatever that means. All I know is that I played Awakening Hard Classic and it was so easy it was boring. I played Birthright on Hard Classic Blind and made a lot of mistakes and still didn't find much of a challenge in the game, even with extremely limited knowledge (as you can see from above). Logically the next step is to increase the difficulty? That being said, most people have said the same thing so I will take the advice and stick to the Hard Classic route I am on for now.

    Again, thanks for all the comments and help setting me on the right track.

  5. Sorry for the length of this thread, but I've spent so long tinkering around and trolling the wiki for info on this that I'm getting a bit braindead and could use some external opinions. First thing, I am not a smart man and I am not a veteran fire emblem player, so this is probably packed with flaws. I'm on Chapter 25 of my Birthright playthrough and am about to move on to Conquest, Lunatic Classic. I made so many mistakes on my Birthright run (playing totally blind), so I'm trying to have more of a plan for going into Conquest. I have never played Conquest or used any of these characters. I don't know what to expect.

    So, is this team viable? Are there any changes or suggestions you would make?

    I've made the assumption that with the exception of a few skills, most characters can get any skill, given enough time (though I've not checked or confirmed this). I'm not against buying skills so I'm hoping to be able to buy any difficult to obtain skills. Here is roughly what I have put together so far:

    Corrin (Female): Swordmaster
    [supported by Jakob]
    -Nohrian Trust
    -Hoshidan Unity
    Speed Boon
    Luck Bane
    55 50 30 60 80 45 35 35

    Jakob: Paladin
    [supporting Corrin]
    -Rend Heaven
    60 45 15 50 45 60 35 35

    Selena: Hero
    [supported by Silas]
    -Rend Heaven
    -Death Blow
    -Life and Death
    60 45 5 45 60 35 55 30

    Silas: Hero
    [supporting Selena]
    -Armored Blow
    60 60 5 70 55 45 50 25

    Azura: Songstress
    [No Pairing]
    25 60 25 80 80 60 15 35

    Effie: General
    [Marries Arthur (For Percy Only)]
    -Armored Blow
    -Wary Fighter
    60 80 0 50 50 60 55 35
    [Additional Notes: Uses Boots x2]

    Camilla: Wyvern Lord
    [Marries Keaton]
    -Savage Blow
    50 65 25 65 65 30 55 45

    Elise: Strategist
    [No Pairing | Marries Odin (For Ophelia)]
    -Live to Serve/Renewal
    30 5 80 30 65 90 15 55

    [supported by Charlotte]
    55 65 5 50 45 75 50 25

    Charlotte: Berserker
    [supporting Xander]
    -Certain Blow
    -Death Blow
    95 80 0 50 65 45 20 5

    Niles: Adventurer
    -Life and Death
    40 40 35 45 70 30 30 60

    Odin: Swordmaster
    [Marries Elise]
    -Life and Death
    65 45 35 70 55 75 40 30

    Percy: Berserker
    [Parents: Arthur/Effie]
    -Certain Blow
    -Death Blow
    62.5 70 2.5 55 60 62.5 45 22.5

    Velouria: Wolfssegner
    [Parents: Keaton/Camilla]
    -Savage Blow
    -Grisly Wound
    65 70 12.5 50 62.5 35 50 37.5

    Forrest: Sorcerer
    [Parents: Leo/Felicia]
    -Certain Blow
    -Quick Draw
    -Life and Death
    47.5 12.5 75 25 47.5 40 25 60

    Ophelia: Sorcerer
    [Parents: Odin/Elise]
    -Malefic Aura
    -Rend Heaven
    37.5 10 80 32.5 60 67.5 22.5 50

    So the final team formation will look something like this (Obviously switching units in and out of guard pairing as necessary):

    Corrin || Jakob [Paired | Guard]


    Selena || Silas [Paired | Guard]

    Effie || Niles Replicate [Paired | Guard]



    Camilla || Percy [Paired | Guard]

    Elise || Forrest [Attack]

    Elise Replicate

    Xander || Charlotte [Paired | Guard]

    Odin || Ophelia [Paired | Guard]

    I have no idea if this is viable, if the skills I picked are really appropriate (I just picked them from the wiki and tried to cover my bases in terms of variety), or if the pairings make any sense so any comments, criticisms, help, suggestions, etc. are appreciated. Most notable, in previewing this post I can't for the life of me remember why I put Inspiration on silence and it's things like that I need help with! Thanks.

  6. You'll have to promote her to Spear Master/Basara, and as she levels up she'll learn the Spear Fighter skills. For example: Level 20 Spear Fighter Mozu (Aptitude, Underdog) -> Level 20/1 Spear Master (Aptitude, Underdog) -> Level 20/2 Spear Master (Aptitude, Underdog, Seal Defense) -> Level 20/3 Spear Master (Aptitude, Underdog, Seal Defense, Swap) -> Level 20/4 Spear Master (Aptutude, Underdog, Seal Defense, Swap) -> Level 20/5 Spear Master (Aptitude, Underdog, Seal Defense, Swap, Seal Speed) and so on.

    Thanks. So it's not possible to hoard skills in the same way as Awakening? Or, let's say I promote Villager to Master of Arms, then max out to 20 and Buddy Seal to Spear Fighter. Can I then promote again and keep doing that to gather the skills I need?

  7. Can someone help me understand seals?

    For example, if I have a Mozu as a level 20 Villager and I want to get the skills from Spear Fighter. I buddy her with Oboro and use a buddy seal. I now have a level 20 Spear Fighter Mozu but none of the skills and nowhere to level. How do I get the skills? I'm so used to class hopping for skills like in Awakening, so I can't get my head around this new system.

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