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Posts posted by ElementKasai

  1. Google uses your navigation data to select ads, if you search something on Amazon you can see it very easily, since you usually get the exact product you searched.
    If you don't search too much FE realted stuff on Google you'll probably never see an ad regarding that. Basically, ads are shown in base of the person who is visiting, not in relation with the site which is being visited.

  2. I started Gaiden on december, right after finishing Shadow Dragon and the Sword of Light, and today I managed to finish it, so here are my thoughts.

    Bad map design: That's the worst flaw of this game. Anonymous maps, repeated maps, bad designed maps with only few gimmicks at the end. I'd appreciate if they could fix it in SoV.

    Broken items: Mostly the Angel Ring. The Moon Lance, too. And the Magic Ring. Too much power that is difficult to spread in the party. That's why I ended up with almost capped Strenght Est.

    Poor charachter design: Well, I cannot blame them for this since that's a NES game, but the point is here. Still (a lot) better than FE1.

    Fantastic music: There are few tracks in this game, but every one of them has its own appeal and, despite the low 8-bit quality, they really sound good. Can't wait to hear the revamped versions.

    Good ideas: The realization isn't the best, but there are a lot of cool ideas.

    It was a lot fun to play, except some chapters that... you know, Nuibaba, swamps, teleporting Dread Fighters. Annoying.

  3. 5 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Yeah, I know they do cross-gen, but my point is that the old hardware is not forgotten quickly. There might be no point in buying a new old-gen console/portable, but there is still worth in owning one, which is a pretty cool thing.

    Yeah, there is still the entire 2017 content, Nintendo still makes ca$h on the 3DS, at least until they have a solid base on Switch.

  4. Just now, InfinityAlex said:

    Personally, I'm holding out for Fire Emblem Echoes: Elibean Saga, rolling FE6 and 7 into one game with a timeskip and stuffs.

    That would be awesome, they could even implement waifus and stuff like Genealogy without bothering older fans.

    13 minutes ago, UdoGudo said:

    Yeah, with a FE title already announced for Switch I don't think will get another one for the 3DS, but hey FE12 was released at the tail end of the DS life so anything could happen.

    FE12 is probably the worst example on how to launch a game in the history of the franchise. If it has to be like that I prefer nothing at all.

    15 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I don't know much about the GBA, but the DS still received games up till 2012, which is a year after the 3DS was released, 4 years after the launch of the Wii, and the year that the Wii U came out. And they weren't just dumb titles, either; Pokemon Black and White 2 still supported vanilla NDSes.

    Pokémon has always been a cross-gen seller. RBY arrived late on the GB life, with GBC not yet announced. GS were compatible with normal GB, but had exclusive content on GBC (colors), same for BW2 which had RAdar Pokémon and, with that, the Therian forms of the Totem Trio. The DS had retrocompatibility with exclusive content for GBA games' owners in DPP. Only RSE was an exception, but only because the brand was intended to end with GSC and they had issues rebalancing the completely broken battle system.

    I'll say the obvious: portable is better portable than half-portable. Continuing to support the 3DS (or the DS line in general) would mean that the concept of the Switch (play everywhere, any time you want) is meaningless, since you can already play everywhere with a 3DS.

    Sorry for talking so much about my opinions while you probably don't give a shit about them. lol.

  5. Just now, Jeheza said:

    I remember reading that Nintendo plans keeping the 3DS alive alongside the Switch, which indicates more important games for the 3DS possibly Fire Emblem, Pokemon etc. I doubt that they'd make another new version of the 3DS though.

    They said the same for the GBA and the DS. We all know how it ended.

    1 minute ago, Jeheza said:

    also, good Friday! Too bad mine is ending in a matter of hours. :(

    Living in Europe is so bad.

  6. Since FE for Switch has already been announced for 2018, I think they will stop for the 3DS after SoV (yeah, Warriors, but it's a spin-off, crossgen, and only on the new 3DS, it doesn't count).

    Not only that. I also think 2017 will be the last year of 3DS' life, then Switch will completely replace it, with no new handheld console (at least, if Switch sells good). We will have confirmation of how much the 3DS is dead on the next Pokémon announcement for sure.

    Good friday to you, too :3

  7. Just now, Reloaded said:

    How many people concentrate their votes on 1/2 characters? It seems that the majority here do that, and I'm curious if anyone other than me gives one vote to a different character every day.

    Speaking of which, I'm probably going to randomly vote characters that I like that also happen to be in Top 20, like Henry and Takumi. Already gave a vote to Lyn, Micaiah, Hector, and Mia.

    I voted for my favs, (Lute, L'Arachel, Hector, Takumi, Gaius, BBQguySigurd, Lyn and Odin), but now I prefer giving my votes to only one charachter to give him the best possibilities.

  8. 20 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

    This seems dangerously close to the 'vote for X' topics that eclipse has been closing down, so just be aware of that.


    your waifu is trash gif v2.gif


    Thanks for the notice, mate.

    About the commericial... the "trust no one" part is complete trash, being a game when half of your units are recruited from enemy lines.

    And what about xX_L00t_Xx, do you guys think she is there for the same reason of Dorcas?

  9. Okay, here we go.

    Normal: Snorlax, because he is the only normal type I ever liked to actually use in normal playthroughs.

    Fire: Ninetales, he is my favourite Pokémon above everyone else.

    Grass: Torterra. Best starter, too.

    Water: Suicune, he is just elegant and beautiful, as a water type has to be.

    Electric: Rotom, the fact he can control electrical appliances is just fun.

    Psychic: Gallade, because of his design. So edgy.

    Ice: Glaceon. Elegant. Soft. Ice.

    Dragon: Dragonite. Fat dragon rulez mah boi.

    Dark: Darkrai cause Shadows of Almia and everything.

    Fairy: Alolan Vulpix, cause I love Ninetales, but Vulpix is a lot cuter.

    Fighting: Lucario. I hate fighting types, he and Gallade are the only ones I like.

    Flying: Staraptor, he was my first shiny.

    Poison: ...Venusaur is the only one I don't hate, so I guess he is my fav?

    Rock: Rhyperior, aka Pokémon's Oswin.

    Ground: Nidoking, just kingly.

    Bug: Araquanid. I have entomophobia, I hate insects, even in this game. He is the only one I can accept, but just because he is strong. A lot.

    Ghost: Giratina, I love his shiny colors.

    Steel: Dialga, cause Mystery Dungeon 2.

    It's the first time I chose a Pokémon for each type, I feel like some of them are here just to have one of each type while others should be here but aren't.

  10. Wow, there is a lot of people coming from smash.
    My story is not special anyway, but let's start.

    Back in 2008 I started knowing about emulators and I was like "oh wow, free games!" (did not know it was illegal). One day, I downloaded that game "Fire Emblem", played the tutorial and thought that was complete trash. A year later a friend showed me Shadow Dragon and I played the prologue chapters (poor Abel lel) and actually liked it, so then I downloaded "Fire Emblem" and discovered that there were two of them on GBA, picked the 7 and played it (spammed Marcus, obviously). I played it in english, didn't understand anything at all about the story. I knew only years later that it was localized in Italian, too. So, I played FE7 and 8, then I saw that Awakening was coming out and just bought it.

    And after playing FE13, 10, 11, 14, 1, 6 and 2 I'm here, with Fire Emblem at the third place of my personal top of series (the 2nd and 1st are respectively Zelda - which I got into near the same time as Fire Emblem and was a beautiful experience, but this is not the place to talk about that - and Pokèmon - played since I was 3 -).

    This game, and the other two, are just so deep radicated in my heart that I won't ever be able to stop loving them.

  11. Hi! Welcome to the Forest! 

    If you are new to the series the best thing to learn more is just memes playing them all, I guess. Don't play them in order, just look at the ones which looks more appealing and enjoy yourself playing them. If you have issues there is a lot of people here ready to help, you just have to ask!

    See you on the forum then, goodbye!

  12. From personalization options he is ok, with the female version being slightly better in my opinion.
    The bad comes when you look how the charachter is written.

    As a lord he is just bad. Xander and Ryoma are just perfect for the role, even Takumi and Hinoka are probably fitting better than him.
    If I can accept Eirika being naive I can't accept this from Corrin, simply because he just give orders, but have no responsibility. Eirika gets blamed for her errors, Corrin gets COMPLIMENTS. It could have been ok if he was not the main charachter and there was not everyone praising him for everything, but this isn't the case.

    As an avatar, he is even worse. Just because of him being naive the player looks like a complete idiot in some parts of the game (if you think at him as your own self). At least Robin, far from being a complete and real charachter, was a good avatar, with no major personality signs, just "I'm with the good people, let's do good actions". This is a good avatar, Corrin is a bad one.

    As an unit, he is good. Having access to Dragonstones and Swords makes him a good mixed unit, with the addition of Staves or Tomes he can fit multiple roles in the army, being both a good attacker and a good healer and becoming very tanky when equipped with the Stone. The Yato is extremely powerful, and makes him even better. It's the only role where I actually like him.

  13. If the hit rate of the brigand is 100 you probably can't, since no one can reach her for rescuing in turn 1.
    If not, you could try to reset the chapter (resetting the entire emulator) and retry until the brigand misses, then using your Wyvern Knight to rescue her on turn 2.

    This is a problem many people have, when Ross is randomized in something/someone very squishy it happens to not being able to rescue him/his substitute.

    Hope this answer helps you!

  14. I'd like:

    • A lord unit who is not a garbage unit and a complete idiot (I'm respectively talking about Roy and Corrin), maybe a controversial one.
    • Magic, I mean REAL Dark/Anima/Light magic as different weapons, possibly with Fates' Weapon Triangle and Magic Triangle inside.
    • A different charachter design (no preferences, just wanting something different).
    • The height mechanic from Radiant Dawn.
    • Traitors and units who die not screaming "Hey, I'm a green unit! Hey, I have no supports!".
    • More platonic S supports.
    • No Avatar, or a good one like Robin, but secondary like Mark.
  15. 20 minutes ago, Koumal8 said:

      I don't know, not featuring axes at all seems like a very weird move to me.

      Also I really don't get what you're saying: Celica does recruit two sword-users in her party (Saber and that other guy that is attacked by pirates) and why would an axe user be overpowered in Alm's route? Only because you fight mostly lance-wielding Soldiers? I wouldn't be against an axe user filling the traditional role of "broken slaughterer of early game enemies" a la KillerEdge!Rutgervslolbrigand

    That's it, if you have an axe user, a lance user and 4 sword users in the beginning of Alm's route (you may not want to promote them in the first shrine basing on how the promotion bonuses are given) with the weapon triangle, it's just unbalanced considering that most of the enemies are lance users. The same is for Celica and thieves when you have 2 early sword users.

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