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Posts posted by Suzaku

  1. Masu has spent so much time not caring what people think, that he's stopped caring about how people feel. And therein lies his problem.

    And maybe internet relationships aren't mature, or cool, or whatever, but if you ARE in one, you should treat that person with respect. Which Masu clearly didn't. And he clearly doesn't care about any person's feelings.

    That right there is not 100% true I trust MaSu with my life you on the other i wouldn't let you beat the most hated person in the world

  2. Okay well enjoy yourselves with worthless insults and such. I truly dont give a damn about what you all think about me. Call me what you like. Its wasted breath. Wanna spread petty gossip? Have at it. Its your lives you're wasting acting like stupid idiots, not mine. And this is directed at EVERYONE.


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