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Posts posted by BakanGin

  1. Just now, King Marth 64 said:

    Lukas having the support for Forsyth and Python can be unlocked by playing one of the DLC maps in "Rise of the Deliverance". Clive has DLC supports for Forsyth and Python as weel and Clair and Mathilda has a DLC support that can be unlocked by playing one of the DLC maps in "Rise of the Deliverance" also.

    Thanks, also when i did the a support there were no voices

  2. 6 hours ago, alatartheblue42 said:

    Bring an absurd number of mages and healers. Especially Tatiana (or anyone else with Fortify). I didn't bring her and I regretted it every time Upheaval went off. Here's how my run went.

    1) Kill the stuff near the start points and regroup just below Jedah.

    2) Turtle until you have a lull in enemies and kill Jedah as quickly as possible. If you have some bows or something else long range that can hit him from your back lines (away from the hordes of enemies) and survive a retaliation from him, use that to wear down his nullify.

    3) After killing Jedah, move a bit up and turtle. Stay outside Duma's range.

    4) At some point, use Mae to silence the Witch on the right. Still staying outside of Duma's range, move bows in and kill her.

    5) You are a turtle. BE THE TURTLE.

    6) On the left wall of Duma's alcove, there are a couple isolated spots just outside his range. IDK if its possible, but if they're within 5 spaces of the other Witch, have Silque warp a bow over to one of those and pray you can ORKO the Witch. If not, she'll attack you along with Duma on #7, so start praying.

    7) If necessary, turtle until there's another lull in mooks. Silence the Arcanist with Medusa and use someone (probably a baron for their health and being able to ignore the Mogalls) to kill him. Pray they survive Duma on the next turn.

    8) Pray to RNJesus as you whittle (or in my case score a lucky crit with Delthea and Ragnarok) Duma's HP down. Once he switches to Oculus (instead of Ocular Beam), only Alm (with Falchion) or a couple of the Amiibos (I think Marth and Lucina or something like that, ones with Dragon-slaying weapons) will be able to hurt him. Supposedly Nosferatu also works, but I wasn't crazy enough to try it. Pray some more.

    9) Gloat for a few moments before falling into depression as you remember that you're only on Normal mode.

    Alll i understood was TURTLE.

    I deafeted finale boss on hard without fighting Jedah, he doesn't move, plus the eyes were easy targets.

  3. 15 hours ago, Suichimo said:

    My Delthea got +2 3 times, maybe only twice, 30 attack before her first promotion is insane.


    Her stats at Mage 20 are

    HP: 32

    Atk: 30

    Skl: 21

    Spd: 26

    Lck: 25

    Def: 14

    Res: 15

    Mine was broke at sage, I had:

    Hp 33

    Atk  35

    Skl 29

    Spd 37

    Lck 25

     Def 3

    Res 30

    All good except defense

  4. 8 hours ago, Midnight Torch said:

    Marth existed 2000 years before Awakening and the First Exalt lived 1000 years before Awakening.

    You may be right about the Future Past bit.

    I thought the story of Chrom's father would be interesting since he was the aggressor of the first Plegia-Ylisse war.

    Another random idea I had was a game concerning Morgan. It is established that she may not be from the same future as the other children, so there's potential (I doubt they'd ever actually do it).

    Morgan's past is theorized in the :Future Past DLC".

    7 hours ago, Midnight Torch said:

    I feel like there is a lot to explore with the First Exalt idea, Like the countries going to war with one another, leading to the "Great Schism". They could also use the details from Shadows of Valentia's postgame and credits (Trying not to give spoilers).

    If the first exalt is the main character, then how can Chrom even come in, 1000 years before he was born.

  5. 15 hours ago, KliffIsTheOG said:

    Maybe Duma was just covered in the slime of the swamp he was in. It is shown by his animation that he stays underground when not in battle at the very least.

    And it would stick to him because he never moved his body till revival. (So a couple hundred years)


    14 hours ago, Wayward Alchemist said:

    The better question here is why tf was there a swamp underground beneath Rigel Castle/Duma Tower in the first place? Like are underground swamps a thing in the first place?

    They are, but it needs swamps from the surrounding area. Also black swamps=evil energy in most games

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