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Posts posted by Fala

  1. Digital Devil Saga had to deal with everyone getting Cannibalism Superpowers, horrific consequences of ignoring the cost of said powers and dealing with it.

    Devil Survivor takes all the tropes that Pokemon codified and brutally deconstructs said tropes. Basically everyone suddenly getting the ability to summon mons and use spells will lead to mass amounts of chaos, destruction and death.

  2. So... are you trying to start a draft? If so, you're kind of doing it wrong. First off, you need to post this in Other Game Drafts, not Pokémon. Secondly, if you want to make a draft with a ROM hack, at least have the courtesy to provide a link to the patch for convenience.

    As for drafting itself, you can't just claim a handful of Pokémon before anyone even has a chance to look at the available Pokémon. If you take a look at the other Pokémon Drafts you'll see that after a certain number of players choose to participate their order is randomized and then they pick, one-by-one, what Pokémon they want.

    For example, let's say that 4 people decide to participate. We'll call them Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow. After randomizing their order, Green goes first, then Red, then Yellow, and finally Blue. After picking one Pokémon each, they snake back up to Red and keep drafting like this until either a certain number of drafted Pokémon is reached or all Pokémon have been drafted.

    And unfortunately, I can't participate in the draft. I don't have a lot of free time so I might never be able to get around to playing this. :/

    Shit! I did it wrong!? Sorry.

  3. http://www.mediafire.com/download/xfqdtd6yaubkhy2/f1r2o3m4e5g6a7.rar

    BTW, read the read me that's labeled Changes. It's really important.


    And this where you can find all the Pokemon.


    1. The Starters for this hack (Elekid, Magby and Smoochum) can be use anyone and everyone.

    2. You cannot use the same Pokemon that the other drafters are using.

    3. It can be a Nuzlocke if you want it to be.

  4. Been watching Gundam SEED and I hate it. Kira is a god mod sue, Lacus is a purity sue and Cagalli is a forget-able Tsundere. The only one that's likeable is Athrun.

    I would say something about Dearka but that's only because in the english dub, he's voiced by Brad Swaile who voiced Amuro Ray and Light Yagami.

    Ignore SEED and skip to 00.

  5. Mother 3: My feels...

    Dynasty Warriors 7: I grew up with the DW series and seeing my favorite characters die like that...

    Persona 4. Just... I have no words.

    Lufia II: The ending. The one of the most bittersweet endings to an RPG. Ever.

    Seisen no Keifu or FE4: Sigurd is such a tragic hero.... :(

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