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Everything posted by OrangePerson

  1. /say: What's the point of a trash incinerator? I mean, even if someone gets killed, we would still need the body, right? Also I'm sick of being here... Oh I will look ridiculous... /action: Crawl to the storage room
  2. I spend nothing in this game and I'm proud of it. But it's always hard to grind to 20 orbs and then just get a bunch of 3 Stars...
  3. /say: Don't worry bout it, everybody deserves a second chance...
  4. /say: See, that's why I din't want to go to the infirmary... But hey... Clarinets... No hard feelings? Can we act like that never happened?
  5. /say: You just screwed yourself up... I mean I don't even said who tried to murder me... Confidence is ALL in this twisted game... I think... I'm not very good at this... Anyway did you know Mono has mind reading powers?
  6. /say: Uh, no. I'll just wait for Koumal to get back, and Leona, DO NOT TAKE ANY PILLS FROM THE MEDICINE CABINET, trust me...
  7. /action: Eat the burger /say: Thanks for the burger! But, you will have to get a wheel chair, I can't walk. So it's a long story, first I almost got killed, I won't tell who tried to kill me, I'll just leave you guys to it, because trust no one, haha! Also I took a pill that took away my ability to speak, then I went to the infirmary, took another pill which took my ability to walk, and then I FINALLY found the pill which maked me able to speak again, and well, that's how I got here. Hey Mono, could you get me a wheel chair or something?
  8. /say: Yes yes you talk about that... BUT HOW ABOUT GIVING ME A FREAKING CHAIR?!
  9. /action: Crawl to the cafeteria /say: Please... Help me... I can't walk... Oh who made burgers?
  10. That moment when your favourite isn't here... It's Sophia I'll wait untill he ads her... but if he doesn't... I'll pick Maria
  11. /say: "Corrobin! Let's get out of here!!!" /action: Head to the secret exit with Corrobin
  12. /say: Hey Mono! Is nighttime close? Cause I'm getting out of here by myself if he doesn't show up.
  13. /action: Head to the gym /yell: HEY CORROBIN I FOUND A WAY OUT, COME TO THE GYM (Ignore my other message, posted for accident :( )
  15. /action: Comes back from the classrooms /say: "Wel- Wait, I'm missing something..." /action: Go to the gym /say: "Hmm it was probably nothing... Anyway that din't work out... I'm gonna check the Bathrooms... Also Mono why do we have a female bathroom if every student is male?" /action: Go examine the Bathrooms (after going to the gym)
  16. OK... So look... I might quit this because of being absent for a long time (And currently being in another forum game) Because it has been kinda of a long time... But I'm thinking about it...
  17. /say: "I really don't feel like it... like I kinda gave up on life... but sigh whatever, wait Koumal got out? Wow, I REALLY need to pay more attencion to things... Last time I saw him he said he was heading to the classrooms..." /action: Leave the gym and check the classrooms
  18. /say: "Ok enough of this moth, time to do something else, Ugh what do I do?Nothing does anything! Is there even another awnser then death? I'm hungry... I guess I'm dying... Ah... why did I even enter this school... I miss my family... I miss my friends... Ah..." /action: Go to a corner, lay down and cry to myself
  19. /action: Wake up /say: "Oh god this was not a dream... hmm... The Moth... it din't move, I should check it to see if it has some secret button or something... Also, HEY YOU TWO, GET YOUR BUTTS UP HERE AND START WORKING, WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME! /action: Check Moth
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