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Posts posted by AgahnimD

  1. Great! The save can be loaded through FEFTwiddler once you've edited the files and installed the new CIA file. I don't have access to the program right now but it's an option there somewhere. 

    Your next step after it is done unpacking will be to move the patch files that you have in Luma over to their corresponding folders and overwright them. Once you've done all the changes you want and are sure they are in the right spot, load up the hacking tool again and this time you'll choose to rebuild the CIA file. 

    You can then install that CIA file as normal using FBI or another program. Once that's done and you've verified that it runs correctly, you can remove the luma patch folder and it should load much quicker. 

  2. I'm glad to hear that the save files were able to be transferred. They'll work with any version of Fates. 

    Hmm... I can't see anything that you're doing wrong with the tool. Getting a dumb question out of the way-- have you run the setupUS.exe yet? You'll need that prior to doing anything. If you have, maybe try renaming the CIA to Fates.cia and type it in manually. Sometimes copying and pasting causes a hickup.  

  3. 26 minutes ago, WindPower said:


    It's not showing my save datas from my Birthright or Revelations saves. I backed it up using checkpoint, but they're not there. Are they completely inaccessible? Frankly, they're the ones I needed the most.

    Also, when I use the hacking toolkit to extract a CIA, it QUICKLY finishes and nothing changes within the folder. Am I also missing something there?
    Sorry for all the trouble. I've been trying to get this up in running for days.

    It's been a while since I've used FEFTwiddler, but I believe it only recognizes the first 3 save files. So if you have special edition, it won't recognize the other saves you have on the game. I'd make a backup of the save files that it is letting you archive, then in the Fate main menu copy over the file you want to use over one of the files that you are able to archive. DISCLAIMER: JUST MAKE SURE IT IS A FILE YOU ARE OKAY LOSING. YOU PROBABLY WON'T BUT IT COULD HAPPEN. *ahem*  

    For the hacking toolkit, it should take a few moments to unpack and when it is finished the folders from the CIA should in the hacking toolkit directory. Do you have a special edition Fates CIA that you are unpacking? How large is the file?  

    It's no trouble at all. I won't have access to my workbench PC for a few days otherwise I'd be including screenshots of what it should look like, but if you are still having issues later in the week I'll see about making a visual walkthrough. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, Legarad said:

    I have a problem with hacking tools 3ds is not creating the patched file

    This was my steps
    1) Uncompress  Fire Emblem Fates Revelation USA CIA decrypted by Hacking Tools 3DS CE comand
    2) I Copied & Remplaced Swinsuit Restoration's Files "AcceActionData.bin and AcceShop.bin" in ExtractedRomFS\GameData
    3) I Copied & Remplaced m Folder of Name Restoration's Files in ExtractedRomFS
    4) I tried to rebuild the game as a CIA using Hacking Tools 3DS CR comand, but the file was not created. Also try to reconstruct the game as 3DS but the file is created with 0 bytes of information

    I Think missing a file in Name Restoration Files, I not interesed in japanese audio patched


    Is that the Fates Revelation DLC CIA or the Special Edition USA CIA? If it's DLC it targets a different path and won't work correctly. If you're using FE Special Edition, I don't see where the problem would be. I'd suggest starting fresh and uncompressing the CIA, then without putting new files into it recompressing and see if that works. If it doesn't work then you know the issue is the Hacking Tools program. If it DOES work, then that means there may be an issue with the replacing process and I'd check the error log. Also make sure to double check the pathway directory where you're telling it to make the CIA from. 

  5. No, a CIA is like a self-contained 3DS game. It's kind of like a .zip file in that it has a lot of extra files and folders inside of it that the 3DS reads, but in order to "unzip" it you need a special program, like the one in the link I posted. Once you unzip or extract the CIA, you'll find lots of folders such as "extracted romfs" which has the majority of the files that you'll want to edit. These files are what Luma Patches. A barebones explanation of what Luma does is below. 


    If you extract your CIA Fates game, you'll see something like:

                        extracted romfs folder -> m -> file1.bin (official)

    Luma looks for that same folder path and file, then replaces it. 

                         Luma title -> Romfs -> m -> file1.bin (edited)

    So what your 3DS reads when you play is

                         extracted romfs folder -> m -> file1.bin (edited)

    This is what's causing the slowdown. To get around that you'd need to get a copy of the digital game (CIA) file, manually patch it yourself, then install it. However, this isn't something that can be done for physical copies of the game IIRC so if you are using one then you may be stuck with the load times. 

  6. 15 hours ago, WindPower said:

    It's alright. However a general issue I'm having when using the Swimsuits, Undub, and UndubSync patch is that the game takes an eternity to load in models and just in general. I'm using the Luma3DS Game Patch method to do this. Is there something I can do to fix it?

    The lag-time is an unfortunate byproduct of Luma patching. With each load (such as entering a battle) Luma scans every base gamefile for a corresponding file in the patch directory and loads that instead. The only way to reduce lag time is to create a CIA gamefile which replaces the old files with the patch files. This would bypass Luma entirely and run at the same speed as a base game.


    A good guide for extracting your game and rebuilding it can be found here

  7. That odd interaction between Silas and Camilla is an another unfortunate change made by Treehouse. In the original A support, Silas doesn't say that he is in love with Camilla, only that he was jealous that Corrin had siblings that cared for him. It ends with Camilla doting on him and asking that he call her Big Sister. It does leave things open for developing a future relationship, but there's nothing as cut and dry as Treehouse's version. 


    Silas (Posed): Lady Camilla, I've told them
    so that it sticks with them.
    Silas: I played some music in the
    background while I said it.
    Camilla (Smiling): Thank you. What was their reaction?
    Silas (Posed, Sweat): They enjoyed the music but...
    Unfortunately the reaction didn't change.
    Silas: You really shouldn't worry about this.
    Camilla (Pain): Is that so...
    Silas (Smiling): You shouldn't.
    Silas: …………
    Silas (Pain): Anyway, Lady Camilla... There's someone
    else that needs your words more...
    Camilla (Angry): Eh?
    Silas (Angry): There's someone else that wants
    those words filled with such love.
    Camilla (Standard): Who is it? Leon? Elise?
    Camilla (Standard, Sweat): Could it be... Marx?
    Silas (Angry, Sweat): No.
    Silas: To cut to the chase... that person...
    Silas: Is me...
    Camilla (Pain): Huh?
    Silas (Pain): I wasn't raised with any siblings.
    Silas (Standard): So I was... jealous of your
    relationship with $Nu.
    Camilla (Standard): Cyrus...
    Silas (Pain): Sorry... For saying something so
    strange. I don't have any right to say it.
    Camilla (Pain): N-no. It's fine.
    Camilla: I didn't think you felt that
    way, I didn't realize at all...
    Camilla: I should be the one apologizing.
    Silas (Standard, Sweat): No...
    Camilla (Standard): ...But how do I pay you back,
    you've done so much for me...
    Camilla: If I could, I would like
    to return the favor.
    Silas (Pain): No... please forget about what I said.
    W-well then, please excuse me.
    Camilla (Angry): Cyrus.
    Silas (Angry): Huh?
    Camilla (Smiling): You are the cutest. I love you...
    Silas (Standard, Sweat): !!! Lady Camilla...
    Camilla (Posed): No. Call me big sis Camilla. Try it.
    Silas (Standard): …………
    Silas: Big sis......Camilla...
    Camilla (Smiling): Hehehe. Good boy.
    Camilla: Just this once... I'm your older
    sister from when you were younger.
    Silas (Smiling): ...!!
    Thank you very much. Lady Camilla.

    Some have speculated that Treehouse was uncomfortable with Camilla's obsession with Corrin so they tried to soften it by having her be in love with someone else. Whether that's true or not I can't say, but it does make the A support rather odd.

  8. On 1/16/2018 at 8:53 AM, sorenwind said:

    It should be fairly straightforward with some regex right? If you're trying to exclude certain sequences of characters that the programming language imposes

    Or you can simply just tokenize everything and extract the tokens between the double quotes which is where strings are mostly stored in programming languages? There's tons of open source tokenizers that you can plug into the program and just add some logic to iterate through the data structure and extract the dialogue and then untokenize.

    I have limited free time, so I'd rather put that creative energy to work on re-writing the Revelations route. In order to transcribe a working script from the program I use, I would need to copy and paste the twenty or so individual sub-chapters, arrange them so they were chronologically consistent, then go in and manually review each section to edit out the remaining artifacts the game uses to process in-game events. This would need to be done for every chapter.

    Additionally, this is intended to be experienced as audiovisual media. There are moments, especially in latter chapters, that will completely lose their emotional impact if restricted to simple text. This is why I've gone through the effort of uploading the chapter videos, so people who do not wish to mod their 3DS can still experience the story in its completeness.

  9. On 1/12/2018 at 10:49 PM, Kysafen said:

    Seriously digging the rewrites. Between Nohr being rewritten to be like Jugdral's Thracia, Garon being a harsh ruler that unified a chaotic region (a la Qin Shi Huang), and the backstabbery of Garon's children in Camilla's backstory you've woven a more mature and complex tale that makes Garon out to be less of a cartoonish villain of wasted potential and turned him into a tragic antivillain.

    I'm seriously digging this along with the work you've done on the YouTube uploads; keep this project going, I'll be following it!

    Thank you! I'm very curious to see what you think by the end!

    18 hours ago, Solvaij said:

    Any chance you'd consider posting a script somewhere? It looks awesome...

    I'm working on a Revelations re-write so I unfortunately have my hands too full to parse the script from the programming language. However, you can find find the uploaded chapters here, which also include the vocal and musical changes that add to the experience. Once I'm done with Rev (and possibly BR) I'll see about going back and creating it in a script format!

  10. This seems like a good thread to mention that I completed a Fates: Conquest re-write gamehack in the Fan Project section of the forums. Conquest Story Overhaul Patch. If you don't have a CFW capable 3DS but would still like to see some of the changes, I've uploaded the scenes from the first 10 chapters.


    1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling?

    This is a rewrite of the Conquest route and prologue chapters. It was designed to both humanize the Nohrian side of the conflict and provide the player incentive to carry out the events that happen in game. This does not make Hoshido evil or Nohr angelic,

    2. What notable changes would you make to the plot?

    • Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? Both Nohr and Hoshido are given legitimate reasons to distrust one another which helps set the stage for the conflict. Issues that arise such as the crystal ball and the Dragon Throne are modified slightly to make them less immersion breaking. Garon is the largest change as he is no longer completely controlled by Anankos, but is fighting a losing battle. 
    • Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? Good people can do bad things for good reasons.
    • What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? A significant emphasis is placed on the importance of family. In addition, character growth for the main and supporting characters over the course of the story are explored. Less emphasis is placed on the Yato and more is placed on the interactions between Nohr, Hoshido, and Anankos.

    3. What notable changes would you make to the characters?

    • What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? Corrin begins somewhat naive, but becomes more assertive as events unfold. He takes a much more active role in the decisions made, and carries the consequences as a result.
    • What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? Aqua plays a more supplementary and supportive role. She is still wise, but is no longer the driver of the story. Many of her instructions and decisions are given to Corrin.
    • What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? Xander is more in-line with his support self. Leo's position as the middle/forgotten child is explored. Camilla's personality and backstory are addressed. Both the Hoshidan and Nohrian nobles are shown to be desiring peace but constrained by the circumstances of their respective kingdoms. Ryoma's end-game events are given greater weight and substance.
    • What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? Anankos is explicitly shown to be the mover of the events that happened in Hoshido and becomes the primary antagonist. Hints of Anankos' motivations are sprinkled in the game.

    4. What notable changes would you make to the setting?

    • What ideas do you have for world building? The blight that affects Nohr is given a name and plays a significant role in the conflict between the two nations.
    • What kind of history does this continent have? Prior to Garon conquering the tribes, they were continually at war with one another. Without Nohr as a unifying influence, they would eventually devolve into earlier bloody practices.
    • Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? Yes, but the odd appearance of the invisible enemies serve as a motivator for Corrin to attempt to stop the conflict.


  11. Fire Emblem Fates: Good Guy Garon Edition






      To use this modification you will need to either have CFW and Luma3DS installed, or another method to modify the game's core files.





    Like many people, I was disappointed in the narrative given in Fire Emblem Fates. For something that claimed to speak to the grey nature of war, there was very little substance given to the Nohrians. I expected an obvious Good vs Evil scenario between the kingdoms, but even when you choose to follow Nohr, no effort was made to make them sympathetic. The most egregious example of this is King Garon, who is just awfully written.

    This Conquest route mod seeks to fix this by transforming the pivotal role of King Garon from a cartoonishly evil caricature into a King loyal to Nohr who is slowly losing his mind. Many interactions with the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings were also altered to give the player character more of a voice and to flesh out the world. IMHO, these changes bring new life to the character's motivation in the Conquest path which are borne throughout to the very end of the game.

    I tried to keep as much of the original text and lore as possible while incorporating the new material, however there may be a few areas where things conflict. Please understand.

    What this does:

    -Replaces the dialogue on the Prologue Chapters (1-5), including Chapter Summaries

    -Replaces the dialogue on all chapters of the Conquest Route, including Chapter Summaries


    What this does not do:

    -This does not make any gameplay changes of any kind

    -This does not make any changes to support conversations

    -This does not make any changes to paralogue quests



    Chapter Videos:


    Overview of Changes (Mild Spoilers Within):




    Expanded upon the reasons for the war between the two kingdoms. Neither side is blameless, though both claim to be.

    Shifted the central theme of the game to emphasize family and the sacrifices one would make for them.

    Added weight and consequences to decisions made.

    Removed or addressed various plotholes and idiot-ball moments.

    Provided a conclusive and satisfying ending to the route, making it its own stand alone game.



    No longer is a vessel at the start of the game, but is slowly being overwhelmed.

    Acts as the stern but fair ruler of Nohr mentioned in supports.

    Relationship with Corrin serves as the catalyst to the events in the second half of the game.





    Takes a more active role in the decisions made and suffers the consequences as a result.

    Grows into maturity over the course of the game.

    Is sometimes clever, is FAR less passive, and is 70% less whiny.




    Takes a more supportive role and serves as a companion, not an instructor, to the player character.

    Several key decisions were transferred to Corrin to make them more of a leader.

    No longer a master of disguise.





    Xander's out of character actions were changed to be more in-line with his support self.

    No longer blind to the changes in Garon.

    Small bits of backstory added to enhance the character.




    Backstory added to flesh out the character.

    More maternal and supportive lines added to enhance the character.



    Lines were added to highlight him being the forgotten child.



    Lines were added within character.




    Is more savvy during encounters with Corrin.

    Events in the later chapters are given depth and substance.




    Now less of a joke in later chapters.





    Plays an active and visible role over the course of the game.




    Download (Updated 1/02/18):



    Due to differences in the pathway and character limit between the English and Japanese version of the game, you will need to select the version that corresponds to yours. Please note the JPN version still uses the English names and has textual errors in the chapter summaries due to how it handles pronouns.

    English version is here.

    Japanese version is here.


    Installation: (via Luma LayeredFS)



    To Install:

    Boot up your 3DS Luma’s config menu by holding the SELECT button.

    Turn on “Enable Game Patching”

    On your 3DS SD card go to “Lumas” folder.

    Create a folder called “titles” if there isn’t one

    Create a folder with the title of your specific game. For instance, the title for USA FE Fates Special Edition is 0004000000179800.

    Unzip FatesGGG into that folder. You’re done!


    Special Thanks:

    SecretiveCactus for their Fire Emblem Conversation Editor

    thane98 for their Fire Emblem Fate’s Editor

    DeathChaos25 for their Fates ROM Hacking General Thread

  12. Conquest is frustrating because it has so much potential to be a good game. Running through the script you can see areas that could easily have been tightened up that would link to create a beautiful (and tragic) world. The best stories involve the interplay of strong themes and create lasting impressions through epic and quiet moments and characters. Twists by themselves amount to nothing if the reader has not been invested properly. Similarly, antagonists serve to propel the story along while also (if properly written) create an investment in the hero's journey and sweep up the reader, however this does not have to be limited to them being evil for evil's sake, which was the route Conquest chose. The most iconic villains have glimpses of humanity and can cause us to empathize with them even while we hate their guts. All this to say, I think Garon is woefully written and casts a shadow on everything he touches, which, unfortunately, is almost the entire game. This is infuriating because there are SO many themes to work with. Family/Honor, Sacrifice/Retribution, The perils of naivety in a broken world, Patriotism/Fanaticism. Making Garon a more sympathetic character focused on Nohr creates a more compelling narrative for the reader and leads to a much more powerful finale. My changes to the script are as follows, however please note that while these are mostly positively alignment changes for Garon, the overwhelming interactions with him inside the game remain negative until the end. 


    (Pre-Game Backstory)

    -Trade agreement between Nohr and Hoshido exists, with Nohr supplying weapons/iron and Hoshido supplying food. Famine is believed to be spreading from Nohr to Hoshido, causing Hoshido to focus on it's citizens/store food/adopt isolationism.


    -Nohr has begun to starve without the food from Hoshido. Attempts to cultivate other food sources fail, leaving Garon (who has immense pride in Nohr and is just at the time) broken and desperate. He supplicates first to the Dark Dragon, then to the Light Dragon, then finally to any and every deity good and evil for aid. Enter Anankos who begins to corrupt Garon, whispering words of war and preying on his feelings of duty to Nohr. Provides him power and encourages him to attack Hoshido. 


    -After killing Sumeragi and taking Corrin, Garon feels himself changing, slipping into madness, with the intensity of Anankos' hold on him exploding when he sees the child. He knows whatever is whispering to him wants Corrin for it's devices, so in a moment of lucidity he orders them kept in the Northern Fortress. While he allows visitors, Garon himself never comes to visit in fear of the madness gripping him again. Instructs Corrin to be raised so they may fight for the glory of Nohr. 

    (Chapters 1-5)

    -Garon has slipped much, much further into madness. Outbursts of crazed laughter are common, particularly when it comes to defending Nohr (i.e., his glee in ordering the execution of the spies). When Corrin prevents the execution of Kaze he is unhinged, threatening to kill Corrin and anyone else who would threaten Nohr or give aid to it's enemies. Xander curses Corrin's naivety and his offer to execute the prisoners is met with enthusiastic approval, exceeded only by Garon's perverse laughter when Leo intercedes instead. With the prisoners dead (to him), Garon returns to relative normal and admonishes Corrin for putting Nohr at risk, stating Hoshido cannot be trusted and as a royal of Nohr they should remember that. On his way out, Garon instructs Xander to educate Corrin about the ways of the world. Corrin wants a perfect world but Xander mentions the trade war and it's impact on the kingdom. Sympathetic but unconvinced, Corrin muses about living together in peace.


    -Garon, in a relatively benevolent mood, rebuffs himself for his expectations of Corrin. Having been in a tower their whole lives, they could not appreciate the glory of Nohr, having never truly seen it. He instructs the royal siblings to take Corrin on a tour of the land, however, upon Iago's objections. his attitude changes and in a crazed fit of giggles he agrees Corrin should go alone. At the border, Hans uses the presence of Hoshidan soldiers as a pretense to attack, suggesting they are a scouting party attempting to invade. After the battle, Hans does not mention it was Garon who ordered the attack, just that he was simply following orders.



    Going to be more general from here because I've spent way too much time on this already


    -When Corrin returns Garon looks almost pained when he notices the Yato, remarking negatively before bitterly dismissing it and the prophecy of saving the world. As the game progresses we see Garon occasionally attempt to resist the allure of Anankos' madness, arguing with himself and being contradictory. He treats Corrin's successes as triumphs, remarking on how they serve the glory of Nohr.


    -It is revealed by the rainbow sage (who had originally sealed the Yato in Hoshido) that he spoke with Garon during the king's pilgrimage and that they discussed something other than power. The rainbow sage mentions that he tried to stop the madness but could only delay it. 


    -In Valla, Azura explains that she had tried to cure Garon of the influence of Anankos by her dance/song, but that it was impossible. She shows Corrin the image of Garon, stating his heart is gone and that he must be destroyed before he destroys Nohr. Corrin rejects this, believing their father is still inside somewhere. Corrin quickly remember Mikoto's words regarding the Hoshido throne, that those who sit on it regain their true form of mind. Corrin resolves not to tell their siblings as any difference in attitude they showed to their father would be detected. Together they move to take the throne, however Corrin is still naive and believes they can take it peacefully. 


    -Garon becomes completely unhinged after the reveal, with Corrin mentally pleading with him to hold on during their interactions. Many chapters of terrible and awful Garon actions later, when Garon ascends the throne we see a hopeful exuberance from Corrin and Azura. After entering the throne room we get the Gooron cutscene, it obviously did not work. However while his body is under Anankos' control, his mind still fights and pleads with the siblings to destroy him before Anankos takes complete control and causes ruin. 


    -Swamp Thing


    -Takumi, enraged by Ryoma's death and the assault on Hoshido, calls upon the power of Anankos in his rage so that he can destroy the Nohrian scum. Further possession ensues and he states he will not be satisfied with just them, but will destroy the entire Nohrian Kingdom and everyone in it. Corrin passes out after the attack. In the dream, Mikoto and Ryoma play out as normal but instead of Takumi joining them as a surprise guest, it is King Garon. We are treated to a bittersweet moment as the King encourages each of his children in a matter that speaks directly counter to their vices (i.e., Elise is so grown up, Leo stands out, Camilla is loved, Xander will be a wise ruler). Corrin is perhaps most distraught, having sacrificed so much for nothing but Garon is thankful for these few moments and remarks of how proud he is to have Corrin as a Nohrian, and as his child. Garon reveals that when he went to the Rainbow sage they spoke of the prophecy and the Yato, with the sage planting hidden knowledge of the location inside. He'd always believed that Corrin would be the one to save the world, and had been subtly suggesting that Anankos bring them there. He implores Corrin to take up the Yato, his gift, and protect Nohr, with gentle prodding from Mikoto leading him to also include protecting Hoshido. Corrin vows to defend Nohr and it's citizens even if it means slaying their brother. (I cannot tell you how disappointed I was that they did not include Good King Garon in the dream)



    What I like about this is that it manages to give the player a positive goal to work for (We've got save our dad!) instead of a negative one (We've got to..kill our dad?) and rewards the player for completing the game with emotional closure. It also removes the stench of evil for evil's sake about Nohr while still giving plenty to wax philosophically about (Is a war ever justified?) and creates growth in Corrin from starry eyed dreamer to a person who must kill to protect their homeland. This obviously changes Garon from the unlovable monster in the original, but I'm a sucker for redemption stories and tragic father figures. 

  13. Hello! 

    I'm trying to fix the fates storyline to make it more bearable, but since this is my first time doing any significant hacking I want to make sure I have my steps right.

    It's my understanding that I need to:

    1) Either dump or decrypt the CIA on my 3ds to my PC

    2) Extract the CIA onto my PC

    3) Edit the text via FE Tools or FE Conversation Editor 

    4) Take whatever changes I made and make a patch/apply it to the game. This part I'm pretty fuzzy on.

    5) Celebrate!


    Does that sound about right, or am I missing something? Also if I can get a little help with step 4 that would be fantastic!


    Thank you!


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