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a bear

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Posts posted by a bear

  1. 20 minutes ago, Florete said:

    Before deciding if those spirit battles should be considered racist, I would want to know two things:

    1. Are there other spirit battles where Donkey Kong or Diddy Kong are being used for lighter-skinned characters?
    2. Are there other spirit battles where black characters are portrayed by someone who isn't a Kong?

    If there are, and depending on how many, I think calling out those spirit battles as racist is pushing it. But otherwise, yeah, it's not a good look.

    The only example I can think of for #1 is the Hockey Players spirit, wherein DK is the beloved Fat Guy.

    Side note: even ignoring that using an actual gorilla to represent a character based off of several real-life black boxing legends is extremely racist, DK as Mr. Sandman is still a really weak reference. They have no moves in common and the closest thing DK has to Sandman is his bonus boss appearance in the Wii game. Haven't played Street Fighter since the 90's but I'm sure Captain Falcon or Bayonetta would've fit Dee Jay way better as well.

  2. 2 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

    I brought Laevatein in to wall-break, specifically (she's running a TA 3, Axe-Breaker set because it's blessing stacking season)---my normal team for this season is 2 Eir + 3 armors since that was the simplest team that covers the greatest amount of enemy teams.


    Edit: I might have been able to kill it with my normal team---but the 3 stalling armors were bunched in the corner (walled off with the fort so you can only hit one at a time) and the first Surtr was weaponless, so it would've needed a lot more effort than I was willing to bother with. If I had some bold fighter fodder then it wouldn't have mattered since I'd just give one of my armors bold fighter, but I'm really stingy about 5* exclusives.

    Ah, sounds like what my wife did. She’s got two Eirs teamed up with three of Laegjarn (also running TA+Axebreaker and no blessing), Nowi, Aversa, or Pennsylvania Azura. 

    I myself don’t use armors much besides Zelgius but man oh man is having Bold Fighter so handy. Maybe March will add a GHB Murdock with Bold Fighter if you’re too reluctant to give up a Hardin or whoever.

  3. 58 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

    Sigh, curse my 2x Eir ass. If I had 3 Eir it was two 160 matches today, but I had two, so Laevatein didn't have a blessing, meaning when I needed her to wall break a 2x Surtr 1x Christmas Eirika stall setup I basically lost a unit on the spot.

    (It's also kind of stupid I'm bringing a unit with a -blade weapon into a team with exactly one buff---her own Speed Wave. But I just don't have the resources to buff her---if I had four Eir I could give her team 2 Tactics carrying Eirs, but I don't.)

    Did you use your 3rd blessing on someone else already? Regardless, at 140 per run you’ve got room for 680 points to lose when starting at T19.

  4. Gonna be nice if weekly blessing prizes are always a thing. I keep forgetting bonus units exist, so running a 160 team means a regular supply of em. Shame we can’t bless legendaries though since Ephraim is my only bonus unit this week.

    As much as I’ll enjoy not having to give a shit about this mode during off-seasons and the eventual T21, I’m still more excited for that “nullify -sweep skills” skill to come out. Not that I can’t deal with Veronica or anything right now but boy am I sick of having to tip-toe around her.

  5. 6 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

    I'm also in it for the grails---my napkin math says I need ~5k grails per +10, and I'd much rather spend, say, 600 orbs pulling 2 extra copies of Eir than the ~2k ish you'd usually need to +10 a 5* exclusive. But the biggest reason I'm willing to pull for Eir is that 3 copies is actually one of the optimal strategies. Outside Aether Raids Eir would be around 8/10 if I had to guess, but inside AR she's a 10/10 support by my standards, with the weird quirk where she gets better as you run more of her.

    Remember that at +0 merges, 2:3 Eirs to others is score-equivalent to a 3:2 team (+60). I’m not sure how much +5 HP/Res means to those two units, but I’d hate to bringing in a third copy of any unit that wasn’t a dancer or otherwise extremely flexible/powerful. Might as well merge or feed at that point.

    Also note that at 160 lift per battle (pull a second Eir and play AR five times this week), you have a huge lift safety net in terms of fuck ups and defense losses up until trying for T21. You could lose 560 from 7 failed defenses, take 24 deaths and miss about 6 pots (outside the first Monday fight) in about 14 fights... and you’d still go from T19 to T20. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Astellius said:

    Uh, wtf. This hits the weird spot between being so ridiculous it's obvious trolling and the "I'm so out of it" range. I think the former.

    In terms of numbers: 152 people started in T19 this week. Not sure about T18 but I’m estimating around 3000ish based on my Sunday rank. My wife and I actually did better in total scoring compared to the prior week despite ample fuck-ups, zero defense kills (let alone wins), and not using Eir.

    Remember also that you don’t need to merge mythics to get the most out of them. T21 for example is actually super easy to reach if you can manage to pull two extra Eirs and two defense mythics of whatever season.

  7. 10 hours ago, Azuris said:

    Do you happen to have a defense team with only Draug and some buildings? That was actually my last match this season and it was such a relief not having to focus this hard for once. That was the nicest thing in Aether Raids this week and it came from a player going against, what Aether Raids wants him to.

    Nah mine is Julia, Chrom, Micaiah, and Takumi without weapons, and the buildings spell out “hi” but I’m not sure people notice that.

  8. 1 hour ago, Johann said:

    The more I play it, the more I begin to resent this mode and how it makes me dislike everybody else in the game. It's one thing where something like Arena rewards you for having a powerful team composition since (most) other players can (usually) keep trying, but here, your success hinges on making other people fail. Like, not only do I gotta deal with other people's shit maps, but I gotta be a dick to anyone who challenges me, and that ain't cool.

    This is basically why I made my defense team a free win, I don’t feel like ruining someone’s day for maybe two grails a week. That plus the fact that only 6 or 7 of those 20 or so fights actually affect me anyway.

  9. A few days ago I moved my aether pots to the front row. Today I took off everyone’s weapons and left them in the open. Defense losses seem largely inevitable as it stands right now, and even then, fuck it. Seeing other people lose units or miss pots is bothering me way too much knowing how strict this mode is.

  10. I like it. Few thoughts:

    — Setting 5 diverse teams instead of just one and done like in Arena and GC makes it way easier to anticipate wacky teams. Most of the teams I ran into were armored or dragons though, and it’s easy to stop those with Chrom, Micaiah, and Cherche.

    — Wish Aether wasn’t so strictly limited. Same issue with GC more or less; finite access to the most enjoyable modes in the game. It’s a better stamina method since it’s daily instead of continuous, but still inconvenient (locked myself out of a 9th battle by accidentally killing the other team too quickly in two of my fights and missing pots, and now I hate pots).

    — Set up my defense team for dodging Aversa, but my only defense battle was against someone with no merges losing against some random team I listed with no obstacles included. Seems like the best way to get fights is to set up defense early and put off fights for later.

    — REALLY hope they let us play against whoever for no cost, even if there’s no real reward. Or give rewards anyway, it’s not like everything has to be gated by opportunity.

  11. On 11/7/2018 at 10:43 PM, Anomalocaris said:

    I know it's subjective, but I don't see how Rex's design is more generic than Elma's.

    Elma just wears a loose red top and generic sci-fi pants. Rex's outfit might be strange, but you can't deny it's a unique steampunk-deep-sea-diver aesthetic.

    If we’re focusing on their clothing specifically, then yeah Rex is more unique. Super gaudy, but unique. For every other aspect of their designs, Rex hits all the most common design tropes and Elma avoids them.

    It’s kinda funny to me that we actually have more characters based on teamwork in Smash than we have characters with dual swords, dual guns, dark skin, white hair, giant vehicles, etc. Even Elma’s generic iron blades are less similar to other Smash swords than the Aegis.

  12. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Regarding freedom of expression, perhaps that's the wrong turn of phrase, but it's absolutely true that there is a backlash against over political correctness and social justice warrior culture in modern society. That's why these things are called controversies in the first place. It's one of the main reasons Trump got elected.

    It’s more the case that dissent can actually be heard now. Getting upset over “SJW culture” is basically like getting upset over hearing that everyone thinks you give shitty Christmas presents. These aren’t new issues, even if they’re new to you or I.

  13. Technically it’s wrong because Kirby, but eh.

    A lot of people liked to suggest so-and-so as a stance character, usually involving multiple movesets. Coincidentally, Elma and Rex regularly come up since that’d fit their games’ mechanics more than Shulk’s. Most of our newcomers are pretty straightforward compared to Smash 4 however (with exception to Inkling’s ink), and it’s really unlikely that Sakurai would invest so much time on one character unless they transformed into multiple. And by transforming, I mean drastically changing who you play as rather than swapping weapons (or support characters in Rex’s case).

    Not that that suggests we aren’t getting Elma or Rex or whoever, but that they’d have a more traditional moveset.

  14. 8 hours ago, Zeo said:

    Tell me what you think of these units.

    Only thing that caught my eye was Stillness, which I’ve always wanted to see and figured would just make a unit untargettable on enemy phase when at least one other non-user ally can be targetted (rather than invulnerability). That sort of setup would work with Provoke as well, where enemies can only target any users in range.

    As far as balance goes, it’d absolutely need to come with all sorts of restrictions. HP over X%, weapon and/or movement type restrictions, Volke only, disables support commands on unit when active, whatever. B slot is a good start since it rules out Desperation and -sweeps.

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