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Everything posted by Renan

  1. I will aventually, but I only need one person to join.
  2. [shameless advertising]http://killmoderation.ueuo.com/[/shameless advertising]
  3. Yes. There will be all the carrot cake you can eat.
  4. http://killmoderation.ueuo.com/ Do it. (Dont) Do it. (Dont) (Dont) Okay do. (No, dont.)
  5. Twilight Princess was not challenging at all. >_>
  6. I love how your sig says Roy, but it's Eliwood. How about Phailure Roy? Is that good?
  7. Yes, I'm a huge Higurashi fan.
  8. No, you did not scare me away. I was on vacation.
  9. I reckon you do something boy.
  10. What can I say, it's a really good series.
  11. I know how to see a spoiler tag. I so saw that coming.
  12. Chapter 8 on PSP is hell.
  13. First time Cierra, Second Time Fia, Third Time Serene.
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