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Posts posted by Odinswill

  1. Looking for some help with team I use Eldigan, Gunter, Abel, Reinhardt. As I don't have much knowledge about all the heros that exist in this game, I am wondering, if there is a better cavalry team than the one I currently have.
    I feel, Gunter and Reinhardt are the core with their buffs, and Eldigan seem's stronger than Abel, I'm wondering if there's a better calvary pick that Abel (or Eldigan) that can bring the same but with better passives, or maybe a very strong ranged non color cavalry? I really don't know just guessing... But I would like someone to "aim" for when I use my orbs. Any help is really appreciated.

  2. 25 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

    I think you're having a bit of misconception on how goad and ward work. I'll show you mine proof. You see there that Leo is near (within 2 spaces) of Reinhardt and he got his attack boosted by exactly 4. Goad and Ward works as a passive in combat boost. You won't actually able to see the actual stat boost your unit got from Goad and the likes, but it's there.

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    Leo is buffed with Gunter's skill.


    Leo's damage to Ryoma after being buffed by Gunter.

    Now we'll put Reinhardt within 2 spaces of Leo. We get:


    Notice that Leo also receives 4 damage less in that picture. That's because of Eliwood's Ward Cavalry is in effect.

    Hope that helps.

    P.S: I lost that match.

    Yes thanks I did not see it this way, I wish it was more visible thanks a bunch!

  3. 44 minutes ago, Odinswill said:

    original post : Can anyone tell my Reinhardt passive "goad Cavalry doesn't work? - +4atk/spd during combat to calvary units.I have Eldigan, Gunter and Abel with him. All cavalry units. Yet none of them benefit from +4 ATK when I look at them, any idea's why? Am I doing Something wrong? Thanks...

    Its applied in the battle forecast automatically, ontop of whatever Hone buff you have present.

    This is incorrect. I checked before the attack on my heros (individual attack stats), and it is the same on the battle field unless they are close to Gunter who gives that green arrow and writing in blue of the stat increased.

    Would really appreciate some help with this matter, if it's a bug or normal. I can show some screens for proof, but I hope someone will take my word for it and simply explain why





  4. 2 hours ago, ExpendableExtra said:

    Its applied in the battle forecast automatically, ontop of whatever Hone buff you have present.

    This is incorrect. I checked before the attack on my heros (individual attack stats), and it is the same on the battle field unless they are close to Gunter who gives that green arrow and writing in blue of the stat increased.


    original post : Can anyone tell my Reinhardt passive "goad Cavalry doesn't work? - +4atk/spd during combat to calvary units.

    I have Eldigan, Gunter and Abel with him. All cavalry units. Yet none of them benefit from +4 ATK when I look at them, any idea's why? Am I doing Something wrong? Thanks...

  5. 6 minutes ago, Elieson said:

    @eclipse Do you see this guy's Virion count? DO YOU?!


    @Odinswill 5*Abel's a pretty good Brave unit, a solid Swordkiller and Brave Blue hits all forms of red hard. Lucina's good and offers Abel support while covering Greens very hard. Brave Axe Raven is stronk too.

    Either Eirika/Nino/Olivia/Abel or Lucina/Raven/Abel/Sanaki should make you reliable teams.

    Alternative, you could run a Horse Emblem team because Gunter's Hone Cavalry buff at 4* is fantastic, making your 5* Abel/Eldigan super formidable.Throw in Celica and you have a strong team indeed.

    @Big Smoke He could save them for Inheritance too

    Ok so i made the 3 teams mentioned in the middle of the post thanks! Now I'm wondering which one should I focus on for PvP, and also what should be my priority? Should I just send home all the rest of my 3*'s for the feathers? You seem rather enthusiastic regarding the 3rd team you mentioned, is this the one that should be my 5* priority?

  6. 33 minutes ago, Elieson said:


    Please refrain from multiposting like this, and consolidate your posts into a single one before hitting Post.


    I'd recommend the Battling Ursula for the time being, as Effie would be a great replacement, and if you scored a 5* Nino, it could save you the feathers and let you apply them elsewhere. 

    Alternatively, you can save them for the future. Princes/Princesses aren't too big of a deal for you since you have Eirika/Lucina and they're arguably the most versatile among those available, and you also claim to have Eldigan and Klein, which are two of the more recommended units out of the Sibling Bonds focus. 

    You could try going back to Sibling Bonds for a Reinhardt, and if you score an Eliwood or Jagen in the 4* Range, you'd have a good team with Gunter/Eldigan + the two you summon, but I have a feeling that's not going to work out for you.....it's just a gut feeling.

    Ok here is all my pulls! I decided to go for the Sibling bonds banner and this is everything I got, please let me know who should be my main team(s) heros...





  7. 5 minutes ago, Elieson said:

    In short, Effie/Nino are incredible (Effie is fine with a team that covers her weaknesses and offers a bit of ranged support, while Nino shines on a team with loads of buffs to make her kill every other unit in the game). Setsuna is alright and super helpful for Ursula but otherwise outclassed. Felicia is a ResTank Antimage and that's about it. 


    You don't have any super threatening greens (Bartre/Beruka are alright), and with Catria as your only blue unit other than Sharena...well, if you field her, Takumis will eat her alive. I'd consider Eirika/Nino/Olivia/Catria as your primary team based on what you have. You need a great, safe blue unit to replace Catria though. Arguably, Effie would be the best option. If you scored an Azura, replacing Olivia with Azura would make your Catria slot very flexible.

    Ok thanks, I've just been cruising through the story mode, fetching more orbs. I have around 150, Which banner should I spend it on?

  8. Hi all,

    I'm looking for some experienced players feedback on the current pulls I got and what team I should work towards for strong PVP/PVE end game content. I also dont want to waste my ressources so I'm asking where should I spend the rest of my orbs (which type of summon) and why? So here are my pulls : 5* Klein Sanaki Eldigan Lucina Eirika 4* : Fir Olivia Catria Est Bartre Gunter Beruka Nino Gordin Virion Setsuna Wrys Lissa. Thanks for the input!

  9. Hi all,

    I'm looking for some experienced players feedback on the current pulls I got and what team I should work towards for strong PVP/PVE end game content. I also dont want to waste my ressources so I'm asking where should I spend the rest of my orbs (which type of summon) and why? So here are my pulls : 5* Klein Sanaki Eldigan Lucina Eirika 4* : Fir Olivia Catria Est Bartre Gunter Beruka Nino Gordin Virion Setsuna Wrys Lissa. Thanks for the input!

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