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M.T. Cicero

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Posts posted by M.T. Cicero

  1. 30 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Barst - Honestly, they're both bad.  You'll want +Atk on him, since he's got a Brave Axe and a burning desire to rearrange faces.

    Jeorge - Neither.  He can't afford the Spd hit.  But if you absolutely insist on using him, banes be damned, use the +Atk one.

    Sakura - I'm going to say +Atk, for the sole reason that you can possibly make a stupid gimmick team to take advantage of this.  She really doesn't like -Def.

    Sheena - Since her job is to be a giant wall, +Def/-Atk.

    Thanks a lot


    I usually play with a healer (it's just my preferred fighting style) and Lissa with Rehabilitate seems the most effective for me. I also think that her DEF/RES are not bad for a healer and her skill is useful too.

    Having said that, my favourite healer in the game is Serra. She heals quite a lot and her Swift Winds can help you double the enemies. I also like to attack with her.


    On a side note. It's a shame, that Priscilla is not in the game. She was one of my favourite units in FE7.

  3. I don't play competitive and just have fun with my favourite characters and some new ones I start to love (Catria, where have you been all my life). Nevermind Boon/Bane, if I summon a 5* I scream and bump my fist in front of my phone, even in public (maybe because it took me forever to get my first one).

    I plan to get all my 5* to Lv40 and one version of every character to Lv20 (if I like them, then more). Boon/Bane only matters if I got more of one unit.

    Nevertheless I try to get my 1600 Feathers in the Arena every week (and somehow started to get defense points), as I plan to make my Sharena and others 5*. And with the Gauntlet (Team Ephraim) and the Ursula battle (a lot of training tower for my Nino) I highly enjoyed myself the last few days and spent many hours on the game. I mean, I even signed up on Serenes Forest to talk about it.

    About my style: I just try to use many possible combinations of my favourites. I usually have a healer in my team, as I like to play it slowly and save. Currently leveling up a team of Nino, Eirika, Effie and Lissa. It's fun to play with their abilities to use Draw Back, Pivot and Smite to push them all around. I also like to use Olivia (still waiting for Azura) in combination with different teams. Her and Nino are just amazing in destroying slow units.


    I really just try to summon my favourites, but because I was not able to I decided to spent some money on orbs, which shows how important this game is for me. I got incredible lucky the last few days, so I won't invest anymore money. Now that I have Nino and Lucina I'm liking the game even more. So in the future I will just level up my units and get my daily orbs, so I can enjoy the moment, when I'm finally summon Ephraim or Azura.

  4. 4 hours ago, sdgj1994 said:

    Seeing all these posts about people getting the 5* units they want through spending money once... it makes me tempted to do it as well, but I bet I will get nothing but trash and I will end up wasting £12.99, because that's my luck. Orbs are overpriced in my opinion, if they were half the price they are now it may have been more reasonable. But this is the last day for the princesses focus and the free 20 orbs will appear after it ends which sucks, and I only have 4 orbs now so either I complete one chapter and risk getting another garbage 3* like I did last time, or I give in and potentially blow over a tenner. I just don't think spending money worth the risk, but I have tried so damn hard to get one of the princesses and who knows when they'll be easily available again!

    It's really a risky gamble. If you are not lucky, then it feels like you just threw money out of the window. Reminds of of my childhood, when I spent my pocket money on trading card games like Pokémon and YU-GI-OH! There was only one rare card per booster and I usually never got the ones I wanted.

    Don't know if it helps you, but they way I'm summoning is, that I wait till I got 13 Orbs. So if I'm lucky and 2 or 3 orbs of the same colour appear, I can try them too and increase my chances. Not sure if it means much, but it took me forever to get my second 5* unit and just recently my luck suddently increased. It all comes down to it. 2 days a ago I saw a screenshot of a guy that summoned four 5* Effies in one session! So Money just gives you more draws not better luck (but sometimes it's just that one draw more, that will give you your favourite).

  5. I usually don't detest characters in the games. If they don't interest me, then I don't use them. Meaning I get more information on my favourites and like them even more (Brithright changed that a bit, because I could use all characters on the grinding maps).

    But I'm starting to love a lot of characters from older games, I've never played (Catria, Jeorge).


    On the other hand, I was once quite attached to Matthew. There is his story and the fact, that he was my lockpicker through the game. But I'm going to strangle him, if he shows his face again. Already have him 8 times. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Chelone said:

    After me wasting almost 70+ orbs trying to get Lucina (I really need a better sword unit) a few days ago... NOTHING but 3* DUPLICATES. (well, got Tharja 4*, I don't mind new characters so much). Scraped together another 5 orbs today ánd I'm totally out of F2P orbs now. ANOTHER 4* tharja... thats it. No orbs and 2 clear and 2 red orbs unopenend.

    I did it. I finally paid for orbs. Bought 12 euros worth. More 3* duplicates but then.... THERE SHE WAS.


    Shes +HP/-SPD though... but I'm still happy!

    I know how you feel. Spending all my Orbs from logins, the Normal and Hard Maps, etc, I just ended up with a 5* Roy. So I decided to buy myself some orbs (35), even if I never wanted to use money on the game at first. Et voilà, first summoning session I got 2 5* Kleins. And one after that I got Lucina (screamed like a maniac). So it really seems that I don't get luck for free.

    Nevertheless this reinstated my belief, that I could draw my favourite characters if I just keep trying (and spending). So today I got myself some orbs and tried my luck on 5* Nino. And I actually managed to get her, by summoning 5* Camilla, 5* Setsuna and 5* Effie along the way. it's ridiculous, but i couldn't be happier.

    But now I really have to restrain myself from not buying more, as I'm tempted to get my hands on Azura or Ephraim.

  7. Just now, LordFrigid said:

    She's +Def/-Spd.

      Reveal hidden contents



    No, promotion does not change IVs. I think that's discussed about 2-3 posts up, actually.

    Do you mean fighting M!Robin? Or putting him on a team instead of Robin? For the former, M!Robin gives Klein a pretty one-sided thrashing. For the latter, sort of depends on what your team needs. If your team is having trouble with colorless units (like Takumi or enemy Kleins), or needs magical damage, you might want to stick with M!Robin (that's a pretty good IV set, btw...I think some people might prefer +Atk? But +Spd is perfectly serviceable and -Res is his best bane imo). M!Robin can also eat hits from reds, in a pinch. If you're good on the colorless/Red counter front and want a ranged physical nuke instead, it doesn't get much better than +Atk Klein.

    Thanks a lot for the reply and the better calculator link

  8. Because it was just my second game after FE 7 and I wanted to play one on Hard, I decided to do Birthright first (and the Internet made me fear Conquest Hard).

    Did Revelations after that, because I saw my brother playing Conquest. So I actually never got around playing Conquest. Might do it in the future though.

  9. Hello everyone

    I'm a user of the internet for many years, but never signed up in any forum. So that's a first for me and I'm still trying to figure things out.

    I got into FE a year ago by watching a trailer for Fates and thinking it looks kinda cool (Nintendo's marketing was amazing), so I just preordered the European Limited Edition. And because I couldn't wait till May, I decided to get my hands on Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance and Shadow Dragon:P:. That may sound weird, but I just knew, that I would love these games. Maybe it had something to do with the fact, that it reminded me of  a turn-based strategy game called Heroes of Might and Magic, which I highly enjoyed when I was younger.

    Needless to say, I was right on the spot and FE conquered my heart. It managed to climb the podium of my favourite game series ever, just behind Legend of Zelda and Ace Attorney. It even kicked Castlevania off the 3rd spot (please revive the series Konami:unsure:).

    So to celebrate my one year anniversary of getting into these amazing games I decided to make this account (and because I have some questions regarding Heroes;):). What else is there to say?

    Thanks for having me, I guess?


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