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Everything posted by Rewind

  1. Where may I find the secret shop? I love your hack. It's frustrating in a good way on HM. Thanks for all the hard work you put into it even though you've got a lot on your plate with other matters. Like with The Lion Throne man..I have to rush so much and get destroyed for it. I had to though for that sweet hero crest; I skipped a lot of treasure for it except the knight's crest. Haha also that feeling of feeling so poor. I always get chests and stealables in other games but sometimes not in this one. Do you have a file with the growth rates also? Thanks again.
  2. What stats did your best units end up with, mind sharing screenshots Demon?
  3. I just beat it. The challenge was awesome, those last 2-3 levels really tore me a new one. I couldn't come out of the last one without a casualty. Sure wish I had more stuns and sandblasts on me. The sewers really punished me. Renae, Drake, Nia and Eliza wound up really great for me. I'll play through it again; I want to torture my friends and my brother with it. Thanks again for making it; the difficulty really kept me on my toes. I never thought I'd love using a magic based thief. Thanks for that file; it helped a lot. I'm just glad in the rainy chapter that I didn't really miss on something I needed or wanted near the paladin reinforcement store. Hex, stun and the magebane items were amazing.
  4. Cool thanks for getting back to me so fast. That's a really neat feature. I love the pressure the never ending reinforcements on some chapters that forces me to push forward faster. Do you have a list of all the items in the chests and how many searchable ruins are there? I think I missed a couple due to having to rush and not noticing them sometimes.
  5. Do you have a file with the growth rates? I'm really enjoying it so far. What are your future plans for it? I love the challenge and mechanics. The AOE spells and the fly tome are so awesome. Who is your favorite or who are your favorites from the characters you made?
  6. I'll give it a go Kruggov. Thanks. I didn't get Ella and I didn't get the S rank so I'll try that. I did visit all the houses though.
  7. How are the gaiden chapters unlocked? I haven't been able to get 4x; do I have to s rank ch. 4?
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