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Everything posted by Sleypnyr

  1. Yeah I have 4 star versions of all of them. Donnel wrecks he one rounds both mages even at 3 star. Then just have Raigh (I used Sanaki instead) and Cecilia just blast away at everyone and you can kite the rest around.
  2. I used the MKV video as a starting point. Only difference I had all those units at 4 star level 40 except Raigh. I swapped him for Sanaki 5 star. Donnel crushes those mages, it did give me a but of different AI logic though. Donnel (4), Sanaki (5), Cecilia (4 - 39), Olivia (4 - 37)
  3. Yeah I do, took me a second to realize what you were asking. I have every unit besides that 4 from the pull. I'm running Cecilia at the moment as I have her 4* at lvl 40. I'm levelling Cherche up though as well...never really used Setsuna or Virion...I have Takumi, Gordin, and Klein all at level 40, so really don't level any of the other colorless units.
  4. What do you mean by bonus? I have all the units from the Great Hero Battles, the only Blue one I believe was Ursula though.
  5. I have been trying to figure out who to promote on my team, I can be incredibly indecisive on this stuff. I have several 5*'s already but 0 Blues. I'm trying to decide between Shareena, M! Robin (have 2, 1 - +Atk and -Speed other is - +Speed and -Def, and Nowi (+Def/-Atk)...I also have a Donnel, Subaki, and F Corrin as well...though they didn't seem that good and I'm willing to level anything if you don't. I was considering Tharja as well, but I already have a 5* Sanaki. I'm pretty open, I have 50k feathers, so can do several things, just have a hard time on deciding.
  6. Maybe it's just me but I don't know where you are all getting these feathers. I've done every quest, voting gauntlet, and weekly arena (always 4k+) typically ranked in the top 30k. I haven't even used mine to upgrade a 5*, and 0 skill inheritance. I have upgraded a few 3* and only have about 50k. I have 800+ of every badge and 300+ of greater. Some of my shards are approaching 20k and crystals 15k. Guess I don't see where the resources are balanced. I never used shard or crystals because I want to farm the SP. A lot of you disagree and that's fine but I agree with OP and think the systems needs review.
  7. I have 6 5*'s currently. Takumi, Sanaki, Roy, Eliwood, Caede, and Rebecca. I have enough feathers to upgrade another to 5* but not sure what I want to do. MRobin, Marth, Lon'qu, Hana, Tharja, Nowi, FCorrin. I have been stockpiling characters mostly and have levelled all of them up to 20, so I really can go anyway I want with the promotion. Just can never make a decision.
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