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Everything posted by sacaendruid

  1. I'd like to see you try! My mind is more bent than a spoon! And I'm dead inside, so quintessence is of the essence here...
  2. go ahead and act crazy- i enjoy watching shows!

  3. Well my first run through I actually used Marcus. :)) But my latest planned team will be: -Erk -Matthew -Florina -Serra -Rebecca -Dart -Fiora I'm actually just trying something new. Of course, Lyn is my all-time favorite. And Fiora is only for Eliwood's Support. I've never used Erk, Matthew, Serra, Dart, or Fiora before so I'm apprehensive about it. Especially since Serra will be the one with the S Rank in Light Magic.
  4. Ursula has an amazing sense of loyalty. She tried to give Sonia her report even though she was half-dead.
  5. I use Lyn- Her Speed, Luck, and Critical make her the focal point of all my teams. Nino- Somehow all my mages and sages die during the course of the game. :( Priscilla- She has a lot of Speed and Luck, though not much power. She is an excellent healer. Rebecca- Wil can't dodge at all, Rath is not much better (I only use him for Lyn's supports). Matthew- His speed usually caps out for me at level thirteen. Plus, give him an energy ring and he suddenly has strength. Guy- Not much use as a Myrmidon. When promoted though, he can make great use of everything but a Runesword. Him with a Light Brand is a very good combination, because it makes him powerful, and he criticals alot with it. (not counting natural bonuses) Florina- She is possibly the best flyer in the game. Lucius- When he doesn't die. Hawkeye- Okay, I know he isn't the best, but you have to admit that Dorcas, Bartre, Dart, and Geitz enjoy dying at the worst possible moment (like when you're just about to finish a really hard chapter). Actually, my elite team is almost always Matthew, Lyn, Priscilla, and Guy.
  6. I've looked everywhere and can't find it!
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