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Posts posted by John_of_Valentia

  1. 14 hours ago, Harvey said:

    Some advice for this map.

    You are in a map that is fog of war and its going to be a bit tough for you there. The best way to clear this in the fastest possible manner is to use the best units that you have raised and bring them in the frontline. A thief will be very useful here as well since you get the torch.

    Uhai is pretty tough. Just make sure you're unit is good enough to tank his attacks both 1-2. Then use all the units to kill him one way or another to finish off.

    Another thing to note. Although completely optional, you must complete this chapter in less than 15 turns to unlock the gaiden chapter. But since this is your first playthrough, you can skip it.

    If you ask me, neither Guy nor Matthew should be guarding merlinus since you need them both to beat the boss.



    After not playing for two days, I beat in the first try with ease. Got the Torch staff and everything. Even the Gaiden chapter.

  2. 4 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Thieves and torches are a huge help.  If you poke your head to the east, you'll also spot another Thief with a Torch Staff.

    In other words, bring Matthew, even if he's at base level.  Keep him away from the central island, and you should be fine.

    I noticed the Thief using Dart's torch, but never could reach him.

    I actually keep Matthew near Merlinus to protect him from the Pirates. Since he's underleveled, it helps hom catch up too.

  3. This chapter kills me! I had only Uhai left to kill, but my lack of a Rapier and Uhai's good attack led to Oswin dying.

    Then, when it was just Uhai and the Nomad next to him, I accidentally moved Fiora, who had already dodged one lethal 81% Nomad shot, into the range of both with no means of rescue. I hate Fog of War.

  4. 1 hour ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    What are their stats? Because without them, I can't make an informed decision.

    Here's my Lowen. Gave him an Energy Ring to patch his low strength. Otherwise all natural.  Benched Sain too. It's a shame. I love the Abels of FE.

    1235 - Fire Emblem (U)(Venom)_1493943621307.png

  5. My Lowen seems to have grown the most evenly, but Sain got lucky on speed, but really only ever got it and strength. My Kent got royally screwed. Only really got strength. That's why I left him out.

    First playthrough btw, and I'm at Ch 15.

  6. On 4/30/2017 at 6:01 PM, Wayward Alchemist said:

    Pretty sure it's one RN, not Fates's pseudo-single RN. So like a 50% hit rate is actually a 50% hit rate. That's why there are more low-percent hits, high-percent misses, and 1-10% Crits for days, just like old Gaiden.

    I'm pretty sure crits have always been one number. Back in Awakening, I constantly had Gaius getting 1% crits multiple times in a row. I am not that lucky.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Azz said:

    Nuibaba got her powers from Medusa. That is why she is normal looking, if you could say she is normal with that phantom of the opera mask and horns.

    But yeah. I just always taught she decided to reside in Nuibaba's home since it;s not a very shabby place.

    Never said she looked normal, per se. Those horns ruin that.

    Nuibaba Manor is pretty nice. Once you get past the dark, clandestine rituals that have been performed there.

  8. 30 minutes ago, NaokiP said:

    The odd thing is that the Witches submit their free will and consciousness to Doma's whims. Who's in control of them after he's gone? It's a bit unclear

    Isn't Nuibaba the only witch who chose to be one though, hence why she has normal eyes? And free will?


    34 minutes ago, Azz said:

    It's a bit sad, but at least it's not just 'She disappeared and was never seen again'. We can guess that while trying to find a cure for witches, she became one herself and settled in Nuibaba's old mansion.

    Though, the way I look at it is after she cured the witches she decided to reside there and make it an asylum of sorts for these women but I may be gong to headcanony.

    TBH, even if it is a sad ending, I like it. We can't all have a happy ending.

    I'd like to think that maybe she settles into Nuibaba Manor hoping to find the cure and the witch part is purely rumor. Or that to cure it, she had to become one.

  9. Both have some of the best redesigns out of characters with radically different appearances. When I get to the point where I have to choose who to fight, I'll create another save to test each out. Sonya having story importance and being absolutely gorgeous does give her an edge, even over Dean's buffs and much better hair.

  10. On 4/4/2017 at 7:42 PM, Hardin said:

    All I would like to see is some downloadable episodes based on different scenarios. The scene with Rudolf and Mila in the opening would make a pretty cool stage in my opinion. 

    This right here. One or two with Berkut and Fernand without a doubt. Show a better side of both.

    I'm actually against an axe class. I feel that certain types of players would complain about the lack of a weapon triangle if one were added, even though Atlas would be boss as one.

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