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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!! No more Indignation Judgment?!? This is an outrage!! WE MUST FORM A ROIT!! You bring the pitch forks, I'll bring the torches!!
  2. I wasen't here during any of the fights, but princess told me they were awesome.
  3. Ya.. Its hard to choose from friday and saturday...
  4. aww.. How long are you going to be gone..? Anyway have fun in Oakland! If thats possible...
  5. Huzzah for Code Geass! XD *high fives Serene*
  6. My Favorite day is Saturday. Saturday is a good day to relax or do whatever you like. Besides, good tv saturday evening.. :)
  7. Hello! Just stopped by to say hi. =)

  8. Sure! I'm up for a brawl anytime!

  9. Well, I'm off cya =P quick question before i go..... I was looking at last click and saw "google.com" using personal messenger... what's up with that..? XD

  10. Anyway, I'm getting off for a little while. I was fighting Deathsentence on Bleach Wi-Fi. =P

  11. I think your awesome! When ever i see the word Masu, I think of lloyd. XD

  12. I was reading it while princess was, I dont know whats goin on so im goin to ready it from the begining =P

  13. Hey Masu, how's it goin?

  14. sry princess, im goin to have to get off. things are getting crazy on runescape, be back later, cya =P

  15. *sigh* nevermind.. but I do want to brawl fox and knife sometime.
  16. I don't have fox's friend code.. .__.
  17. All right my code is, 0473-7466-6230. Sry about the mix-up.
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