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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Lol, I'll do ya one better. I'm going to watch it being made! Who's computer do you think Princess Kilvas uses to do all of her work? And you added me as a friend, its only fair. Besides, you a Code Geass and Fire Emblem fan!

  2. Huzzah! Ooooohh!! I like your personal photo! *high fives*

  3. That alone makes you awesome. XD Code Geass FTW!

  4. You mean my signature? You a Code Geass fan?

  5. BTW, last time I talked to Lyle he told me to join TC. What's TC?

  6. Well, I'll come back later. I'll pop in the chat and see what's up. See ya.

  7. Um.. What's TC?

    BTW, hey.

  8. I'm going to go ahead and get off now. See ya later.

  9. Oh, and I took an axe and attacked my friends list. XD

  10. So, what ya up too?

  11. Ph BTW, bout earlier.. When Princess said Hi about 2 hours ago, that was me.. Forgot she was logged in..

  12. Makes me wish Metal Arc were a mod again. Well Serenes hasn't been all bad. Met some good people and learned alot.

  13. I don't even know why I have stayed this long. I have been hoping this place would get better, but it doesn't look that will happen.

  14. Any plans on leaving for good?

  15. Well, don't believe a word of it.

  16. Um.. Did somthing happen? It seems like alot of people hate you or somthing..

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