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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. XD

    As soon as Masu gets on, I'm goin to ask him somthing. XD

  2. Hiya buddy! What's up??

    *llaw skaerb*

  3. Your not posting in any topic. :(

  4. Ok, what ya doin on Serenes?

  5. *breaks wall for 2nd time today* What ya doin?

  6. That's why you give it a Power Herb!
  7. Also very true, I must use the magic of the internet to solve this problem!
  8. If your Staraptor is a Kamikaze user, then Brave bird. If I had a Staraptor, a focus sash item would be a must. It really depends on which Item you plan on having. Sky attack > Brave bird IMO,
  9. BTW, with Garchomp being "uber" Salamence and Slacking have better total stats.

  10. Lol, I just noticed the Baten Kaitos reference. Nice.
  11. Lol, you got the reference. XD

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