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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Already a topic for this in FFtF.
  2. .____. I feel unwanted now.. XD

  3. Geez.. That still sounds bad.. D:

  4. What's not good? Hmm.. "Zero" and "Geass"? Somthing is up..

  5. What? Not going to say bye to me? Well Hmph! XD

  6. Oh. Thought you two were talkin about me.. D:

  7. Right back at ya buddy! :D BTW, What's up with Song and saying * can't wait to see Zero animated* ? And, * He is my favorite*?

  8. Lol, Speaking of Nightmare. I'm listening to a song by an artist named "Nightmare" *is slowly building wall while destroying Princess'*

  9. Seroiusly! What was the "Lulu" for?

  10. MUHAHAHA! Branded invades Princess' comments now!

  11. XD *adds to Zero's wall on Masu's comments*

  12. If only I had a dollor everytime the word "Zero showed up in your comments. XD

  13. *adds to Zero wall* What was that for?

  14. Oops! Sorry bout the wall again! XD

  15. Um.. What's Nightmare going to do..? XD

  16. Because, I feel like my name should be "Zero the Hero", Not just "Zero". I mean, People can keep calling me Zero. And My new sig says "Zero the Hero" I wanna match it! XD

  17. Lawl, That's because I changed my name back! XD

  18. ME SORRY! *helps fix wall by not commenting* There! All better! XD

  19. *breaks Masu's wall* Hey! what's up? :D

  20. *breakes Princess' wall* Hey! What's up Masu! :D

  21. Yay! Thank you so much!

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