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Posts posted by Kozac

  1. 7 hours ago, Korath88 said:

    My team would probably have done better if they weren't all asleep in the final hours. This mode isn't very fair for some timezones especially since only the last few hours really matter.

    Ended up getting destroyed by Alfonse 18:6:6

    I think this the main issue of this game mode but, imo, it can't be fixed or there'll major changes in the rule. 

  2. I play him with atk and def buff and a dancer. he plays in first the tank and then he goes full offensive and can takes down some annoying red common sword units with the quad attack and the luna strike (Ayra and even the BK sometime) it's a strategy that do not always happens but when it works, Bartre can cleans the map. 

    I was also thinking about a tank build with slaying axe and steady stance. 

    But thank for sharing your mind(i'm not a great player) . 

  3. Kagero won. 

    From the begining i was thinking that a "more" main character will win. A huge surprise for me (Like when Shanna won against Takumi). I hope we will see less main characters on VG, because many secondary characters are alors very popular and they deserve it. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, Nanima said:

    I already pointed out things about her personality that people might like (or at least I do). I wouldn't describe it as "lack of personality", she does have one. It's just never properly explored or developed from it's base. Of course she'd never have this amount of support if she wasn't designed for fanservice, but that doesn't mean there is nothing beyond it and it certainly doesn't make her less deserving of victory than Lucina.

    I'll take it, and i think i'll stop complaining about this, if she wins, well GG Kagero's supporters for making the character you love win, and vice versa for Lucina. Good Luck

  5. 20 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    Do you have a report that says most people in the world like her for fanservice?

    You may right, people maybe like her for others reasons.

    But the charadesign plus lack of personnality are big clues about Kagero's popularity(i don't know if people love stubborn ninja but a lot of them love attractive design, you can see it everywhere in every community) 


  6. 11 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Source this "majority"?  As in, I want numbers, not some generalized statement.

    I don't have number, but you just have to look at the fanbase of Fanservice characters that IS created (Camilla, Kagero, Tharja,...) what they say about those character, or you can look at the fanarts (if they show the sexualized side and the number of fanart compared to others characters), you will see plenty of them support them because they look sexy or maybe the personnality (like i said before), also,IS takes popular characters for seasonal units (often awakening/fates) we have now 3 Camilla,2 Tharja,bride Charlotte, 2Kagero...IS didn't takes them by chance, he knows they have big community behind them because Fanservice.  

  7. 14 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    Here we go again, people being mad at fanservice again. Maybe you should think about that maybe not everyone joined Team Kagero just because they want to see boobs, and maybe they joined because they like her as a character? (Like me) It's honestly getting quite annoying and you're ruining our and your own mood.

    I admit that Kagero have a personnality that can be funny (drawing) so people like her, however in Heroes, the Fanservice power is stronger than the originals games and majority of people like her more for the Fanservice, that's the thing which despite me the most.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Bubba Jones said:

    After checking to see if Grima will pull the lead in an hour after hours of same hell...nope, Duma closes the gap and we get nothing but the Robin-Celica trollface.

    This VG is evil.

    This is exactly what I feel, nothing go ahead and we can do nothing but wait people spend all their flag.

  9. 1 hour ago, Hawk King said:

    Anyone on team Celica gotten my Lukas at all? I know I have a few people from here on my friends list. My Nowi would probably be a better all round fit for people, or I could switch in one of my Super Healers. +10 Serra and newly finished +10 Dr. Sakura (inspired by the great Lu Bu), or my +7 Genny.

    If you are on team Celica and want to use any of my mentioned units send me a request.


    Ok, I have 2400 flags for when we finally bust out of same hell. Hopefully we will get 6 more multipliers and my risky strategy of waiting until later to use them will have paid off.

    What is your code please ? (I have a Bartre in  lead) 

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