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Everything posted by rockocalypse

  1. I just feel awful about the extent of how wrong I was. That really doesn't fit the kind of person I want to be. (Also, new arena maps feel like a very possible absolute shift in any tier gameplay.)
  2. Ya. Its like you're standing on a WTA but its all purpose and +5%. So, no old maps still exist huh. A shame. I think SOME of the old ones were fine.
  3. @SatsumaFSoysoy, @MaskedAmpharos, @Othin So, I blundered so badly on my arena points that I find it hard to even take the screenshot. I regret having wasted all of your time. I have updated my signature appropriatley As a way to teach me a lesson, I'll shame myself by saying my intermediate score range is 399~570. And I was atrociously wrong... I skipped 3 or 4 weeks of arena. I dont know what I was thinking.
  4. This is why I wish we could make lobbies and battle people with our friend codes.
  5. Purely out of personal intrigue, do you have a Atk+ not spd- nature?
  6. Ya. Im not getting 600 from advanced.I'll still post screenshots but based on this, uh uh.
  7. ? U get more score if you used merged units? I guess the aristocracy in FE always does rule the world.
  8. I truly am amazed that people have +1s for 5*s. I never get extra 5s. I got two Hawkeyes, once. XD. I hope I dont dissapoint ya.
  9. Ya know, I have come to find that their are many units who seem to be made (at least in part) to directly counter one or two specific other units/builds. A good example I believe is Soren is a hard counter to Reinhardt. Green mage with windsweep so Rein cant retaliate and proc his AOE. I sadly cant remember others but thats just something I noticed. Im not a forum lingo master yet. And I never played Celicas game. So, hey. Thanks for the info. Yep. I may have hit the wall with my current team build. I need a new banner to help me dig UNDER the wall. :3 Sure, I'll take a screenshot of my team and available fights. The skepticism hurts a little bit though. XD And hey, maybe im misremembering. I dont have the arena fights in front of me but Im fairly certain thats true. Though now Im kind of worried im wrong since everyone says its unbelievable.... If I am please dont be too harsh.
  10. Tell me more about this. All of this. Whats BnB Raven Adept (I have a 5* 40 Raven) and CLERICS getting Daggers???? No, I get 690 from Intermediate fights. (Iirc advanced is one above that) Well, having a 2 vs 4 situation nets you essentially a guaranteed win. But I see what you mean about doing it deathless and how my playstyle hinders that. Though, Im not pulling incorrectly. Im more just bloodthristy and go for maximizing early and low risk kills. That whole thing is interesting to me. i dont have much or a retort either. I just take out the dancer because Im a defensive player, and so I like to know exactly where I can be attacked from. An opposing dancer makes my deathsquare knowledge more risky. But I will consider this new found knowledge
  11. :D *does a dance celebrating that I am not low tier* I actually think together, my suboptimal natures compliment each other pretty well. Soren is a lost cause for sure. But I feel Tikis is quite good as she wont double a moose anyways, and Ryomas is not optimal but fine. And Deathblow+Glacies (which I forgot to mention) still nets enough instakills with Klein and I quadruple slightly more. 690 as in feather output or total all around global rank? As far as feather output goes im much higher I can assure you.
  12. Glad you asked. I have many teams, but my main one consists of Atk- Def+ Soren with Fortify Res 2 and Growing Wind, Atk- Spd+ Klein Death Blow 3, Quick Riposte 3 and atk Seal, Atk+ Spd - Ryoma with just Astra, Atk+ Spd- Tiki With Lightning Breath Plus, HP Seal and Bonfire. No Its not finished. But I typically do pretty well on intermediate with them. Full 7 win streak intermediate tier 10 or so iirc. Cant check my tier right now. Since BOTH of you asked, I consider PTW teams with a buch of distant/close counters, +3s of feather necessary 5*s only, people with drawback/renewal three on every unit and stuff like that. With Hero fest and things like that, I guess I dont really know f2p s p2w anymore. But those are my old guidelines.
  13. It may seem ridiculous me saying this after our whole "deathless run" topic. But I have found one of the most powerful tools in arena (in my tiers) is being able to pull the right units to fight you and sometimes even milling one of your units to do so. As long as you can set up 2 kills in a turn, the rest SHOULD prove trivial. Even if it means you lose a unit. Also, ALWAYS take out dancers/ healers first. And pull Healers who attack to archers because they will attack and do nothing and you get free kills. Seperating dancers is also a good tactic
  14. I-Im not low tier? ;.; Thank you so much... My father would never recognize me as anything but scrub tier (really though, that makes me pretty excited/happy!) But I fight p2w teams... horribly often. If I ever go to advanced even once. Sometimes intermediate has a one or two F2P build units which is enough to brick my team usually.
  15. @Extrasolar well, firstly the people you're competing against will SOLELY be those in your same tier. So, the P2W players with +10s at tier 18 wont be battling the F2P grand strat master in tier 14. Also, rewards are changing. Basically you get rewards per season not based on score (which is now used just for rank up/down and I guess rank within tier) but based on what tier you are in that season. i believe. Serenesforest.net main page has a breakdown.
  16. I agree with your first point. And to some extent your second point. But the lower tiers are just not players with perfected P2W teams, and so they typically lose more units in their runs. So to compete on such a level, deathless runs are LESS important. Not meaningless, but not necessary. Think of the streak as being 12 chapters in and your last save is chapter 9 but now you lost a unit. :P
  17. I'll make a thread for it. I think there's a lot for both sides to benefit on from doing something like that. But if I dont see you reply on that thread I will cry.
  18. I dunno. Just because something isn't worthy of the top tiers doesn't mean it's not good for lower tiers. Also, the applications for power leveling a unit would be sweet. If the unit you're training falls, you dont lose that experience and can finish the battle with that unit. This too. I think Arena matches are much more balanced than they USED to be, and we need to see how these new "fight only your tier" changes will effect the play, but yes. It's not ultimately necessary to be deathless.
  19. Arenas are changing though. Theres going to be tons of less people in the rankings now, since now we're only competing with others in OUR tier. And, lower tier players tend to be those with less than perfected teams. So they will probably lose a unit or two each season. And it's not like it's your goal to lose and revive a unit. It's just an option that you can use so you don't lose your whole team. Sometimes you lose that one unit you need for the other three opponents against the only opponent who can kill him. Thanks for fixing my broken knowledge
  20. ??? There's only 20 or so ranks. What are you talking about? You mean Score?
  21. Honestly, for offense it'd be fine too, no, you wont get your perfect arena score. So perhaps not ideal for top tier arena goers, but having a free extra offensive man could be useful. Or just having the ability to mill that unit for a distraction (since the AI goes for kills) then you can lure an enemy in with a decoy, bring decoy back.
  22. Attacks as a cleric. XD Though, leveling as a cleric isnt all that important. Maybe give her the "This cleric and all others get 2x exp if unit survives" and just make an atk built staff user. Alternatively, whomever the cleric revives she splits/gets their exp.
  23. To have a "Dream build" of a favorite character, we should consider the process that goes into that when it comes to Skill inheritance for F2P players. First, it's strongest to start with your lowest ranked version of the unit, get that to 40. Then, after promotion rinse and repeat. That way you have maximum SP for all and any skills. Like in all Gatcha games, then you just wait for the right units with the right skills to drop. Also, that permadeath thing wont be less than 1-2 weeks. Voting gauntlets are about a week long. If you're aiming for a really high overall ranking, that will be your ONLY focus. I guess to fully enjoy this game you have to fully enjoy aspects of FE outside of core gameplay. I.e Arena (essentially grinding), characters, art, personality and music. (A strong love for a couple characters ought to make grinding a joy for you. I love just spending time with Beruka, Eldigan, Caeda and many others.)
  24. Listen, thats been a thing up till about Shadow Dragon. It's kind of a Fire Emblem thing. I mean, hell, even the stat growths are technically "secrets needed to do well" which are "completely hidden from the player" (You can guess, eventually how a character might turn out) If you're GOOD at Fire Emblem as a series, you know what to look for, how to react to certain things and look for recruit flags and understand things like the importance of forts/diversification of parley/Village importance etc etc. You'll get along fine after the learning curve of 5 or so chapters for nuances. There will generally be one real tough chapter you weren't ready for and you'll rage. After that, you'll have learned what needs to be done in the particular game and be fine.
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