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Everything posted by Tarilaan

  1. As one of the people with over 500k score (501,710 to be exact), that's all flags including the free ones, during multiplier hours, as well as some flagless scores both on and off the bonus hours.the people up at 505k are likely going to great pains to make sure they get in 2 battles every hour as well. As a reference point, my score gets me to 381 for Merric and 455 globally, so there are a decent amount of people who've broke 500k at this point, and most seem to be from Merric
  2. Basically, yeah. Especially if you're on the overall winning team from the start. You get the victory feathers each round, but the global high scores will be roughly 3x what you can hope to achieve by being on a team who does so well they never get the bonus.
  3. Thing is, it really doesn't change the winner in the long run, at least in Robin/Merric's case. At this point Merric can't keep up, even with a x3 bonus every other hour.
  4. Just emptied the last of my flags on the bonus last hour. Having used them all during x3, I'm up to 497,530 points: 51st in Merric's army and 77th globally.
  5. I haven't encountered your Ike yet, but @Rosetta's bunny Lucina has been putting in a ton of work, as I've been seeing a surprising amount of red enemies, considering Robin is blue. I kind of regret not pulling for her now. Hopefully my Ninian has been of some use. As much as she's only 36, I figure a blue dancing dragon could be handy. I can always switch to my Reinhardt or lv37 Azura if need be. Sadly, I don't think Merric is actually gonna pull this off. We've been getting the bonus every other hour, and it's not even enough to reverse the lead anymore. Still giving it my all though - only 105 flags left for this round, all used on multiplier hours.
  6. Yeah, that x3 bonus... just finished my battle and the scores showed Merric: 131,564,481 - Robin:66,522,933 If this becomes a trend, chances are people are gonna hold their flags for the x3 bonus and the scores will just keep flipping as each side gets it.
  7. In the end, I couldn't help but pick Merric. Especially since he's not facing Leo right away. I'll definitely throw my support behind Leo when if Merric falls, but for now, I stand by our wind mage. Incidentally, my friend ID is 7908155030 if anybody wants to add me - just let me know so I don't disregard the request as a random invite.
  8. Attempted to replicate my success from the male side of the Mage Banner, with the Females - this time trying for any of them but Tharja: 4 ☆ Jagen 3 ☆ Raigh 3 ☆ Robin 4 ☆ Draug 4 ☆ Gwendolyn 3 ☆ Subaki 4 ☆ Raven 4 ☆ Marth 3 ☆ Olivia 4 ☆ Merric 4 ☆ Clair 4 ☆ Cain 3 ☆ Gunter 3 ☆ Shanna 3 ☆ Beruka Guess not. Gonna save up until I have 20 to try again, since I'm pulling from 3 colors this time. Not gonna complain about Clair and another Marth and Merric though. (Though this one is -SPD and not 5 ☆ , so arguably worse than the 5 ☆ -ATK I had just pulled). I guess my luck had to run out eventually, considering I pulled everyone but Takumi (who I have already) from the Hero Fest banner, and got Ryoma/Leo/Merric out of the 75 orb bundle I had bought earlier in the week.
  9. Goal: Get Merric, try for Leo. 3 star Arthur 3 star Sophia I... um... ok. Not gonna complain. Upon further investigation however, it appears that I too have recieved @Rezzy's curse for this pull, as they're both -ATK. But getting them that fast, I don't really have room to complain about that
  10. Thinking on it, it makes a lot of sense and is probably for the best that Str/Mag were merged for this game. Not only are they superfluous when you can only use one kind of weapon, but if they were both here, the natures thing would end up even more like pokemon, where your best natures are penalizing a stat you don't use anyway - i.e. +Str/-Mag for a physical attacker, that sort of deal. The way they have it, every stat matters, so you always gain/lose something of value with the natures. (Well, unless you're Reinhardt or Frederick with a speed bane for example >.>)
  11. Personally, I mostly just track natures so I know which character to actually train when there are duplicates. It doesn't necessarily matter if they're the best, but I'd like to be able to choose the one most likely to succeed when the option presents itself. Doesn't mean I'm not going to use suboptimal units when I only have the one. (Looking at you, -DEF Hector) I also tend to prefer using well-rounded units, so given the choice, I'll actually train Neutrals first. There've actually been times where I couldn't follow an Mkv. guide for a GHB, because I threw out my free Donnels early in the game's life, and the one I was trying to use took too much damage because of -DEF
  12. So... I'm pretty sure the game knows the difference between my free and purchased orbs. Decided to try for Ryoma after all. In the process of using up my free orbs: 3☆Stahl 4☆Eirika 3☆Saizo 3☆Niles 3☆Selena 3☆Palla 3☆Selena 4☆Eirika First pull after dropping some money on a pile of orbs to keep trying: I'll take it. +SPD/-DEF. I guess the game just wanted fresh payment for Lobster Lord. Looks like the rest of the orbs get to wait for the mage banner, to try for Merric and Leo
  13. Derp, my bad. XD Still, I'm totally with you on Frederick being an amazing unit when you give him the right shenanigans. It's just a shame he has such low RES and SPD, but I guess a horse unit has to sacrifice something to get ATK and DEF that's as good as his. That build I linked has made him my MVP, actively putting out the same or better performance than my Reinhardt, and he doesn't need to be in Horse Emblem to work either (Nor is he 5star in my case)
  14. If you have any spare Cherche, even just ATK+3 is enough for this particular build. And it is absolutely worth it. I know you've promoted your Freddy to 5star already, so if he's +ATK, even just the ATK+3 and standard Brave Axe should be enough to wreck most enemies that aren't red or hector, and he has the armor to eat Hector's attack anyway. There are targets where Death Blow would've helped, but that's a lot more rare than ATK+ in my experience. Totally worth it in any case.
  15. Woo! First time I've cleared a Lunatic GHB without resorting to a guide! I will admit, I cleared it with Rein/Olivia/Nino on the team, but for posterity's sake, I went back and did it again without Reinhardt. Characters/Skills of note 4star Frederick with +ATK nature and Brave Axe+/ATK+2/Drag Back/ATK Seal - this guy has been my powerhouse alongside Reinhardt ever since I got his kit together, and he was over half the kills in the map. Killed the Left lance user, Drag Back backed him off so a dancer can give him another go, and he killed the staff user after that. This also leaves him out of counterattack range from the rest of the units on the map. In the next turn, he also killed the green Mage that tried coming his way. Azura/Ninian/Olivia - No combat necessary, just there to do the usual dance shenanigans. None of them are even level 40, and only Ninian is 5star Nino - Level 22. There solely to Draw Back the dancer out of danger after they Danced Frederick. anybody with Draw Back or Reposition could fill this slot. This Nino is simply the one I had on hand. Reinhardt Ursula - I feel like any number of blue mages or Spear or Sword(breaker) users could fill this role. They're here to kill Xander and the Sword on the Right. This map felt surprisingly easy, but I get the feeling it's just a matter of having the right characters for the map for once; usually I have to resort to the Mkv. 3star guides to get it done. Feels good to finally clear one of these without a guide, though
  16. I'm really at odds with this Gauntlet. I haven't gotten pretty much any of these mages except M!Robin and Henry, but I don't really care for either of them. It currently feels like a toss-up between Sanaki, Merric and Leo. (Knowning my luck, I'll probably end up pulling Tharja or Henry if I tried for Sanaki/Leo too.) Sanaki's mostly just for being a Tellius rep, thinking on it. I do prefer Merric or Leo now that I've got thought to text. For what it's worth, my previous allegiances were Leo Ephraim and Hinoka Minerva, so I'm not exactly hunting for the easy win here
  17. Dumped ~100 orbs and managed to pull Titania (Neutral) and 2 Ikes (Neutral, and +ATK/-DEF). Having a hard time figuring out which Ike to actively train though. +ATK means heavy blade has more effective targets, but that -DEF means he won't last as long to abuse that.
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