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  1. I, unlike all the people mentioning 803-3001, for some reason, seem to have a totally different issue altogether, one that I've not yet managed to find anything conclusive about browsing the interwebial depths: Error Code 803-0003 has returned. I know, I know, you're gonna say it's just a server-overload or something, yeah yeah, but I've been playing this game from when it first came out and I know that this...this is not the same 803-0003 we've all encountered during the initial flood. Because this one has lingered for me since Sunday, appearing out of the blue. I couldn't get it away, so I uninstalled my game, and now whenever I try to reinstall it, it stops me at 93-94% of the download (the usual "ERROR" timing) and no matter how much I tap 'retry', nor how much data I clear from my phone, nor how many times I uninstall and reinstall, it just won't go away. This is my pain, the cruel cruel pain that's been the past two days of my life: So I'm posting here because I can't find any mention of this happening to anyone and want to hear if anyone here has any constructive advice for me. Also, helpmeplease... Could this be a server overload? If so, why isn't it happening on the emulator? Both my phone and my laptop are on the same WiFi, so WiFi isn't the problem. Storage space also isn't the problem. I cannot identify the issue here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (p.s. The game downloads well on an emulator, but my laptop is slow and can't run it properly (this proves that the problem isn't in my phone accidentally getting flagged as "rooted" as with 803-3001, because the emulator counts as alarmant for the Google SafetyNet, getting flagged, but it downloads properly on it; also note that 803-3001 occurs on the emulator I've tried, but that's irrelevant because I'm not planning on playing FeH on it anyways), and I've tried downloading from different WiFi routers on my phone to no avail, so it's not my connection that is the problem.)
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