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Posts posted by Personette

  1. 11 hours ago, wizzard of soz said:

    i'm trying to compose a debuff defense team for funsies, and i keep getting stuck on who to put in the lineup..the criteria is basically: did you dump your attack stat for good def, res, and at least middling spd aka can you at least live through almost any attack from any colour. F!Corn (her res isn't fab but debuff breath) and Selena are definitely keepers. i want an axe user for Legion's axe, but none of the axe users really fit for me..Titania and Sheena especially (since Warden's) would be nice but the movement difference on a defense team kinda defeats the whole purpose since i want them kinda clumped together at least marginally so they can take advantage of each others' debuffing. i also thought Saizo would be a good idea and i have a +Spd/-HP one but he collapses if a mage glances at him and i'm just not feeling it. but there's not really another dagger user that is bulky in both res and def that could take his dagger for the sick AOE debuffing...i'm just not sure who to put in 4th slot. Clarisse was a possibility, or putting her bow on someone, but eh..Odin has a decent spread for my needs, and with Raven tome even better, but Corn is already blue magic damage..

    and yeah ik this team will be pretty suck, but..fun..also i'm too poor to inherit Ploys. i'm not sure if i should only do Threaten for C slot, since it will probably turn out inefficient in debuffing the same stuff twice. putting buffs there instead so the team is buffed while you're suffering through debuff hell sounds oppressive. in theory. or maybe just put Savage Blow on everyone to annoy people. B skills are definitely going to be Seals. A skill is something to maximize bulk, either HP+5 or Fury. i'm conflicted because Fury is obviously better, but this team is about staying alive as long as possible and annoying the pee out of the enemy, and that recoil damage is a fair chunk of health. 

    What about a bulky healer with Pain? 

    Haven't you ever thought, "Oh, who cares about that healer, can't hurt me," and then it does some pathetic amount of damage + 10 and all of a sudden you're dead? 

  2. Scraped up enough orbs for another pull on the Hero Fest banner. 

    4 star Gaius -- 4 star Abel -- 3 star Gwendolyn -- 4 star Reinhardt -- 4 star Cecilia. 

    My pity rate for the banner is now 6.25%. I'm going to try to do another full pull before the banner disappears, at least, but I've used up all my orbs (that's 80 orbs now on the Hero Fest banner & no 5 stars...) 

    HOWEVER. The Abel was new, the Cecilia is -HP/+SPD (that's an improvement over my current Cecilia, so I'll start a merge) and, best of all, that Reinhardt is -HP/+ATK. I had one Reinhardt, he was -ATK, and leveling him was a misery. So this was a pretty thrilling development; new Reinhardt already been promoted to 5 stars and is hovering around level 30. 

    So fingers crossed that the pity rate breaks in my favor & in the meanwhile, this is the kind of pull which I can't be mad about. 

  3. Three full pulls on the Hero Fest banner & the unlucky streak continues: 

    *** Cecilia, *** Draug, **** Soren (dupe), *** Fir, **** Gordin

    *** Shanna, **** Sheena (New! Only good pull of the 15!), **** Barst, **** Bartre, *** Stahl

    **** Subaki, **** Jagen, *** Saizo, *** Henry, **** Gaius

    My five star rate is now 6% on focus units & 3.5% for non-focus; I think I'll be sniping blue from now on because what I want most is a Ninian. 

    Seriously, what a depressing series of pulls. Ugh. I guess I'll check the IVs 

    Edited to add: mostly poor IVs but the Shanna is +SPD/-DEF, so she might be worth keep instead of using for fodder, & the Sheena is +DEF/-RES... which makes her balanced defensive stats a little lopsided, but I'm not sure whether this is good or bad. 

  4. I was in a total snit about bad pulls, so I went back to the Summer banner.

    Didn't get Corrin. It I *did* get a Linde. She's -ATK, which is a bummer, but I've had pretty good luck with glass canon mages (I have a +ATK Nino & +ATK Tharja) so it was bound to happen eventually. 

    She's still my first good blue mage so I'll see what I can do with her.

    All in all I used more orbs than I should have & pulling out of frustration is a bad habit. Fingers crossed for hero fest.



  5. My free summon was a 3 star Cecilia-- -SPD & +DEF (I don't have a good IV Cecilia.)

    There was a second green orb & I fell into the devious 'free summon' trap. Three star Barst.

    This really is my worst FEH streak ever, I think. 


  6. 53 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

    I had to remind myself that I play this game because I love FE Heroes and I enjoy playing it, not necessarily that I have to get everything all the time.

    Yeah. This is definitely the right attitude, though I find I reach stress points occasionally--where I really feel the lack of something (strong red mage/blue dancer/solid greens) and it bugs me more and more until I can fill the slot.

    Then all is chill again, for a while at least.


  7. 4 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    Pretty sure he'll get it in the next hour, considering how he barely didn't get it this hour.

    Yeah, I've been checking every few minutes for the last hour & I finally got irritated enough to do the easier and more efficient thing that I should have been doing to begin with. 

  8. 42 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    perhaps some of you had a similar impression while playing FEH in the last months?

    My experience has been VERY similar to yours--Heroes was my first exposure to the series, for the first month or so I didn't understand banners at ALL (let alone that there were several running at once & you could choose among them...), and since I've become more familiar with the game, pulling on a banner & sniping have gotten me some great units, but never the one I was specifically gunning for. 

    My initial luck with pulling heroes was actually really BAD. I just didn't realize it at the time. I didn't have a five star for weeks & then the first one I got was, I think, a -ATK Faye? Either that or a -ATK Clair. Those were my first two, in any case. 

    Eventually I got a few really good units, but the last month has mostly been a bummer--maybe because, as you say, sniping can be dispiriting.

    That being said, it's a really fun game. It's cute and it's got a lot of depth for something that fits on my phone screen. I'm really enjoying it. 



  9. For the past two days, I've tried a "Summon one hero and then stop," strategy--a little wasteful but I really want to pull for summer Corrin and I really want to save orbs for the Hero Fest banner, and this is a split the baby sort of solution.

    So... two pulls. No blue orbs to choose from either time. Okay, cool, I can pick green--I'm short on good greens.

    And both times I got three star Ninos.

    I love Nino. I raised one to five stars and maxed out her hero merit. But I think about one third of all the greens I pull are Ninos and I've got about eight of her in my barracks now.

    Sigh. Pulling really is depressing nine times out of ten, isn't it?

  10. Yeah. East Asia is a day ahead & the day/night cycle is almost exactly opposite North America. So the "weekend" might be an East Asia thing, except they tend to time the weekly in-game events around the NA week--so the Arena week starts on Monday in the US but on Tuesday in East Asia.

    Though my theory is that's because they have Monday to queue things up & prepare for the week, then they're in the office and working on Tuesday mid-day when the events actually refresh, so they can troubleshoot?  

  11. 8 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    P.S. IS REALLY needs to do something about how the Summoning options don't always give you the colour you want: maybe the ability to trade crests to get the ones you want?


    They just did, though. The first-free-pull means we get at least one chance per banner to see the array of summoned orbs & potentially back out without spending any of our saved orbs. 

    It's also a nice way of getting conscientious savers to tempt themselves. It's much easier to save when you avoid the summoning tab entirely. 

    All in all, a nice strategy. 


  12. Just had my worst summoning streak ever. I did three full pulls on the Nohrian banner--

    -- Donnel (x 3) 

    -- Subaki (x 2)

    -- Mathilda (x 2)

    -- Fir (x 2)

    -- Stahl

    -- Sully

    -- Tiki (adult)

    -- Arthur 

    -- Maria 

    It's not a complete loss--I need the Subakis for Quick Riposte, I've got 3 Mathildas now which means I can play around with Cancel Affinity... as far as fodder goes, it could be worse. But this is the first time I've done three full pulls without getting either a new unit (I just counted & there are 23 heroes available in the 4 star pool that I've never pulled) or a five star. 

    I definitely feel the temptation to keep pulling until I have something I like but I think I'll stop, replenish my orb supply a bit, maybe wait for hero fest. I haven't gotten anything really exciting in a while now.


  13. 8 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    I always keep at least one of every unit, and only use them for skill fodder if I have a back-up available.  Even then, I think long and hard about using a unit for SI if they're my only back-up, since I might need them for another unit later.

    I only started really sending units home much once I started hitting the cap on my barracks size.

    I don't use a unit for fodder until I have three copies: one to keep and one set aside in case it turns out someone else needs the fodder urgently at a later date.

  14. Wondering who I should promote. When I was sitting on 20k feathers I decided to wait until I had someone I was sure deserved the boost but now I'm at 40k & thinking I should just pick someone already. 

    My strongest five stars right now are: Nino, Tharja, Cordelia, and Kagero.

    I've got a few other good five stars--a Masked Marth I'm building, a +SPD bridal Charlotte, a +ATK Soren, an Eirika.

    I feel mostly okay, but weak on physical greens & I don't have a good blue mage. 

    Of the units I could promote, these are my top contenders:

    -- Xander

    -- Effie, +ATK/-DEF 

    -- Nowi, -HP/+DEF 

    -- Michalis

    -- Cherche, -HP/+ATK 

    I'd like to promote all of these, sooner or later. I hesitate on Nowi and Cherche because I know they need a lot of SI to shine & I don't have the goods on hand.

    Thoughts? I guess I could sacrifice one of my five Cordelias for Triangle Adept, but... just one. 

  15. Saved up about 70 orbs before my self-control broke and I summoned. I got four blue and one red & since my most-wished-for units right now are blue (a dancer, please, plus I was hoping for a Delthea) I did a full pull.

    -- 3 star M!Robin

    -- 3 star Gwendolyn

    -- 4 star Catria

    -- 3 star Donnel

    sigh. Alas. But the last red unit was only another 3 orbs, so I grabbed it, too, and...

    -- 5 star Gray

    Which is nice but a unit I have no real need/use for. 

    So now I'm down to 50 orbs and I'll see if I can make it all the way to 80 before I crack again.

  16. This is my first fire emblem game. I've mostly been able to follow along, though, more or less. 

    That closing dialogue was an exception. So far (because it's always a little fun to find out what assumptions clueless people make) I get that we meet the heroes at different stages of their lives (so maybe young or old), that lots of heroes take on false identities, and that dragons are bad (?!? This mostly from the forum) even though all the dragons in the game are cheerful and adorable.


  17. 2 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

    That is a continuing service/leisure time cost. In the same sense we limit our expenditures for FE heroes to a certain amount of money for orbs every month.

    To call that stupid and a waste of money with us having healthy spending habits outside of the occasional splurge is downright insulting just because it was simply specifically gacha as the user Oboro! did.

    That's actually not what I said at all. We should pay for the things we value and that includes entertainment. Entertainment and leisure aren't stupid or a waste. 

    My point was that when you look at comparable goods (AAA game is $60, subscription game is base price + $20/month, mobile games usually run under $10, indie games that only give you two hours of playtime might be $20 or $30, etc.), you can get a general idea of how much games are worth. There are valid reasons to pay higher-than-standard rates; really high quality entertainment is probably worth more, for example. 

    But there is a point beyond which the spending is reasonable. That depends on the person (the budget) and the product (the market rate, I suppose)--I mentioned $20,000/night hotel rooms and $10,000 pens because there are obvious examples where you can say, yeah, this person is not being smart with their money. You'd need many many millions to for that kind of behavior to make sense. 


    2 hours ago, Lushen said:

    I'm fairly certain 90% of the people saying its a waste of money or unhealthy are dependents.

    Even the lower class understands that the middle and upper class have plenty of money to spend on these kinds of leisurely expenses.  

    Either that or we have mortgages and savings accounts and we're worrying about retirement. The richest people I've ever known were penny pinchers. I don't think that's a coincidence. 

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