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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. 1 hour ago, Humanoid said:


    As for the FEH Channel, just got done with it now. The quintuple skill inheritance change is massive, everything else is just business as usual. Overall, it provides me just enough incentive to come on and try to make use of the change, but it's something I'll probably be done with in a month or so.

    There being nothing done to address the massive holes in bridge fodder availability means the change isn't as big a deal as it might first appear, and so any long term prospects of re-establishing any sort of real engagement of the game are pretty minute.

    This pretty much sums it up for me. There is no reason to come back much when fodder units are still stuck in 2018  or so

  2. 43 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Don’t worry, I’m sure IS already has a solution (like Vantage 4) for this ready to sell to us. Heck, they might even release it as early as the New Year’s banner.

    Isn’t keeping up with this game’s PvP meta grand? So grand in fact, I stay far, far away from it and am just along for the ride.

    I tried to come back for Book 7 but i guess ill just leave the game be. Feels like stuff has gotten way out of Hand since Book 4/5 and every new unit is running a bigger „delete enemy“ button then the previous one.

    I dont see this being any fun

  3. Sooo i came back to check out Book7 (left at the end of Book 5 and the powercreep was there allready too much).

    This Text walls on weapons, abilitys and passives are instavturning me off.

    Do Gen 1-3 units even have a chance to go up against those types of units lulz??? What happened to this game

  4. 7 hours ago, Othin said:

    Maybe the Resplendent boosts shouldn't all have had the same distribution.

    Maybe there should be more skills effects based on HP or Def or Res that arent exklusiv skills. It feels like Atk and Spd are the skills that matter the most unless you are an Armor unit

    I would like to see a new HP based 500 SP Special in the form of Vengeance but with an added effect of Auto Follow up built in when the special is charged.

    Or Tier 4 Boost skills based on Max HP. Like Earth Boost granting a unit 8 Def and a followup attack if Max hp of unit ist > max hp of opponent

    Or Tier 4 Water Boost granting 8 Res and forcing the opponent to target your Res stat for damage calculations unless they run Mystic Boost

    List goes on.



  5. 5 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:


    That being said, I must say that I'm really satisfied with the 4 Awakening characters they chose.

    I see many fans getting mad about Phila and Cervantes (just like they did with Mustafa back in the day) but I'm so glad for their inclusion. Let's speak frankly. They could have just picked Vaike and Kellam in their place and completed the gen 1 playable cast. They could have done that. They could just as easily give us Severa, Inigo, Noire and GHB Laurent in 2024.

    And then what? Try to sell us a banner with Phila, Cervantes, Validar and Excellus GHB in 2025? IMHO it is better to space the remaining playable characters out a bit more, to sell us the remaining PCs and using NPCs as demotes. The next banner can be Severa, Laurent and Validar with a Pheros GHB. The one after can be Vaike, Kellam and Trickster Anna, with Excellus GHB.

    The final one can finally bring out Noire, Inigo and Old Hubba with... Idk freaking GHB Raimi I guess. Or they could even give us the random Maiden that Chrom can marry for the heck of it and I would love it. She would be better as a forever alt-hell character for the Bridal Banner tho.

    Maybe I'm the only one that sees things this way but IMHO there is no way this game (who still sells more than any other Nintendo mobile game) is closing down in a few years and there's also no chance we don't get the entire playable cast of Awakening before The End of Service (now Tellius and Jugdral... I worry) it's just a matter of getting them sooner or later.

    But characters like Mustafa, Phila and Cervantes? There was a chance of never getting them at all, so I'm very happy we dodged that timeline. As much as I love Kellam and Vaike (which is A LOT) it's more important to give some spotilight to neglected characters.

    Long live the Minor NPCs! IS you better not disappoint me! In the next Archanea banner I want to see Lang, in the next Tellius one I want to see Elena/Jarod/a senator, in the next Binding banner I want to see Sigune, and I better get Ephidel in the next Blazing one. There can be no Sacred Stones banner if there's no Glen and Echoes really needs to hurry up and give me Irma and Massena. Fates needs all it Captuable Bosses, Three Houses needs Ladislava, Randolph and Fleche and with Jugdral there are just so many options that I can't even pick one.

    Which is why, as i said at the very beginning of this post: YOU BETTER ALTERNATE BETWEEN ASCENDED AND REARMED OR YOU WILL TASTE MY FURY!

    Maybe they changed the format a bit now, in that Ascended heros are really ascended heroes. And rearmed heroes will be alts of existing legendary/brave/heroes.

    But then again this is IS and they have no trackrecord of consistency when it comebto this type of stuff. (See various mythic/legendary/ascended heroes)

  6. 13 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    I'd say there's a pretty good chance that Mecha Dragon Fafnir shows up on next year's Fallen Heroes banner (in the same way that they gave us Zombie Gustav this year, two years after his debut book).

    But as for base Fafnir, I don't see any way he gets out of purgatory anytime soon short of him randomly showing up as a Mythic or Legendary.

    Kinda funny that only the male characters are in purgatory like Bruno, Fafnir, Freyr. You get the point. Although they were quick to release Askr

  7. 18 hours ago, Florete said:

    After the reception to Marianne and Gatekeeper was not exactly positive, it looks like they decided to just make everyone a combat unit.

    I was hoping for Byleth to be wearing Jeralt's uniform, but I guess since they put Jeralt himself here it would be weird to have two people in the same outfit. She kind of looks like what brave Marianne would have been if the latter hadn't bothered with trying to play support and instead went full offense. Also, her combat pose references the scene where she merges with Sothis.

    Seliph looks like Sigurd.

    Ya know, I'm not that mad myself about Tiki's outfit, but I can see why people are. She got voted because fans were tired of IS seeming to just ignore adult Tiki in favor of young Tiki, yet they basically just made her young Tiki anyway. Even her map sprite basically looks like young Tiki.

    Chrom is Legendary/Duo all over again, but on a horse.

    Are you surprised? Anything that is slow and infantry or flying is dead at arrivel unless they have an insane exclusiv weapon/ skill / duo skill etc

    I mean you can burry almost every slow infantry unit without any ofvthe above the investment just not worth it

  8. 2 hours ago, Some Jerk said:

    So here's something about Chaos Season that was stated exactly nowhere. Since Chaos has a scoring system separate from Light and Astra, you'd expect it to not meddle with Light and Astra at all. It would just be inserted between a Light and Astra season at random, right?

    Wrong. It replaces a season at random. We had Astra before this Chaos Season hit -- and now we have Astra again. Light was skipped entirely.

    ...Y'all know how some people like to "swing" in and out of the Vault of Heaven, using a particular season to climb back in since they can't stay there reliably? Yeah, that's fucked now. In my own case, I climb back in during Astra -- but I'm already there and can't stay, and there's no way in hell I can make the climb during Light.

    So, I guess I'm done taking AR seriously now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I was done long time ago. It was for me convoluted mess before now woth chaos season even more. I dont invest the time anymore necause everything got more complicated with a 3. season.


    Duell Summoners the same. The Balancing is so bad that without a Duo or particular unit you are at adisadvantage. I just simply dint care anymore and have given up on beimg anywhere remotely competitiv. Imho i just should quit the game. Its a glorified unit builder/collector

  9. 40 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    RIP baby Azura, Ophelia and Surtr. It’s pretty safe to assume that they’re headed to the refine ban list now.

    As for this month’s lineup (Gharnef, Idunn, Thea, Picnic Felicia, Kaden, Duma), it’s about what I expected except for Thea.

    I thought that IS would drag their feet on giving refines to the Book III demotes (like they did with Book II’s demotes, particularly the ones that didn’t start with a Prf weapon).

    In all honesty Reinhardt and Olwen not gettingvrefines is pretty outdated. They are heavy outclassed.

    Even Surtr not getting a refine is outdated considering how much cancer FEdelgard is and to some degree Bector and Asc.Idunn

    Ophelia being on hold is fine for now

    5 Star Daners should finally get a refine.. I mean seriously wtf

    And 3-4 Star helars should get a refine too. They are just dead weight atm imho. Noone uses them, outdated stat-spread outdate playstyle.


  10. 1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

    Stats 'n stuff [SPOILERS]:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Super Asset(s): Atk
    Super Flaw(s): HP, Spd, Def

    Super Asset(s): Atk, Res
    Super Flaw(s): Spd, Def
    *Odd Def Wave is the 4* unlock.

    Super Asset(s): Atk, Spd
    Super Flaw(s): HP

    Super Asset(s): Spd, Res
    Super Flaw(s): HP, Atk

    Super Asset(s): Atk, Def, Res
    Super Flaw(s): -

    Kit is:
    Fiery Bolganone: Grants Res+3. At start of turn, if unit is within 4 spaces of a foe, grants【Dominance】 to unit and inflicts Atk/Res-6 on nearest foes through their next actions. If unit initiates combat or is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res+6 to unit during combat.
    Glacies take a shot for each GHB unit that has this as their Special, except don't because that'll probably kill you
    Atk/Res Ideal 3
    Rouse Atk/Res 3 [4* unlock]


    In other words Hilda is the new updated Arvis

  11. 2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Yes! Hilda is finally in the game! Hilda! Hilda!

    I like the Freeges a lot so I’m pretty happy with this banner. The only problem is that Fee got ditched for a boring swordboy.

    Does the English trailer just not work for anyone else? Like it’s bugged or something?

    I am glad i bring so much joy!

    On a sidenote: i guess Brave Tome are becomeing more regular. There is no reason that Reinhardt and Olwen shouldnt get a refine by now.

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