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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. On 5/7/2021 at 2:26 AM, Diovani Bressan said:

    I can see she getting Mov+1 from With Everyone!, and improving the buffs from Def/Res+5 to Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5. And also, I would say improve the range of With Everyone!

    So it would be...

    At start of turn, if an ally is within 2 spaces of unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn, and unit can move 1 extra space.

    I don't see her granting Mov+1 to allies as well, but all the stats... for sure. Pretty much Fae's Eternal Breath, but also grants Mov+1 to the user.

    I think her C skill gets the Fae/Edelgard treatment. She gives out +5 to all stats out to allies within 2 spaces and herself and she gets the ability to move 2 spaces or to a space adjacent to allies within 2 spaces. Thats what i am expecting.

    As for Hectors Ostian pulse: i think they will remove the different movement restriction and turn it into a Teams times pulse and give him some beefed up Far Save into it.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

    I don't like how they are pushing out all these new skill types one after another so quickly. Now that they have beaten all their top money-making characters to death (Lyn, Ike, Hector, Micaiah, etc), taking the step to actually release one of their practically brand-new OCs as a mythic hero in record time, and their new hero banners featuring characters that are less and less known and so not attracting as much money, all of this does give me a small sense of desperation. I think the company at this moment is finding itself at a point of burnout, from a standpoint of creativity and resources.

    From a stand point of creativity, i think the better approach is to look at what you already have and explore how you can mix that up to may be do the same things but in new ways that still feel fresh. But all i see so far is a trend of stacking stats on top of stats, I'm sure there is much more you can explore if they tried to do things from different angles. For a quick example, imagine a skill named "backup" doing something like: if an ally engages in combat while this unit is within two spaces in a cardinal direction to that ally and that ally's spd < than the foe's spd, this unit makes an attack on that foe after the ally's attack or counter attack but damage this unit deals to that foe is halved. Here you are playing with positioning and team work, and to an extent that is exactly what they did with Savior skills, but i feel the power level there should have been tuned down a bit. Or imagine a skill like "Tome Synergy": if there is a different-color tome ally on the field, negate weapon advantages/disadvantages when in combat against a foe who shares color with that ally. If all allies are Tome allies, negate penalties on stats during combat and neutralize bonuses on enemy stats. Now you're just working with team compositions, give people reasons to play with things they may be generally wouldn't.

    From a standpoint of resources, I think they need to they need to find a more effective way to introduce us to all of these other characters many of us have never heard. Every single banner it seems a new character shows up who some one out there is always just waiting to see make it into the game. I have no idea who most of these characters are, so you can't sell me on the idea of investing orbs to get them unless they are busted. But if you must make every new unit you release busted, then the quality of your game will suffer. Sell me the character, not the stats. This is i don't really know how they could approach better, but i do think it's an area that desperately needs work. Or, you know, work out a system in where you can release a new Fire Emblem main series game every year to give people something to do other than play Heroes and to give yourself new characters to work with that people will actually be familiar with because everyone will jump on the new game. ---- which will probably not happen given how expensive it must be to even start.


    You are getting that now? I used to summon alot 2 years ago and threw money at it but i stoped. Because in my eyes it started to be pointless to summon since the unit will be powercrept in 6 months at least anyway. All I am doing atm is doing AR, Arena and looking forward to the next mythic/legendary battle to beat in abyssal with the Askrtrio. I dont even care for scoring in Arena AR or AA. Its pointless.

    I have to admit the modes are getting very Stagnant and i dont know how long i will go on without more Abyssal GHBs MHBs etc or new modes. They should finally release season 3 and season 4 of GHB as Abyssal modes on weekly rotation.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I mean, Peshkatz has been a worse Hlidskjalf for as long as Hlidskjalf has existed.

    However, the reason Peshkatz is a bad weapon is not because of its effect, but because Sothe simply cannot keep himself alive to actually use the weapon. A weapon that applies status effects, no matter how strong, is worthless if the unit cannot safely apply them, and Sothe flat out doesn't have the stat spread to do so (39/22/21 defenses are awful, and 33 Spd was underwhelming even at his release).


    I think they need to add a survivability skill for dagger units. Similar to how bows now have Deadeye for a more offensive role, daggers should get something for a support role. Maybe something like

    Shade 1/2/3 (Passive B):

    If unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30/40/50%, and if unit's Spd ≥ foe's Spd+1, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks during combat and reduces the percentage of foe's "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50%.

    Shade: Drop the Speed check and drop the reduce damage by X% effect with it but keep the nullifieing guarantees foes follow up attack (with no spd check). Not all Dagger units are immensely fast.

    But then again doesnt matter, FEH went bonkers anyway on every direction you might as well just give it the full effect without any SPD check.

  4. 1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

    I'm at a bit of a standstill here.

    On the one hand, the easiest choices would be either Sara or Flayn.
    On the other, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the maybe 8 people in the world who have +10ed Wrys, so I feel a bit of an obligation to support the original priest.

    What to do...

    i have a +10 Wrys and Azama and am slightly pissed that 1. none of them have refine 2. Azama got left out!!

    So ima do whats best and go with Silque!

  5. 4 hours ago, Xenomata said:

    No, Ninja Lyn didn't ruin the game. Brave Ike did.

    Ninja Lyn can easily be countered. By 3*/4* summons no less. Brave Ike coudn't be countered without the devs literally releasing a seasonal premium unit who said F your damage reduction and F your HP recovery.
    Ninja Lyn is still vulnerable to being hit with a strong attack. Brave Ike can sustain himself, and he can massacre as long as a refined Brave Lucina (or unit with Infantry Breath) is nearby.
    Ninja Lyn is just a fast Brave unit. One of the best yes, but still just a fast Brave. Brave Ike is what Brave Edelgard wanted to be.

    BIke is strong, but Ninja Lyn is degenerate. I am talking from a pure player control perspectiv. BIke has multiple counters, one of them is even a Seal (hardy Bearing) or a Special (AoE Specials). Ninja Lyn on player control is just degenerate and removes any form of strategy. Now I am not saying other units dont tap on to that category too, but Lynja is the epitome of it. The game is in my opinion heading for a while towards a direction where strategy doesnt even matter much at all.

    I also said that Spurn skills are a step in the wrong direction. As is now Dragonwall. Instead of buffing Defensiv Specials they opt to release more units with damage reduction bullshit, or units with hyper offensiv bullshit which take away any form of strategy. Just blast everything away into oblivion or take 0 damage from anything thrown at you. Its dumb.

  6. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    I just realized how desensitized I feel towards WR!Severa. She is basically a red super Reinhardt, and if she was released like two years ago, I would have been super ecstatic.

    Now that we got stuff like TSOIA!Palla, Reginn, and ITM!Lyn, nukes like Shamir and Erinys feel pretty tame, and others like Catherine and Dieck are just outright bland to me. I guess what I am looking for in a modern nuke is no longer just raw combat power, although that is certainly still important, and what I really want is a nuke with more mobility.

    You cant have more mobility then a ranged cav nuke. I mean Yes Canto offers withdraw, but a Cav is by far the most mobile class. I dont ever consider Lynja because that unit was a mistake. If all units were like her you could just implement an Auto-Win button into the game and call it a day. There is like 0 stratgie involved when useing Lynja, at least with Canto there is some strategy involved. You want such a boring game where every unit is as busted as Lynja? She is a prime example of a unit actually destroying and sucking the fun out of a game. (unless you consider/measure fun by handing everything on a silverplate to you).

    I used the free Lynja i got in a couple of modes and i just thought "Why would someone design a unit like that?!?"

  7. 19 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

    Summoner = Princess Peach
    Alfonse and Sharena = Mario and Luigi

    You cannot change my mind on this.

    I'm also sad about Nott. Dagr at least seems funny enough and written pretty differently from the other FEH women. Nott's uh ... well, apparently IS doesn't even like giving us the illusion that a female character can be evil with how quickly that was resolved. I would've actually liked it if the weird forbidden romance shit between Nott and Otr was legit or at least went on a bit longer instead of Otr immediately revealing that he was just using her. Bottom tier writing 3/10 would not recommend

    And Sharena wins by doing absolutely nothing. Meanwhile Anna is Wario and chasing after money

  8. 22 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Umm... yes. Compared to his 5 star exclusive fallen form, his weapon is indeed lackluster. But like... that's any unit. If you look at any f2p unit in the game, there is almost always a far superior 5 star exclusive unit who does the same role. Lon'qu was looking pretty good at his Spurn tanking role until Ayra's refine made her a goddamn monster.


    It's phenomenal by GHB weapon standards, and it's easily the best raven tome we have available.

    I dont think thats a valid excuse. If they kept him dualphase (like he was with the wrong description) and gave him Close Counter on top of it he would be even considered a good not busted but good unit and he would have his niche. All he is now is a glorified tank for non infantry mages/bows (and he does it worse then his fallen counterpart), because Null Follow up shuts him down and Spurn makes any playerphase nukeing from Lyon redundant.

    Slow Infantry units need more then what Lyon got, that counts for mages or melees, because unlike other class types they dont get the benefit of spurn or Null-Follow up makeing them basicly pre Infantry buffs unit, and we all know Infantry sucked in those times.

  9. 7 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    I genuinely can't conceptualize a more obnoxious, anti-fun unit to fight than Legendary Claude, except by adding additional effects to Legendary Claude.

    A unit being able to apply gravity and disable reposition (and all other assists) is absolutely ridiculous, and then you take into account that they are a colorless ranged flier who takes next to no damage from his opponent's retaliation while doing so.

    I really dont see the problem with Claude, he looses to all forms of Brave weapons, hell he even looses to all forms of Bow because outside of his LHB he aint gonna have bloated stats. He is annyoing when he gets to innitiate combat.

  10. 1 hour ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    RIP, Lyon fans -- IS has spoken and they have effectively stated that they will not buff Lyon; they will only correct the weapon description. Lyon's refine isn't terrible (it's certainly a lot better than what the Robins got) but it's certainly not amazing, especially in 2021. I guess he could run something like Lull Atk/Res for his B-slot and Renewal or Death Blow as his seal now. 

    A 5*+0+0 Lyon with refined Naglfar (with the effects active), TA3, and Death Blow 3 seal can OHKO a +10+10 Legendary Alm (assumed to have no Res boon) with +7 Res buff on initiation.

    L'Arachel's refine is... meh. I won't use her over Reinhardt or Ursula.

    Ishtar's refine is very nice -- with Windsweep, she's a conditional Firesweep mage. Can do some dumb stuff with Luna, Time's Pulse, and Flashing Blade.

    Ayra's refine is pretty disgusting though like Legendary Claude, she would not want to be on the receiving end of a Brave weapon unless she has something like Spurn.

    Halloween Nowi's refine is terrifying, especially if she were to run something like Atk/Res Unity. Can certainly be fun to use in gamemodes like Rival Domains.

    I think IS did Lyon dirty if you compare him to his Fallen Form. QR isnt enough, they should have added something else or implement the effect with the wrong description, that would have been actually a good but not overwhelming refine, since he could be then a dualphase unit. That QR alone wont help much when everyone and their mother are running Nullfollow up and impact skills.

    I really hope they make Julius great.

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