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Posts posted by Hilda

  1. Coincidently it seems like Mjollnir Strikes seems to come to an "End" exactly when Book V opens... the only battle we have left is Emeryn and Petrine.

    Maybe its really just a coincidence or IS planned this ahead and will replace Mjollnir strike with something similar? The training is over for Alfonse and co and Thor is now more involved in Book 5s story.

  2. 2 hours ago, XRay said:

    AOTB!Hector got a pretty spectacular Refinement and no one expected that, so I hope Nowi gets something awesome too. Nowi cannot double dip Spurn without Flayn, but if she only has one copy of Spurn, it is not that strong.

    If she gets conditional Distant Counter, then I hope she gets some pretty strong effects for being conditional. I hope it is lenient like 25% HP and above or something.

    Last i checked Hectors weapon doesnt have Distant Counter. All I am saying is, if they want to keep Lightning Breath on Nowi (as in Distant Counter) present, then the best refine Nowi is gonna get is at best Sothis weapon (prolly with a -1 cooldown drawback). Anything else would invalidate F!Grima M!Grima Sothis and other dragons that have exclusiv Distant Counter Breaths and are 5 Star locked. So in that regard you better hope that she doesnt have Distant Counter on her weapon so she actually can have a decent refine and run Distant Counter on her A-Slot.

  3. 9 hours ago, XRay said:

    I hope Nowi keeps Distant Counter in her Weapon, and ideally gets Spurn.

    Mist with Spd-7 in combat debuff against foes within 3 row and 3 column Ploy range would be nice.

    Oliver getting something like Aversa's Night would be good. Since he has good HP and Res, it would be nice if the effect would activate if Oliver wins either stat check. As for what he can debuff, I am hoping for constant Pulse Ties.

    It would be nice if Exalted Falchion gets dual phase Desperation, dual phase guaranteed follow-up attack, and Vantage when under 100% HP. It would make all three exalts really strong dual phase units.

    If Nowi keeps Distant Counter you are at best looking at Sothis weapon basicly. And thats the best case Scenario.

  4. 2 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

    Would Vocaloid Tiki be mythic or legendary? Well I guess they can make any rule they want.

    What if February brings some new type of unit next to Legendary and Mythic? I don’t know what, but they could always throw something new on us.

    I can see Sigurd or Male Corrin in December. Both would most likely be swords, anyway. Byleth will probably be next October, or at least that’s my guess. Edelgard was in April, 6 months later we got Dimitri in October, and many of us predict Claude in April, 6 months later again.

    If they throw more different blessings at us, shit will hit the fan. Its enough convoluted.

    Duo Units allready exist

    Harmonized heroes allready exist

    what else do you want? more autowin buttons besides Duo Units and Harmonized heroes? Duo Legendary and Mythics that can swap places at will with different skill sets and have a duo-skill that deals 99 dmg to everyone and gives them teleport-wings-of-bullshit with 3 insta galeforces they can activate per round?

  5. 1 minute ago, Jotari said:

    Remind me, are Fjorn and Eir still technically with the Order of Heroes and are now just deemed irrelevant to the story, or did they leave and go back to their own stuff and it's just gameplay story separation that they're in our armies?

    They are still in our armies. Fjorm is ill and Eir is just there. Maybe they get tied into Book V too, so Fjorm can wish for Gunnthra to be alive again, Eir might have a weird connection to one of the new gods (being the actually daughter) and Bruno comes along because his cure is also tied to Nidavelir. I dont know.

  6. Ok thats a first that 2 Books have a tie in the story. So far we never had that to this extend that OCs from one Book (ecxept OCs from Book 1) were tied into another Book (ecxept for Loki but she is tied up everywhere). I hope Thrasir and Lif get fleshed out, liked them as villains alot more.

  7. 20 hours ago, XRay said:

    Is that possible? Do you not play Arena everyday? Outside of Weapon Refinement, I am not sure what else they are used for.

    i have run out of Arena Medals now at least 3 times, i do Arena weekly (not daily). I just ran out of Arena Medals and cant refine Faes weapon, so yes it is possible. I have done Arena every week since the game launched. There are even cases where i had to farm Arena medals for refines.

  8. 13 hours ago, Kaden said:

    Goddamn, fuck Merlinus's Heroic Ordeals. I went in to check if they would go easy on Mr. 20 Base Neutral Attack and nope. Berserk Ike, sweaty M!Corrin, and Minerva. Merlinus can some damage against Minerva and himself with the bonus and after refining Smoke Dagger, but the other two, he'll need someone else to deal with.

    Ima file a petition to IS so they change it to Brave Edelgard, Merlinus, Idunn and Brave Dimitri. Better?

  9. 1 hour ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    How to use unironically use Merlinus:

    Assets: +HP, +Spd, or +Res
    Weapon: Bottled Juice+ (for Guard), Minty Cane+ (self-heal if he attacks), Dancer's Fan+ (heal allies if he attacks), Temari+ (debuffer)
    Assist: Reposition/Draw Back
    Special: Miracle
    A-skill: Fortress Def/Res 3, Bracing Stance 3 (if not running Bottled Juice and if not running Temari and/or trying to soak Chill skills)
    B-skill: Lull Atk/Spd 3 (denies Atk and Spd buffs on enemies and effective +3 Spd/Def/Res for Merlinus during combat), Mystic Boost 3, Renewal 3, Obstruct 3, Windsweep 3, Watersweep 3
    C-skill: Distant Guard, Close Guard, Drive skills, Dagger Valor (if training another dagger unit)
    Seal: Distant Guard, Close Guard, Drive seal, Obstruct (if not already using the B-skill), Fortress seal, Phantom Res (if using Temari), Panic Ploy, Renewal

    He could also run Shove/Smite+Link or Rally+Ruse(+Feint) skill combinations. He's not going to be doing much outside of bodyblocking, supporting his allies, or soaking Chills. It's a pity he couldn't learn Sudden Panic. And he could bring back the whole pseudo-medic role with double Renewal and Ardent Sacrifice or Reciprocal Aid thanks to his high HP stat (he's an ambulance now!).

    I have seen a few suggestions about Merlinus running Disarm Trap but that's a poor use of it when there's Eir and Duo Lyn who are both flying dagger units with respectable offensive stats performing a major role besides destroying traps, not to mention that only 5 units can be on an AR-O team, with at least 3 slots taken up by the bonus unit and Mythic Heroes.

    you basicly just listet what i have on my Azama. Who can heal and prolly has better bulk then Merlinus (and better buffing capabilites). The only advantage i see are repositional skills and 3 movement, which are neglected by all the drawbacks.

  10. 2 hours ago, XRay said:

    Unfortunately, he cannot learn Sudden Panic.

    I think Merlinus is still pretty good though. He compliments Azama and Wrys in helping training units. Merlinus can debuff and shield the trainee, Azama/Wrys can heal and shield, and the third unit has Valor.

    He probably is not someone you should take to an actual battle. However, like Azama and Wrys, Merlinus would be great for training units since he can deal chip damage and is unlikely to accidentally kill things. Azama and Wrys are still better for that role in my opinion since staves deal half damage, but Merlinus can debuff and his Atk should still be shitty enough to deal single digit damage with multiple Fortress skills equipped.

    I think he is fine as is, but some kind of supportive Weapon would be nice to help train units.

    Azama or Wrys is enough for training up units, they can debuff too. I use my +10 Azama for training up units. Block the path and use a Threaten skill or Sabotage skills (yes my Azama is pretty premium), there is no reason to run Merlinus who cant heal and is worse off on debuffing/buffing units then Azama (unless Merlinus attacks). So no, he is not good lol.

    There is no reason for him to exist unless they are planning to release some HP based skills or so that could make him immensly better (which i doubt).

  11. 4 hours ago, Azuni said:

    Merlinus is going to be a godly bonus unit for AR, ideal spread for grabbing aether pots without dying/killing the last enemy, and will be immune to the 70 hp Tactics Room gravity effect.

    Maybe as a bonus unit, but as a regular Unit he is kinda a** he cant be on the offense (too low), he cant support properly (because Cav, so he cant run something like IP or other stuff, which makes his high HP kinda moot). I am not sure what the point of this unit is to be honest unless they are going to introduce some zomgwtfbbq skills based on HP.

  12. 4 hours ago, Baldrick said:

    Thracia is on the verge of its second twelve-month drought of no new characters whatsoever. (No other mainline game suffers this indignity, of course). If this banner features the book 5 freebie OC, it may be in with a shot.

    Mmm I am not sure if that banner will introduce a OC in the sense like before. I could imagine them giving out 3 new unmergeble "Askrs" so new players have none outdated units to start. My guess is Book 5 will be about Bruno and Veronica (at least thats what i hope). I could see them hand out  Bruno (Blue Tome Cav), Veronica (Green Tome infantry) and the Summoner with a new customisable feature to alter his appearance and movement type (Red Tome/Gun, movement type depends on the player) as free units that are unmergeable.

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